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How to fundraise

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Video: The Art of the Elevator Pitch - Multimedia - The Chronicle of ... Your Fundraising Calendar for 2012. Four Questions to Answer in Every Appeal. Experience and the Future of Fundraising. Raise Money in 30 Days. Sometimes you need to raise funds in a hurry.

Raise Money in 30 Days

It's easy to think, "We should have established a fundraising plan earlier! " That may be true, but it doesn't help now. Here are some ways to raise modest funds in a pinch. NPQ on donor-centered communication. “If you had more money, you could do more good.

NPQ on donor-centered communication

If you do better communications, you will have more money.” So says Tom Ahern, ABC, Ahern Communications. And Tom knows what he’s talking about. He’s one of North America’s leading experts in donor communications. He’s reviewed thousands of newsletters and case statements—and writes books about both.