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Growing food indoors

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How to Grow Turmeric Indoors. Turmeric is a rich golden color.

How to Grow Turmeric Indoors

You can easily grow turmeric indoors, in containers. It is a strong, golden colored spice that is used in many foods across southeast Asia. It is found in many Indian curries. Turmeric not only adds flavor to foods, but it has many health benefits and gorgeous flowers. This beautiful plant adds an exotic flair to any room. How to Grow a Lemon Tree For An Endless Supply of Lemons. Healthy News and Information. By MEREDITH SKYER Ginger is the perfect herb to grow indoors.

Healthy News and Information

It’s very low-maintenance, loves partial sunlight, and you can use parts of it at a time, leaving the rest in the soil to continue growing. Besides, it’s delicious! Really, what’s not to love about year round vegetable gardening, especially when it comes to growing ginger inside? Ginger takes 10 months to mature and it doesn’t tolerate frost. Ginger is one of those miraculous plants that grows well in partial to full shade, which makes it ideal for growing in your home, where most people don’t have full sun pouring on their windows all day long. Little bits of the ginger root can be removed while it continues to grow. The best ginger to plant is purchased from a garden center or seed catalog. Ginger purchased from the produce department of your local grocery store can be used to grow a plant, but with spotty results. How to tincture medicinal mushroooms. Ganoderma, also known as Lingzhi or Reishi (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Medicinal mushrooms are in great demand because of their adaptogenic effects and their actions against cancer.

How to tincture medicinal mushroooms

They improve the immune system, balance the hormones of the HPA axis, are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, tonify the heart, protect the liver and soothe the nerves. Taking them in an effective way is not so easy. Eating medicinal mushrooms like shitake or maitake doesn’t release the medicinal value (except perhaps the Vitamin D.) If you want to take them as a tea (decoction) you need to simmer them for at least an hour to separate the medicine from the chitin. Tinctures or liquid extracts are portable, let you taste them which makes them more effective than capsules, but are not simple to make. Polysaccharides clump together when exposed to alcohol and become inert. For 250 grams, slightly over 1/2 pound of mushrooms you will want to make 1 1/4 liters of liquid extract. Water. 32 people like this post. Here's The Homemade Cannabis Oil Recipe That People Are Using as a Chemo Alternative.

Awareness with regards to cannabis as a treatment and potential cure for cancer has been rapidly increasing over the past few years.

Here's The Homemade Cannabis Oil Recipe That People Are Using as a Chemo Alternative

Several studies over the last decade have clearly (without question) demonstrated the anti-tumoral effects of the plant. Cannabinoids (any group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis) activate cannabinoid receptors in the body. The human body itself produces compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a very important role in many processes within the body to help create a healthy environment.

Unbelievable Facts: 8 Vegetables You Only Need To Buy Once, Then Regrow Forever. 5 New Solutions For Growing Healthy Produce Indoors. Jeffrey GreenActivist Post An increasing number of people are moving into urban environments and away from traditional agriculture.

5 New Solutions For Growing Healthy Produce Indoors

As a consequence, those who have a mind for self-sufficiency can find themselves falling short. Storable foods are of course an important part of every emergency prepper's pantry, but storable foods are not a sound long-term solution that contain optimal nutrition. Even produce from farmers markets and store-bought organic food will lose peak freshness faster than one might imagine. Alanna Ketler from Collective-Evolution explains: Most people do not realize that vegetables will lose about half of their nutrients within the first week of being picked. Nothing can beat growing your own fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. However, several high-tech solutions are becoming available for city dwellers, or those who have a less-than-green thumb. 1. Visit the site here. Re-Growing Celery. Did you know that you can grow another complete celery stalk from the bottom piece that you cut off and throw away?

Re-Growing Celery

This is new to me, too, but I have been doing it this year and it works! I use a lot of celery when cooking and I hope to save quite a bit by re-growing it throughout the spring and summer. When I bring the celery home, I cut the end off first then put the rest into the refrigerator. How To Grow Vegetables Indoors Using Container Gardening? - Grow Vegetables Indoors  Growing vegetables indoors in containers is now becoming popular especially among families looking for good alternatives to expensive organic vegetables in the market.

How To Grow Vegetables Indoors Using Container Gardening? - Grow Vegetables Indoors 

This method of indoor gardening, known as container gardening, is also creating a buzz among plant lovers with little space for outdoor gardening. Vegetable container gardening is a hit for those living in apartments, with no space at all for outdoor gardening. Many households find container gardening the most cost efficient of all methods to set up and grow their own vegetables. In addition, it is easy to grow vegetable plants using containers and the maintenance of these plants do not cost a fortune.