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Pixelux Entertainment. Simple Physics Engine. PhysX Physics Simulation for Developers. PhysX is a scalable multi-platform game physics solution supporting a wide range of devices, from smartphones to high-end multicore CPUs and GPUs. PhysX is already integrated into some of the most popular game engines, e.g. UE3/UE4. PhysX also enables simulation -driven effects like Clothing, Destruction and Particles. NVIDIA GameWorks in action Call of Duty: Ghosts Call of Duty: Ghosts provides a more immersive gaming experience through interactive smoke (NVIDIA Turbulence), dynamic fur on Riley/wolves (NVIDIA HairWorks), and TXAA.Read more Batman Arkham Origins Batman Arkham Origins makes use of NVIDIA Turbulence for proper snow, smoke interaction.

Hawken Hawken makes extensive use of NVIDIA Turbulence for interactive energy effects. NVIDIA PhysX Feature Videos. Havok Physics. Havok - Home. DTECTA Home. Game Physics Simulation. We have been making a lot of progress in higher quality physics simulation for robotics, games and visual effects. To make our physics simulation easier to use, especially for roboticist and machine learning experts, we created Python bindings, see examples/pybullet. In addition, we added Virtual Reality support for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift using the openvr sdk. See attached youtube movie. Updated documentation will be added soon, as well as possible show-stopper bug-fixes, so the actual release tag may bump up to 2.85.x. Download the release from github here. The new Bullet Physics SDK 2.83 is available from github. Also, our proposal for a course on Bullet got accepted for the upcoming SIGGRAPH 2015 conference in Los Angeles.

Tuesday, 11 August 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm, Los Angeles Convention Center, Room 404AB UPDATE: here are the slide decks: 3:45-4.15 pmIntroduction to rigid body pipeline, collision detection 4:15-4:45 pmAdvances in constraint solving, Featherstone Articulated Body Algorithm. PHYSX.