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ICI: les plus courants sur PC (<- cliquer) Le port série (DB9) Le port série (DB25) Le câble null-modem série Le port parallèle (DB25 ou port imprimante) Le connecteur de l'imprimante (Centronics) Le câble null-modem parallèle Le bus USB Le bus Firewire (IEEE1394) Le port VGA (le moniteur du PC) * voir plus bas Le port Joystick (manette de jeu) Le port clavier (DIN5) Le port PS/2 (ou MiniDin6, pour claviers et souris) Le modem Le connecteur réseau (RJ45) le mini USB: USB type C VGA=Video Graphics Adapter ou Video Graphics Array. VESA=Video Electronics Standards Association. Il existe deux types de prise : Les sorties DVI des cartes graphiques sont des DVI-I. Permet d’avoir deux sorties DVI même sur des cartes de petite taille DVI was developed by the Digital Display Working Group (DDWG).

DDC = Display Data Channel. Le HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) . Drawdio! How does it work?


The Drawdio kit is pretty simple compared to most electronic projects. We will go through it one section at a time, please refer to the schematic Power supply The first part to understand is the power supply, which keeps everything running. Tutorials, Electronics made EASY, Williamson Labs. 555 Timer/Oscillator Tutorial. I nside the 555 timer, at fig. 3, are the equivalent of over 20 transistors, 15 resistors, and 2 diodes, depending of the manufacturer.

555 Timer/Oscillator Tutorial

The equivalent circuit, in block diagram, providing the functions of control, triggering, level sensing or comparison, discharge, and power output. Some of the more attractive features of the 555 timer are: Supply voltage between 4.5 and 18 volt, supply current 3 to 6 mA, and a Rise/Fall time of 100 nSec. It can also withstand quite a bit of abuse. The Threshold current determine the maximum value of Ra + Rb. For 15 volt operation the maximum total resistance for R (Ra +Rb) is 20 Mega-ohm. The supply current, when the output is 'high', is typically 1 milli-amp (mA) or less. All IC timers rely upon an external capacitor to determine the off-on time intervals of the output pulses. Assume further that the applied voltage is 6 volts. Fig. 4-1, Change in the input pulse frequency allows completion of the timing cycle. Definition of Pin Functions: