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Fuentes y Técnicas de Investigación

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Pocket : Bancos de recursos gratuitos. 1.pdf. Tecnicas de Estudio. Después de comentar ampliamente sobre las teorías retomemos el tema de construcción del marco teórico.

Tecnicas de Estudio

Como se mencionó antes, la estrategia para construir nuestro marco de referencia depende de lo que nos revele la revisión de la literatura. Veamos qué se puede hacer en cada caso. Existencia de una teoría completamente desarrollada Cuando nos encontramos con que hay una teoría capaz de describir, explicar y prede­cir el fenómeno de manera lógica y consistente, y que reúne los demás criterios de eva­luación de una teoría que acaban de mencionarse, la mejor estrategia para construir el marco teórico es tomar dicha teoría como la estructura misma del marco teórico. Ahora bien, si descubrimos una teoría que explica muy bien el problema de investigación que nos interesa, debemos tener cuidado de no investigar algo que ya ha sido estudiado muy a fondo. Nuestro marco teórico se basaría en esta teoría, incorporando algunas otras referencias de interés. Chapter 6-THEORETICAL & CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. Theoretical Frameworks. Contents Why use a Theoretical Framework?

Theoretical Frameworks

An effective history paper should do more than simply report what happened in the past. An effective history paper should also provide some analysis. Using a theoretical framework for your paper can help open up your analysis of past events by providing a particular set of questions to ask, and a particular perspective to use when examining your topic. top of page What is a Theoretical Framework? Theoretical frameworks provide a particular perspective, or lens, through which to examine a topic. Theoretical frameworks, however, are even more specific than these broad subject approaches. While it is not necessary to use a theoretical framework to examine your topic, it can help to focus your essay on a specific aspect of your topic and can direct your analysis of that topic, offering unexpected insights into the past. Examples of Theoretical Frameworks There is no finite list of theoretical frameworks one can apply to a topic.

Marxism Nationalism. Elements of a theoretical framework. Theoretical Framework A theoretical framework is a collection of interrelated concepts, like a theory but not necessarily so well worked-out.

Elements of a theoretical framework

A theoretical framework guides your research, determining what things you will measure, and what statistical relationships you will look for. Theoretical frameworks are obviously critical in deductive, theory-testing sorts of studies (see Kinds of Research for more information). In those kinds of studies, the theoretical framework must be very specific and well-thought out. Surprisingly, theoretical frameworks are also important in exploratory studies, where you really don't know much about what is going on, and are trying to learn more. Cases and Variables Cases are objects whose behavior or characteristics we study. Variables are characteristics of cases. In any particular study, variables can play different roles. (yes, I know. For example, suppose you are studying job applications to various departments within a large organization.

Writing the thesis outline: Theoretical framework. Jinhua College students attending interviewer training Many students find writing the theoretical framework one of the most challenging chapters to write in a thesis outline.

Writing the thesis outline: Theoretical framework

In fact, if you scroll down the Thesis/research coach page, you will read students’ comments asking for advice on their theoretical framework. So what is a theoretical framework and why should researchers bother to write it? A theoretical framework guides research, determining what variables to measure, and what statistical relationships to look for.

Trochim (2006) in The Research Methods Knowledge Base, states that there are two realms involved in research—theory and observation. Blog sobre economía e historia económica. Teaching to the World From Central New Jersey - Commentary. By Mitchell Duneier A few months ago, just as the campus of Princeton University had grown nearly silent after commencement, 40,000 students from 113 countries arrived here via the Internet to take a free course in introductory sociology.

Teaching to the World From Central New Jersey - Commentary

The noncredit Princeton offering came about through a collaboration between Coursera, a new venture in online learning, and 16 universities, including my own. When my class was announced last spring, I was both excited and nervous. Unlike computer science and other subjects in which the answers are pretty much the same around the globe, sociology can be very different depending on the country that you come from.

As letters and e-mail messages began arriving in anticipation of my course, I wondered how I, an American professor, could relate my subject to people I didn't know from so many different societies. My concerns grew deeper as I sat before the cold eye of the camera to record my first lecture. My opening discussion of C. Bunker Roy: Lecciones de un movimiento de descalzos. Barreras al crecimiento de empresas innovadoras. Seminario con Juan Mateos, Miguel Mulet y Juan Freire en EOI. 22-4-2009.

Manuel Castells - La dimensión cultural de Internet.