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The +1 button for websites: recommend content across the web. Since we started rolling out the +1 button in March, you’ve been able to recommend content to your friends and contacts directly from Google search results and ads.

The +1 button for websites: recommend content across the web

But sometimes you want to +1 a page while you’re on it. After all, how do you know you want to suggest that recipe for chocolate flan if you haven’t tried it out yet? Today, we’re releasing +1 buttons to the whole web. Convert Facebook to Google+ Start Google Plus: Combine Facebook, Twitter Feeds with Google+ Browser extension for Mozilla’s Firefox and Google Chrome combines your Facebook and Twitter feeds with your Google Plus Stream, and allows you to post to all three simultaneously.

Start Google Plus: Combine Facebook, Twitter Feeds with Google+

For those already growing tired of having to navigate among their different Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus feeds there’s a new extension available for both Firefox and Chrome called Start Google Plus that allows you to combine the three. What Start Google plus does is put your Facebook and Twitter feeds conveniently inside your Google Plus stream, complete with the ability to comment or “like” in the case of Facebook, and the ability to to reply or “retweet” in the case of Twitter. Similarly, like Facebook you can “block” or “mute” posts and tweets.

The latter is handy if you don’t necessarily want to see the tweets of everybody you’re following via Twitter. You can even opt to post to both Facebook AND Twitter whenever you share something with your circles on Google Plus.