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75,000 teddy bears left behind in hotels every year.

Bears as tools with kids

Teddy Bear facts. Help. Robots/toys for adult. Travelodge - Press releases. Teddy Bear Freak. Police Using Teddy Bears to Comfort Children. The New York City Police Department has been supplied with teddy bears for children traumatized by abuse, injury or a death in the family as part of a six-month program in emotional first aid that started yesterday. The Seattle and San Francisco Police Departments have already established similar programs whose purpose is to provide solace as well as forge a bond between the officer and the child. The program is based on studies conducted by Caring for Children Inc., a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco. ''It's a way of hugging a child without physically hugging him,'' said Sgt. Nellie Torres, commanding officer of the Sex Crime Liaison Unit, who is in charge of the program in the city.She said the bears also eased the situation for the police officers who often want to reach out and hug the child and are rebuffed in fear and anger.

Child psychologists say the teddy bear is a familiar transitional object for children that offers security by acting as a surrogate mother. Are Teddy Bears More Likely to Cause Child Injury Than Grizzly Bears? :: Child Injury Lawyer Blog. By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network You might be surprised to find out that in everyday life, commonplace items or activities are much more likely to be dangerous or even fatal than the alarming accidents we hear about on the news each night. Unfortunately, people are much more likely to use caution when they are in a situation they perceive as being dangerous than they are when doing normal activities. But 1 million Americans are seriously injured in their own kitchens every year – and that is only one room in the house. An example that parents should be especially aware of is the teddy bear. Which is more dangerous – a teddy bear or a real bear? In the last eighty nine years, eighty two Americans have been killed in bear attacks.

Read about more everyday, little known hazards at Dangers Of The Commonplace. Teddy Bear Facts | Content for Reprint. In the century plus since teddy bears appeared on the scene these huggable toys have become a universally recognized symbol of solace that appeals to girls and boys, the children and seniors, the occasional purchaser and the serious collector. The teddy bear is so hugely popular, personifying the spirit of childhood-that the citizenry of three countries, America, Britain and Germany, lay claim to inventing them.

On any given day, up to 20,000 teddy bears are up for sale on eBay. The more accepted claim comes from the U.S. side of the Atlantic, going back to 1902, when President of the United States, Theodore (Teddy)Roosevelt had gone away on a bear hunting jaunt in Mississippi, but was unsuccessful in making a kill, the story goes. Encountering a bear in that neck of the woods, the trip sponsors captured it and bound it to a tree, calling for the president to shoot. "Spare the bear! And British people consider teddy bears as their quintessential childhood toy also. . * 1906. . * 1926. . * 1932. -- Personalised Teddy Heaven. Third of adults ‘still take teddy bear to bed’