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France. G20 summit ends with pledge to boost IMF. G20 leaders have ended their summit in Cannes after two days dominated by Greek turmoil and the threat to the euro zone and beyond. Many big issues have been put to one side. Leaders vowed to boost the resources of the International Monetary Fund. But no countries outside the euro zone have agreed to contribute to its bailout fund. Barack Obama found a positive way to tell Europe to sort out its debt crisis. “Events in Greece over the past 24 hours have underscored the importance of implementing the plan, fully and as quickly as possible,” said the US president. “I am confident that Europe has the capacity to meet this challenge. Italy, in global markets’ sights should Greece impode, has been placed under IMF supervision. The French president said several countries backed the idea of a tax on financial transactions. He added that a plan would go before European leaders next year, and said President Obama had recognised the idea’s merits in principle.

Global recession grows closer as G20 summit fails | Business. Cameron tells eurozone member states to solve their own problems. Link to video: Cameron: Britain won't invest in eurozone bailout fund A world recession has drawn closer after a fractious G20 summit failed to agree fresh financial help for distressed countries and debt-ridden Italy was forced to agree to the International Monetary Fund monitoring its austerity programme. Financial markets fell sharply after the two days of talks in Cannes broke up in disarray, amid concerns that Italy will now replace Greece at the centre of Europe's deepening debt crisis.

UK hopes that the Germans would relent and allow the European Central Bank to become the lender of last resort for the euro were also dashed. On a day of unremitting gloom and yet more market turbulence, the Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, won a late-night confidence vote in his parliament after making a speech in which he promised to start powersharing talks to form a caretaker coalition government.


Grèce - Greek. International : Le sommet du G20 à Cannes dans la tourmente mondiale. La crise de l'euro et les révolutions arabes ont creusé les divergences, en particulier avec les dirigeants des pays émergents. À Cannes, l'Europe et la crise grecque voleront la vedette aux grands sujets diplomatiques, mais ne les évacueront pas. Outre l'économie mondiale, les dirigeants du G20 vont s'efforcer, en marge de l'agenda officiel, de rapprocher leurs vues sur des dossiers sensibles, en premier lieu le Proche-Orient. L'affaire s'annonce d'autant plus ardue que le contexte s'est alourdi. Sur ce dossier international comme sur d'autres, la dépression mondiale contribue plus à la crispation qu'à la fluidité. Les positions se sont creusées ces derniers mois, notamment entre Occidentaux et pays émergents, mais aussi, dans une certaine mesure, entre Européens et Américains. La crise de l'euro a contribué à assombrir le climat transatlantique.

À Cannes, les dirigeants du G20 auront à cœur d'afficher leur unité. » Monaco dans la ligne de mire des altermondialistes.