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Plush Toys

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Tutorial and Pattern: Rainbow Sunshine Plushie (and a little fair[l]y [ugly] tale about patents) I want to begin this tutorial with a little story. One day there was a little organic cotton rainbow be-ribbonedplushie that was sketched and then stitched with love in a very messy upstairs room in a home somewhere in Minneapolis. It was a happy little plushie, made all the more so by the creation of its 3 identical siblings who sat on a sunny windowsill with the little plushie, keeping it company. Three of these four happy little plushies were placed in an Etsy shop, where they could be adopted by a good family, where they might be mooshed and drooled on and thrown over the sides of a crib and loved by a baby new to this world, much like the little plushies. They sat in that little shop, anxiously awaiting their new family for not much more than a week, when suddenly a nasty, ugly, bullying corporate lawyer informed them they could not be placed for adoption because apparently they were infringing upon some stupid, damn patent or other.

Sew toy elephant :: Craft :: All About You. This is a good project for novice embroiderers: there isn't a lot to do, the stitches are simple, and if you make a mistake you can unpick the stitches and the felt won't show the marks. Materials ● Paper for templates ● Two 20 x 13 cm (8 x 5 in), two 5 x 4 cm (2 x 11/2 in) and two 7 x 11 cm (23/4 x 41/2 in) pieces of grey felt ● Selection of stranded embroidery threads ● Two 7 x 11 cm (23/4 in x 41/2 in) pieces of medium-weight iron-on interfacing ● Grey sewing thread ● Toy stuffing Equipment ● Elephant templates - Click here to download the templates ● Paper scissors ● Fading fabric marker ● Fabric scissors ● Embroidery and hand-sewing needles ● Pins ● Iron 1 Photocopy the templates at 140 per cent onto a piece of paper and cut them out. 2 Using the embroidery needle and two strands of embroidery thread, work blanket stitch around the curved edge of the ear. 3 Using the photograph as a guide, embroider the elephant's body pieces. 5 Wrong sides facing, pin the embroidered body pieces together.

Sewing Tutorial: Piggy Pillow | As promised, I have completed the tutorial and the pattern for the “Be My Valentine – Piggy Pillow”, which was published 3 weeks ago. This time I made a pair for my kids, they love it. You may not be able to do it in time for this valentine but as I said, if you have love in you, everyday is valentine.

Hope you sew some for your loved ones no matter if it is Feb 14. Besides as a pillow, you can use this pattern to make into other things, for example, pin cushion, smaller softy as gift, or a piggy back pack for little children. Just change the size by reducing or enlarging and modify it to fit into your design. You can even put a magnet on the nose to make them kissing each other, remember to reverse the polarity so that they attract to each other (Thanks to Jackie who left a comment to suggest this).

Be creative, the upshot are endless!!! Material you need:1. Print out the PDF pattern of the piggy pillow. Use a pencil and trace the pattern onto the cotton fabric. Sew the ears on. Sweet Softies: Funny Bunny. Stuffed animals make me happy. They live on my desk at home and at work, so I can glance over at them when I'm having a bad day or when someone has shot down another one of my 'spectacular' ideas. There they sit. Always calm, always smiling. Funny Bunny is another friend in our collection, in which nubby chenille combines with the smooth, retro-inspired cotton of Heather Bailey's for a sweet and soft vintage look.

Funny Bunny has button eyes and his little head is sewn on by hand, so he's not the right choice for babies or young toddlers who are still rough on their toys. We found our chenille at Chenille Magic . Like his brother, Eggy Pop ; Funny Bunny is one-of-a-kind, so the list below gives the exact elements you need to clone him. Any Sewing Machine (we recommend the Janome Jem 760 ) ¼ yard of Cotton Chenille Dot in Soft Yellow ¼ yard of Heather Bailey's Nicey Jane in Sky Hop Dot Small bag of polyester fiberfill ½ cup small dry beans (optional) 2 small black four-hole buttons Two ears. Sewing: Puppy Plush Toy {Tutorial & Pattern} | I was fascinated over sewing a plush toy after had a great pleasure on making turtle pincushion sewing kit, piggy pillow and tiger softies. To keep the momentum going and trying out others free pattern, I searched around and found this little puppy plush toy in Woman’s Day (Get the free pattern & instructions here).

This puppy is too cute to let go, so… a pair of them were born here, a male and a female puppy. I added a yellow tie for the male puppy. Aren’t they a lovely couple??? Update [05 December 2012]:Credential From the paragraph above, I hope that I have clearly stated that I am not the original designer for this puppy plush toy, I never think of claiming any credit or confuse you that it is my design. When I saw the pattern at Woman’s Day, they didn’t link to the original writer of this pattern as it is part of the book publisher marketing to promote the book. {Get full details on next page.} Pages: 1 2 Get all updates via email: Highlights from Our Partners. Stuffed animal. This is actually quite a good idea!