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Les 6 stratégies des médias sociaux du e-commerce ! Désormais les médias sociaux du e-commerce sont l’une des activités favorites des internautes, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+… Des plates-formes d’échange pour développer votre audience, présenter votre activité et services, participer aux discutions, partager des articles et bien d’autres activités de médias sociaux.

Les 6 stratégies des médias sociaux du e-commerce !

Il existe de nombreux sites pour partager vos vidéos et vos photos tels que YouTube, Flickr, Instagram et Pinterest, ainsi vos contenus archivés sur les média sociaux peuvent améliorer votre référencement. [Avis d'expert] 4 stratégies sur les réseaux sociaux pour votre E-commerce. Si vous avez une boutique en ligne, les réseaux sociaux sont un canal d’acquisition de nouveaux clients que vous ne pouvez pas ignorer.

[Avis d'expert] 4 stratégies sur les réseaux sociaux pour votre E-commerce

Selon certaines études, plus de 50% des utilisateurs de Facebook et Twitter sont plus enclins à acheter ou à recommander une marque qu’il suivent sur les réseaux sociaux. Facebook représente 20% des pages vues sur le web. Autrement dit, vous risquez de vite vous retrouver hors circuit si vous n’apparaissez pas régulièrement dans le fil d’actualités de vos clients. Bon, je sais que vous maîtrisez déjà “l’art des réseaux sociaux” si on s’arrête à votre cercle de connaissances.

Après tout, la fois où vous avez publié la photo de votre chien sur Instagram, vous avez récolté 42 j’aime et 30 retweets. Mais obtenir des résultats sur les réseaux sociaux de manière constante et transformer votre popularité en argent comptant est une autre paire de manches. Aujourd’hui, tout le monde est sur les réseaux sociaux. The Art of Self-Promotion on Social Media: How to Toot Your Horn Without Turning Your Audience Off.

If you've been to any of Buffer's social media accounts recently (take Twitter, for instance), you may have noticed that the lion's share of stories we share come from us.

The Art of Self-Promotion on Social Media: How to Toot Your Horn Without Turning Your Audience Off

We tweet our own stuff. We toot our own horn. It would certainly seem that we are in the minority with this strategy. There seems to be a a fine line between sharing enough of your own stuff and sharing too much. Most people would rather err on the side of just enough (or even less) in their social media strategy. We all want to see our content read and shared widely, but no one wants to look like an attention hog. Social Business Helpline Podcast: Episode 9. In this episode: Today we welcome Vanessa DiMauro, CEO of Leader Networks.

Social Business Helpline Podcast: Episode 9

Named by Forbes as a Top 40 Social Marketing Masters Worldwide, we are thrilled to have her on our show! Stay with us as we take a look into Ric Dragon's crystal ball and discuss the future of social networking. Also, get an inside look at the highlights of the upcoming 2014 Employee Advocacy Summit, hosted by Denise Holt, Chris Boudreaux, and Susan Emerick, and presented with The Social Shake-Up 2014 this September in Atlanta.

This week's questions are answered by Liz Bullock, Chuck Hester, Vanessa DiMauro, Ted Shelton, and Ric Dragon You ask! 3 Big Lessons You Can Learn from Successful Brands on Facebook. Lots of brands in the fashion and beauty industries have, not surprisingly, become well-regarded trendsetters in social media marketing.

3 Big Lessons You Can Learn from Successful Brands on Facebook

How do I, a thirty-something man know this? Because several women in my office “force” me to look at how businesses are promoting their campaigns – on Facebook and beyond — in innovative and exciting ways Here are some recent campaigns from two such brands. Your business does not have to be in the fashion and/or beauty industry for these campaigns to inspire. Kate Spade New York: Driving Direct Revenue with Flash Sales Fans of Kate Spade New York’s (KSNY) Facebook Page know that one of the greatest perks of following the brand is that KSNY frequently hosts surprise flash sales.

Hosting surprise sales is a tried and true strategy for KSNY; the company has been using it for the past few years. So how does KYNY pull off promoting a successful flash sale on Facebook? First, they create an action-gated page. Benefit Cosmetics: Creating Hype for a New Product. Measuring Your Social Media ROI. You’re investing time—which is money—and possibly actual funds on social media.

Measuring Your Social Media ROI

How do you know what ROI (return on investment) you’re getting for these efforts? Is there a way to measure your social media ROI? You won’t know unless you set up tools to help you identify what works, what isn’t working too well, and areas for improvement. Social media ROI is subtler than in advertising. It takes longer to make an impact, but when it does, the payoff can be valuable. Measuring What Matters: Those Addictive Numbers. I’ve done it.

Measuring What Matters: Those Addictive Numbers

It’s gone. Cold turkey. Your Social Selling Questions Answered. Q: In the world of sales, what is social selling?

Your Social Selling Questions Answered

A: Social selling will eventually become just selling. But until that happens, social selling involves salespeople using social media as a layer over top of their existing sales process. For instance, instead of making a cold call or spray & pray email campaign, you could leverage social insights to make your communication more impactful and successful.

Etude de Cas

Etudes. Services shop facebook online. E-réputation. Bad buzz.