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The Mathematics of Games

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Money Talks: An Interview With EVE Online’s Economist. By Rich Stanton on May 21st, 2014 at 7:00 pm.

Money Talks: An Interview With EVE Online’s Economist

EVE Online‘s economy is unique among videogames in being truly player-driven; outside of the wildcard item of PLEX, almost everything in the game is constructed, hoarded and sold by players. The enormous complexity of this is why, seven years ago, CCP decided to hire a full-time economist. “My name is Eyjolfur Eyjo Gudmundsson but no-one can pronounce that,” he laughs, “So I am known as Dr Eyjo. I have a doctorate in economics and in that capacity I am the lead economist for CCP, as well as the head of the analytics unit.” I sat down with Dr Eyjo to talk about EVE’s economy, player manipulation, and why everyone isn’t leaving the United States. What exactly does a game economist do?

“The only exception is PLEX.” Observing a nicely-oiled machine is one thing – but EVE’s players love a bit of ISK, and the methods they use to obtain it can be outright ingenious. “I think this is slightly misunderstood,” says Dr Eyjo. “Two things. Developer Watercooler: Encounter Tuning by Watcher. Algorithms Discover Build Order From Hell. By Quintin Smith on November 2nd, 2010 at 1:04 pm.

Algorithms Discover Build Order From Hell

This is mad. Over on StarCraft 2 forum Teamliquid, a poster who goes by Lomilar has been talking about a program he’s coded called EvolutionChamber. It uses genetic algorithms to find powerful build orders, meaning his program takes a population of build orders, kills off the useless ones, and has the most successful ones reproduce asexually to create a new population, which tests itself again, and so on. I’m taking all this from this blog post by programmer Louis Brandy, wherein he breaks down what Lomilar’s done so that lay folk can understand it. EvolutionChamber’s already come up with one ludicrous build order, which I’ve posted beneath the jump. 10 extractor-trick to 11 11 overlord 11 spawning pool 15 extractor 16 queen (stop drones here) 18 overlord 18 roach warren 17 overlord (yes, two) spawn-larva on queen when she pops roach x7 Which will get you a 7 roach rush in less time than anybody thought possible. One Step Closer To The Mathematical Formula For Fun.

God Was A Math Problem - God - Kotaku. @Gyaruson 2.0: To answer your questions: - Religion in the media was not the only reason of why I decided to become agnostic. 'Twas a big portion of it, but not the largest chunk of the pie. - I was born, and lived 15 years [or so] of my life as a hardcore catholic.

God Was A Math Problem - God - Kotaku

But once I started to get interested in science and technology, I began to doubt. . - Like any other agnostic, I am hopeful that there is some kind of higher power up there, but until there is undeniable proof [and no, Jesus' face in a taco or tree is not proof] I don't want to follow in a single religion, but instead will remain skeptical. -I don't consider christianity wrong in any matter, I just need proof. - Going from "Yes God" to "who knows?

" - No you did not sound snarky, it was curiosity.