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How to Motivate the Crowd (Infographic) We just received another interesting infographic courtesy of with some insight on motivating crowdsourcing contributors.

How to Motivate the Crowd (Infographic)

Fascinating how fostering a sense of pride and making an impact in the world goes further than financial incentives in the examples given. Twitcident: Filtering Tweets in Real-Time for Crisis Response. The most recent newcomer to the “tweetsourcing” space comes to us from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Twitcident: Filtering Tweets in Real-Time for Crisis Response

Twitcident is a web-based filtering system that extracts crisis information from Twitter in real-time to support emergency response efforts. Dutch emergency services have been testing the platform over the past 10 months and results “show the system to be far more useful than simple keyword searching of a twitter feed” (NewScientist). Here’s how it works. Democratic Voice of Burma.

