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( mirror ) - EC memorandum on higher education - 1991. Europese Commissie al in 1991: “laten we onderwijs overleveren aan bedrijfsleven” « Kritische Studenten Utrecht. Europese Commissie al in 1991: “laten we onderwijs overleveren aan bedrijfsleven” Posted by Alexander Beunder under Politiek1 reactie De huidige bezuinigingen in het onderwijs staan niet op zichzelf. Wat is dan het groter plan? We reizen terug naar het jaar….1991, het jaar dat de Europese Commissie (EC) op haar dak kreeg van het maatschappelijk middenveld omdat haar ‘Onderwijs Memorandum’ wel erg neoliberaal gekleurd was*. Je kan natuurlijk ook beginnen met het lezen van de Strategische Agenda van Onderwijssecretaris Halbe Zijlstra die een radicale commercialisering heeft uitgestippeld voor ons hoger onderwijs en onderzoek.

Ook interessant is het “Memorandum on Higher Education in the European Communiy” (Europese Commissie, 1991) waarin de EC toelicht hoe zij de toekomst van het hoger onderwijs en onderzoek voor zich ziet. Waarom deze plannen verwerpelijk zijn is al te lezen in andere artikels op deze blog zoals deze, maar oordeel vooral zelf. Tot zover Verelst. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Voetnoot. European Round Table of Industrialists. The European Round Table of Industrialists, abbreviated ERT, is an influential advocacy group in the European Union consisting of some 50 European industrial leaders working to strengthen competitiveness in Europe. The group works both at national and European levels.

History[edit] The roots of the European Round Table of Industrialists date back to the early 1980s. The European economy at that time, was regarded as suffering from eurosclerosis, which was perceived as a lack of dynamism, innovation and competitiveness when compared with the economies of Japan and the United States. At the initiative of Pehr G. At the second meeting, on 1 June 1983 in Amsterdam, the ERT organisation was established, its charter accepted and the necessary financial arrangements were made. At the outset, the group played an important role in the planning of the Oresund Bridge between Denmark and Sweden as part of its European Link project on improvements to the European infrastructure.

Chairmen[edit] Bologna Process. System for compatibility of higher education qualifications in the European region The Bologna Process is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements between European countries to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher-education qualifications.[1] The process has created the European Higher Education Area under the Lisbon Recognition Convention. It is named after the University of Bologna, where the Bologna declaration was signed by education ministers from 29 European countries in 1999. The process was opened to other countries in the European Cultural Convention[2] of the Council of Europe, and government meetings have been held in Prague (2001), Berlin (2003), Bergen (2005), London (2007), Leuven (2009), Budapest-Vienna (2010), Bucharest (2012), Yerevan (2015), Paris (2018), and Rome (2020).

Signatories[edit] Signatories of the Bologna Accord,[5] members of the European Higher Education Area, are:[6] Rejected countries[edit] Qualifications framework[edit] Karin Verelst Analyse Bologna. ( mirror ) - Karin Verelst - Analyse Bologna - voor mij is de grondwet geen vodje papier ... - Office World doc. Verelst Karin's personal home-page. Karin Verelst's personal home-page at Vrije Universiteit Brussel B. Sc., B.A., M.Sc., M.Phil., PhD Karin Verelst is a scientist (Molecular Biology) who turned to history and philosophy of science. Her areas of interest include ancient mathematics, early modern natural philosophy and the foundations of mathematics, the structural characterisation of causal theories using category theory, the logico-algebraic approach to the foundations of quantum mechanics.

The focal point in her research is the role metaphysics plays as a structural element in the foundations of philosophical and scientific theories. She therefore explores the strong connections between paradoxes as they appear and are dealt with in ancient philosophy, and their reappearance in early modern natural philosophy, as well as in the foundations of contemporary science and mathematics. Verelst Karin's personal home-page. Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive’s wayback machine project. The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.

The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time. Karin Verelst's personal home-page at Vrije Universiteit Brussel B. Sc., B.A., M.Sc., M.Phil., PhD Karin Verelst is a scientist (Molecular Biology) who turned to history and philosophy of science. More info about Karin Verelst on the Research and Development Page Some of her papers are available for downloading at the arXives: and List of publications CV. ( mirror ) - okt 2008 - inspectie van het Onderwijs - buitenlandse studenten in het Hoger Onderwijs , risico's bij werving ... kst 29388 17 b1. Towards one European HE Area. On April, 15 they came to the Senate Hall of Utrecht University to discuss the Louvain Conference and the future of the bachelor-mastersystem in a debate organized by Dutch Student Union LSVb and ScienceGuide.

New ChallengesLigia Deca, the Rumanian ESU-president, called for a ‘next stage’ in the Bologna Process. “We should go much further than structural changes. The Bologna Process has been very succesful. We have seen a strong involvement of academic institutions, it has become a reality on the ground. Now, it is time for a next stage in which mobility of students is much more stimulated. We should not just copy the American system. Noël Vercruyssen, who has been in civil service for over 30 years, is currently director higher education at the Flemish ministry of Work, Education and Vocational Training.

It is still an open question how the mobility of students can be promoted, as this does not only depend on structure, but also on culture and personal motivation. Lisbon Recognition Convention. The Lisbon Recognition Convention, officially the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region is an international convention of the Council of Europe elaborated together with the UNESCO. As of 2012, the Convention has been ratified by all 47 member states of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg except for Greece and Monaco.

It has also been ratified by the Council of Europe non-member states Australia, Belarus, the Holy See, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and New Zealand. Canada, Tajikistan and the USA have signed but not ratified the Convention. Aims[edit] The Convention stipulates that degrees and periods of study must be recognised unless substantial differences can be proved by the institution that is charged with recognition. Students and graduates are guaranteed fair procedures under the Convention.

Convention bodies[edit] Bologna Process[edit] Historical background[edit] External links[edit] European Commission - Education & Training - The Bologna Process - Towards the European Higher Education Area. Een Europa van Kennis. The Bologna Process 2020 – The European Higher Education Area in the new decade Communiqué of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28-29 April 2009 We, the Ministers responsible for higher education in the 46 countries of the Bologna Process convened in Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, on April 28 and 29, 2009 to take stock of the achievements of the Bologna Process and to establish the priorities for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for the next decade.

Preamble 1. 2. 3. 4. I. 5. 6. 7. II. 8. . • Social dimension: equitable access and completion 9. . • Lifelong learning 10. 11. 12. . • Employability 13. . • Student-centred learning and the teaching mission of higher education 14. . • Education, research and innovation 15. . • International openness 16. 17. . • Mobility 18. 19. 20. . • Data collection 21. . • Multidimensional transparency tools 22. . • Funding 23. III. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. - Your Gateway to Recognition. European Network of Information Centres. The European Network of Information Centres (ENIC) were established as a join initiative of UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

They are intended to implement the Lisbon recognition convention and, in general, to develop policy and practice for the recognition of qualifications. The ENIC network works closely with the NARIC network of the European Union. The network is made up of national information centres from each of the member states of the European Cultural Convention. Each centre is set of independently by each nation and they therefore vary in size and scope. However they generally provide information on: the recognition of foreign qualifications of all kindsforeign education systems and the local education systemopportunities for studying abroad i.e. financial questions, equivalences etc.NARIC. Pluto Press - The Assault on Universities.

With funding cuts well under way and many institutions already promising to charge the maximum £9,000 yearly tuition fee, university education for the majority is under threat. This book exposes the true motives behind the government's programme and provides the analytical tools to fight it. Widespread student protests and occupations, often supported by staff, unions and society at large, show the public's opposition to funding cuts and fee increases. The contributors to this sharp, well-written collection, many of whom are active participants in the anti-cuts movement, outline what's at stake and why it matters. They argue that university education is becoming increasingly skewed towards vocational degrees, which devalues the arts and social sciences – subjects that allow creativity and political inquiry to flourish. Michael Bailey is Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Essex. Is also available in ebook format from a number of retailers. INTRODUCTION1.

Notes on contributorsIndex. ( mirror ) - Henk Oonk - Startdossier internationaliseringsagenda voor het onderwijs 2015-2020. Home. Home. Dr. G.H. ( Henk) Oonk is na 5 jaar in het basisonderwijs en 4 jaar in het voortgezet onderwijs te hebben gewerkt, directeur geworden van het CEVNO, dat in 1991 is omgevormd tot het Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse Onderwijs ( EP). Hij heeft als directeur van het EP samen met vele collega’s de Europese en internationale oriëntatie van het Nederlandse basis- en voortgezet onderwijs en de lerarenopleidingen verder ontwikkeld en uitgebouwd. Van 2006 tot 2012 heeft hij als onderzoeker bij het GION/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen meegewerkt aan een serie onderzoeken met betrekking tot de betekenis en effecten van de internationalisering/Europese en Internationale Oriëntatie/Europees burgerschap in het onderwijs. Vanaf 2012 is Oonk part-time onderzoeker aan het Instituut ‘ Agora Politische Bildung’ , Leibniz Universität Hannover ( LUH).

Zie voor uitgebreid overzicht de rubriek CV. Website: Helios Onderwijs en Europa. Brits hoger onderwijs verdeeld over nieuwe graden. 8 juli 2011 - Britse universiteiten willen hun cijferlijsten en graderingen aanpassen aan de USA. De eigen traditie zit hen in de weg, vinden zij, Oxford en Cambridge voelen daar echter niets voor. Wat betekent dit meningsverschil voor BaMa en Bologna? A group of 7 British universities is set to overhaul the way in which students are graded in the UK. Their outspoken goal is to abandon the current British honours classification system and adapt an American style Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) standard. The current system divides students into 5 different classes according to the course grades they obtained. First-class Honours and Second-class Honours from the upper division (referred to as 2:1) are most sought after by companies.

Advocates of the G.P.A. standard argue that it comes with a greater degree of fairness to students and transparency for businesses wishing to employ graduates. Support from Influential Burgess Group Missed Opportunity in Bologna Process. HE reforms: India vs. Europe. HE reforms: India vs. Europe 30 januari 2012 - India is implementing major changes to its Bachelor/Master system.

How does this compare to the Bologna reforms in Europe? “What is needed in India is more freedom both for students and universities,” comment Frits van Merode and Krista Knoppers from Maastricht University. India no exception An interesting title such as 'Reversed Bologna process in India' invites comments on both the context in India and Europe.

Even more interesting is the difference between countries with regard to master programmes only. Bachelor to labor market However, as the 'Bologna' 'Bachelor master' system seems to be Anglo-Saxon, there are also important differences between e.g. the United Kingdom and United States on the one hand and the mainland Europe system on the other hand. What India is doing is not an exception, certainly not compared to the rest of the world, in particular compared to the Anglo-Saxon system. More freedom. 10 jaar na Bologna. In 1998 werd op de Parijse universiteit Sorbonne door alle ministers van Onderwijs besloten dat studenten en docenten mobieler zouden moeten worden. Een jaar later tekenden zij vol trots de Bolognaverklaring, waardoor de bachelor-masterstructuur en de befaamde ects in de toenmalige Europese Unie plus de toenmalige kandidaat-lidstaten en Noorwegen, IJsland en Zwitserland werden ingevoerd.

Later werden er nog meer doelen aan het Europese beleid gesteld: zo zou een leven lang leren een standaard moeten worden en moet in 2020 20 procent van de studenten in het buitenland studeren of gestudeerd hebben. Dit alles zou Europa het kennismekka van de wereld moeten maken. Tien jaar na de Bologna-verklaring schrijft een commissie in opdracht van de Europese Commissie een vernietigend rapport (pdf-alarm).

Alle landen hebben inmiddels de bachelor-masterstructuur ingevoerd, al zijn er nog behoorlijke verschillen tussen lidstaten. ScienceGuide: Belarusian Bologna Process? 12 februari 2014 - The universities of Belarus are getting ready to join the Bologna Process. The rector of the Belarusian State University, Mikhail Zhuravkov is convinced that it might already happen in 2015. For now, Belarus is still banned due to a lack of academic freedom and student participation. Belarus is the only country, among the 47 that want to streamline their education through the Bologna Process, that has been banned.

In 2012, the ban has been put in place for another three years, in 2015 Belarus’ situation will be reconsidered. “I am convinced that Belarus will join the Bologna Process in 2015. Well-trained and very smart In order to join the European Higher Education Area, a country must be party to the European Cultural Convention and make a commitment to implement the area's main objectives and policies. In the Belarusian media a very different reason for ban can be found. Greater freedom for universities essential - News. (pdf) Van homo academicus tot homo economicus , Over de functieverandering van de universiteit in de ‘kenniseconomie - - Chris Lorenz.

Homo academicus. De nieuwe bron van ongelijkheid in Europa: studeren - De Correspondent. De nieuwe bron van ongelijkheid in Europa: studeren - De Correspondent. Koen Marée sur Twitter : "Dankzij de Bolognaverklaring kunnen studenten in heel Europa een studie volgen. Maar in de praktijk verkassen heel veel slimme koppen uit Zuid- en Oost-Europa naar het westen, waar het dringen is. Voor @decorrespondent verdiep ik.