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Ultimate Guide and tutorial for .htaccess Files. In this tutorial you will find out about the .htaccess file and the power it has to improve your website. Enabling .htaccess: .htaccess files are normally enabled by default. This is actually controlled by the AllowOverride Directive in the httpd.conf file. # Only allow .htaccess files to override Authorization and Indexes AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes .htaccess Code for Error pages You will probably want to create an error document for codes 404 and 500, at the least 404 since this would give you a chance to handle requests for pages not found. 500 would help you out with internal server errors in any scripts you have running in your website. You can use custom error pages for any error as long as you know its number (like 404 for page not found) by adding the following to your .htaccess file: ErrorDocument 404 /errors/notfound.html also you can use others errors page with this htaccess code RewriteEngine on Sub Domain Redirection Sub domain redirection mapping to folder.

To Basic WP. Simple Security Guide, Part 2. This is the second part of my secure website which is translated from the Hebrew guide. The first part was more basic and targeted beginners. This part is more advanced, with details and explanations. Servers Most web servers in the world run on the Linux operating system. The reason is that this system is secure and easy to maintain for IT managers. Most of the exploits I’ve encountered were not because of Linux, and the exploit source was in the layers above the server platform.

File permissions One of the first things that you should look at is file permissions if you are going from a development environment to production. The permission for files should be set to 644 (meaning only the "user" group has write permission and not the "group" nor "others"): find /home/xxx/domains/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; Directories require a permission of 755 (meaning only the "user" group has write and execute permissions, not the "group" or "others"): A few further notes: SiteCheck - Free Website Malware Scans. XCloner-Backup and Restore. [Problème] Peut-on renommer le dossier administrator ? Https + Joomla. SWiK » tagged pages » logout login sorted by: recent | see : popular Content Tagged with https + Joomla How do I enforce SSL (https)?

Joomla: bookmarks tagged Joomla Security ssl Joomla HTTPS How to setup SSL in a Joomla Site How to enable SSL for Joomla using .htaccess? How to Use SSL With Joomla | Re:SSL problem ( and - Joomla Performance cache Joomla HTTPS Joomla! Ssl HTTP Joomla HTTPS link virtuemart Joomla .htaccess and SEF Apache Web Server forum at WebmasterWorld code HTTP Joomla HTTPS redirect Netshine - Using an SSL Certificate with your Joomla Website Joomla HTTPS How to access my Joomla admin login by HTTPS if I have a private SSL certificate installed on my account? Security Joomla HTTPS adminlogin Learn how to access your Joomla login by HTTPS if you have a private SSL. Security ssl Joomla administrator HTTPS enable redirect PHP CMS ssl authentication Joomla HTTPS joomla_ssl Running your Joomla Website over Secure Connection | Hacking in the core Privacy .

How to access my Joomla admin login by HTTPS if I have a private SSL certificate installed on my account? To start accessing your administrator login page via HTTPS you should edit the code of two files in the administrator folder of your Joomla installation. Edit index.php file in the administrator folder of your Joomla installation. In administrator/index.php, immediately after the line that says define( ‘_VALID_MOS’, 1); Add the following: Edit also index2.php file in the administrator folder of your Joomla installation. In administrator/index2.php, immediately after the line that says require_once( ‘.. add the same code as above: If you are not a programmer and you have troubles modifying the code, ask your host for assistance.

Joomla is a powerful software that is easy to work with once you have the right host to support you. Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast) Security and Performance FAQs. Is GNU and Open Source software worth the costs and risks? It's difficult, if not impossible, to argue against the value proposition of GNU and Open Source software, although some have tried.

Due to zero licensing fees, lower administrative overhead, high-quality code, security releases that are distributed in minutes or hours rather than months or marketing cycles, and free online support from thousands of like-minded developers and users, GNU and Open Source offerings are often the best solution. The math is really quite compelling: What is the Joomla! Administrator's Security Checklist? The Security Checklist is a concise selection of the best tips and tricks from the many contributors in the Joomla Security Forums. What are the top 10 stupidest Joomla! A very good question, and sadly one that many did not ask in time. How do I choose a quality hosting provider? The following is a short list of security-related requirements. Choose *NIX: Joomla! Full Backups Cumulative Backups Overview 1.

Switching between HTTP and HTTPS. [Problème] Peut-on renommer le dossier administrator ? Renommer le dossier administrator !!!!!!


Security. Team EaSE Article: .htaccess and robots.txt files :: Joomla!™ Community Magazine. Last month, in our article SEO, Joomla! And your Template we explained that before visiting the pages on a web site, search engines (for instance Google and Yahoo) check for the presence of instructions about the web site on its server. These instructions can be given by two files that are distributed with Joomla! And are normally found in the top level of your Joomla! Installation: htaccess.txt and robots.txt. Both of these files can be used for security purposes: they can forbid some pages from being indexed by a search engine or prevent access to specified pages, files and folders. What is difference between those two files? .htaccess "speak" with Apache server and gives it instructions, whilst the robots.txt file tells search engines which pages or folders may be indexed. .htaccess (hypertext access) Why is there a dot in front of htaccess?

After every refresh, Apache looks in every single folder for .htaccess. Restrict, Rewrite, Redirect Search Engine Friendly URLS By default, Joomla!