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Projects of intrest Ireland

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Iriah Projects to learn form and connect with. Rediscovery Centre - Rediscover Fashion, Rediscover Furniture, Rediscover Paint, Recycabike, Recraft, Ecostore - Welcome. Platform 21 - Platform21 = Repairing. In the hope of spurring a reappraisal of repair, Platform21 wrote and published a manifesto describing the benefits of fixing things and calling upon designers and consumers to break the chain of throwaway thinking. Throwaway thinking, a culture in itself almost, is designed to cater to short term needs of both industry, politics and society. But by being very successful at short term effects it has lost track of the innumerable and rich possibilities that lie ahead if durable notions of design in general, and repair especially, are reconsidered and implemented. In the slipstream of the Repair Manifesto Platform21 organized workshops, an exhibition, lectures and repair evaluation clinics both with professional designers, students, amateurs, as well as the general public.

It is in the richness of the pallet we wanted to present, from the mildly absurd positions of some of the participants involved, to the completely functional, logical and directly implementable techniques of others. Free Trade Ireland. NationWide - Future orchard trust. Tir Na Nog-A Portal Experience. Dublin Culture night : ‘Recapitilise : Tir na Nog ‘