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Mobile Learning

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Stoller-Schai 2010 - Mobiles Lernen: die Lernform des Homo Mobil. 1 Einleitung Der Physiker Robert Stoss prophezeite bereits ca. 1910 – lange vor einer flä-chendeckenden Versorgung durch kabelgebundene Telefonapparate – denBesitz und Einsatz von kabellosen Endgeräten, die nicht nur für Gespräche,sondern auch für »Geschäfte« aller Art eingesetzt werden kçnnten: Jedermann wird ›sein eigenes Taschentelefon haben, durch welches ersich, mit wem er will, wird verbinden kçnnen, einerlei, wo er auch ist.

Stoller-Schai 2010 - Mobiles Lernen: die Lernform des Homo Mobil

‹Der ›Bürger der drahtlosen Zeit‹ wird ›bloß den Stimm-Zeiger auf die be-treffende Nummer einzustellen brauchen, die er zu sprechen wünscht‹.Auch ›Monarchen, Kanzler, Diplomaten, Bankiers, Beamte und Direkto-ren werden ihre Geschäfte erledigen kçnnen, wo immer sie sind‹( 1910, zitiert nach Carlo Michael Sommer Hochschule Darmstadt, FB SuK).Unterdessen befinden wir uns seit dem 29. Baron 2008). 1.1 Warum interessiert das Thema? Handbuch E-Learning gibteszudemThemafolgende Beiträge: n iPhone-¾raAnwendungs-bereiche Mobiles Lernen – die Lernform des Homo Mobilis 32. Syllabus. Mobile Learning: Obstacles and Solutions by Joe Ganci : Learning. 1.

Mobile Learning: Obstacles and Solutions by Joe Ganci : Learning

What are the obstacles to practical delivery of learning via mobile devices? The practical biggest obstacles tend to be that educators do not know what they can do today with the technology already in the pockets of their students. We find very simple, elegant solutions that are used with the most basic phones in parts of the Emerging World, where for example smartphones are completely beyond the reach of the population, yet learning solutions are successful.

I am thinking for example of using SMS as a way to teach basic reading – as used in Pakistan for example. There adult-age women have typically not been allowed to attend school, many are illiterate, and they feel very much out of touch from society. Similarly, in Bangladesh, mobile phones are used to teach local citizens very basic English-language skills. 2. I think it’s mostly a question of spreading the word, of showcasing successful services and ideas. 3. It is happening sporadically around the world. Mobile Learning – SMS Can Get You Started. Marc My Words: Thinking About Mobile Learning in the Age of iPad. “Perhaps the most important game-changer is that the iPad, and other devices to follow, are designed to be ‘always on,’ or ‘always connected;’ the intent being that you always have access to the Internet (of course this may not be practically true yet, but it certainly is the goal).

Marc My Words: Thinking About Mobile Learning in the Age of iPad

Smartphones have this feature as well, but the iPad screams it.” Periodic reflections on learning, e-Learning, and the state of our profession Last month I swooned over the new iPad. Since then a second million units have sold, but not yet to me. I must admit though, I’m still swooning. Up to now, most definitions of mobile learning centered on the device; personal digital assistants (PDAs), now morphed into smartphones, were the primary vehicles for delivering mobile learning. This focus was useful because it got us to think about how we could use such small, portable devices, with limited memory and a limited viewing area for learning on the go.

Now, the iPad represents another game change in mLearning. Top Myths & Misconceptions of Mobile Learning by Robert Gadd : L. By Robert Gadd June 9, 2010 “While it is true that mobile is not the ideal delivery medium for every type of training, many organizations can provide measurable proof that properly planned and delivered mobile learning can be just as effective as the available ILT and online learning alternatives.

Top Myths & Misconceptions of Mobile Learning by Robert Gadd : L

Mobile learners also benefit from their ability to access content and revisit concepts at the time of need or available schedule.” As mLearning gets more attention, the misunderstandings about it grow. Here are my nominees for the top eight things that people don't get about mLearning. Mobile web browsers work fine for accessing existing e-learning content and sites.

Topics Covered. Mobile Learning Portal. St. Marys City Schools Mobile Learning Technology.