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Vlamingen protesteren tegen tweejarige masters. BBC: Danish teachers form 35km line in protest over lockout. De HO reality check van Poetin. 2 september 2011 - Rusland komt studenten te kort. Meer dan 100.000 docenten worden ontslagen als gevolg van de teruglopende studentenaantallen, zo voorspellen economen. Poetin blijft optimistisch en presenteert zichzelf nu als de nieuwe ster van het hoger onderwijs. Russian universities face troubles filling their classrooms with students. Around 8500 out of 484.000 state-funded study places will remain vacant this year. Estimates say that this trend will worsen further in the nearer future. As a consequence, economists expect that 100.000 university teachers will lose their jobs until 2020. "More than 100 universities are faced with a shortage of students this year. 400.000 fewer high school graduates Indeed, the number of secondary school graduates has fallen from 1,2 million in 2006 to merely 800.000 this year.

Whether this view matches reality is questionable. Putin - HE star. Students clash with police in Kerala‬‏ Ondertussen in Pakistan. Ondertussen in Pakistan. ANS-Online kijkt in het weekend over ’s lands grenzen en brengt je buitenlands studentennieuws. Deze week: Gevechten op de Karachi University. Rellen, gevechten en protesten door studenten lijken momenteel aan de orde van de dag. In Groot-Brittannië slopen de studenten alles wat los en vast zit door de absurde verhoging van de collegegelden, in Nederland verlopen de protesten vooralsnog vreedzaam. Rellen door beschuldigingen van bedrog tussen twee studentenorganisaties onderling, die kom je echter niet tegen. Hoe anders is het in Pakistan: daar groeide de campus van de Karachi University afgelopen donderdag en vrijdag uit tot een waar slagveld.

Twee studenten van de verschillende organisaties, de Imamia Students Organisation (ISO) en de Peoples Student Federation (PSF), waren in een conflict geraakt over spieken tijdens een examen. Ondertussen in Pakistan. ANS-Online kijkt in het weekend over ’s lands grenzen en brengt je buitenlands studentennieuws. Deze week: Angst in Abbottabad. Sinds de dood van Osama bin Laden is de Pakistaanse stad Abbottabad wereldwijd bekend als de stad waar hij jarenlang ondergedoken zat en kort geleden werd ontdekt. Deze stad is echter ook dé ‘educatie stad’ van Pakistan. Internationale scholen, militaire academies en universiteitscomplexen met vooruitstrevende voorzieningen maken Abbottabad een verzamelplek voor studenten uit het hele land. Onbewust leefden ze op minder dan een kilometer afstand van de Talibanleider. ‘We konden het niet geloven. Universiteitsbesturen vrezen voor de gevolgen die de gebeurtenissen zullen hebben voor de groei en het voortbestaan van de onderwijsinstellingen.

Ondertussen in Pakistan. ANS-Online kijkt in het weekend over ’s lands grenzen en brengt je buitenlands studentennieuws. Deze week: Talibanstudenten op Pakistaanse universiteiten. Eerder meldden wij al dat er grote angst heerst onder studenten in Abbottabad, de plaats waar recentelijk Osama bin Laden werd vermoord door Amerikaanse veiligheidstroepen. Studenten bleven thuis en volgden geen onderwijs uit angst voor vergeldingsacties door de Taliban en militaire bewegingen van Amerikanen. Die angst lijkt gegrond nu bekend is geworden dat er zich onder studenten in Pakistan een bron van nieuwe aanwas voor de Taliban bevindt en er tevens plannen zouden zijn om een aanslag te plegen op de universiteit van Karachi. De jonge militant, die onder de naam Maaz Ali als natuurkundestudent aan de universiteit van Karachi geregistreerd staat, vertelde dat er zich in de stad nog zo’n 150 Talibanstrijders bevinden, waarvan het merendeel als student actief is.

Students march against reintroduction of fees. Image: Ylenia Morselli TENS OF THOUSANDS of students took to the streets of the capital today to protests against the possible reintroduction of third level fees or cutting of maintenance grants. An estimated 20,000 students from across the country gathered shortly after midday in Parnell Square before marching towards Government buildings, chanting: “No ifs, no buts, no education cuts”. Nearly 200 buses carried students from college campuses across Ireland to participate in the march. Maintenance support and grants for postgraduate students are in danger of being dropped from next year – in the hopes of saving the State about €50 million annually.

“Claiming, in a post election environment, that the situation is dramatically different from what they had been told is simply taking the Irish people for fools,” he added. See: today’s protests in photos> Video uploaded by ITSLIGOSU via YouTube Video ( Already a fan? Ondertussen in Ierland. USI working with Garda to blockade students students. #occupyuniversity. Events 5th - 8th December Mon 5 Dec 4:00 Barbara O’Shea on peace journalism & its relevance for the occupy movement Tues 6 Dec 5:30 Luke Bukha & Joe Moore on the asylum system & institutional racism Wed 7 Dec 2:00 Nico Brown music workshop with bamboo tuned rattles from Java called ‘Angklung’ Thurs 8 Dec 4:00 Roger Cole on war, Ireland & the EU/US/NATO axis Events: 29th November - 2nd December Wed 30 Nov 4:00 Harry Browne on Crisisjam & the real state of the nation Wed 30 Nov 5:00 Abie Philbin Bowman on ‘how many comedians does it take to change a government?’

Thurs 1 Dec 4:00 Andy Storey on accumulation & dispossession at Corrib Thurs 1 Dec 5:00 William Hederman on the oil & gas giveaway #occupyuniversity working group statement on events at the 16/11/11 USI demonstration However we must strongly reject the actions of Union of Students in Ireland stewards this afternoon. We need a third level education that values democracy and free thought, not privilege and obedience. We are the 99%. USI denies ‘collusion’ with Gardaí to stop ‘Occupy University’ protest. A 'human chain' of USI stewards and Gardaí stopped FEE and Occupy protesters from entering a demonstration yesterday.

Protesters say the exclusion was deliberate; USI denies this. Image: William Hederman Updated, 13.18 A UNIVERSITY OFFSHOOT of the Occupy Dame Street movement has accused other student groups of ‘collaborating’ with Gardaí and security forces in stopping them from taking part in yesterday’s student march in Dublin. The ‘Occupy University’ collective, comprised of students and academics and an offshoot of the Occupy Dame Street protests, said Gardaí and members of the Union of Students in Ireland had tried to stop them from taking part in the rally. In a statement, the group accused USI’s stewards at yesterday’s demonstration of acting with Gardaí in stopping people from Occupy University and other student groups from joining in the main rally, which was attended by an estimated 20,000 people. ‘Name and shame’ Students march against reintroduction of fees > Already a fan?

Merrion Row Clashes - Dublin November 3rd 2010 HD. Gardaí, students clash in Dublin. Wednesday 03 November 2010 22.58 Student leaders have condemned the action of protestors who clashed with gardaí after a protest against plans to increase registration fees for third level students. There was disruption in Dublin city centre this afternoon after protests outside the Department of Finance on Merrion Street and the Dáil on Kildare Street. A number of people were injured during scuffles with gardaí on Merrion Row, while three gardaí received medical attention after being injured by objects thrown by protestors. One garda was admitted to hospital with a broken nose, the other two gardaí were treated at the scene for minor injuries. Gardaí have charged two men in their 20s arrested after the protest. One has been charged with criminal damage and the other with a breach of the peace.

Both are due in court over the coming weeks. A third person was released without charge and a file is being sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions. USI march 'All areas considered for reductions'

Honduras is burning, endless Repression By Military-backed Regime | - Autonomy against Barbarism. Dozens of people beaten, gassed, illegally detained. This follows on 5 days of brutal repression against Honduran teachers and the Pro-Democracy movement, including the killing of 59 year-old teacher Ilse Velasquez By Karen Spring (Rights Action, Tegucigalpa, March 30, 2011) Today, a National Strike was called in Honduras by the public school teachers and the National Front of Popular Resistance to protest the last two weeks of brutal and fierce repression, the eighteen political prisoners on trial and the attempt of the post-coup regime and international financial institutions to privatize public education.

In various key locations in all areas of the country, thousands of Hondurans occupied major roads, bridges and universities to participate in the National Strike. Most protests and gatherings were repressed and unconfirmed reports say that at least 46 people were illegally detained, many injured and one killed during the violent evictions throughout the country. University World News - CHINA: Unrest fears prompt alert at universities. Universities in China have come under government surveillance in the wake of unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, as nervous authorities fear the 'contagion' could spread to China.

Police have been mobilised to break up large gatherings three weekends in a row, for fear that they could turn into larger scale protests similar to the 1989 student-led Tiananmen protests, which were brutally put down but have been seen as a forerunner for recent unrest in the Middle East. Heightened security at universities was part of a government alert as a result of online calls for 'Jasmine' rallies - echoing the Jasmine revolution in Tunisia and Arab countries - in various cities, which began around 20 February and have continued for three weekends. Most recently the protest calls named protest venues in 41 cities compared to 27 a week before. "It only took 18 days for the collapse of a military regime [Egypt's] which was in power for 30 years and looked harmonious and stable. Fee Hike| Schools terrorizing and extorting parents.Ashok Agarwal (AIPA) calls parents to protest.

ISM_News: Struggle against school fe... Ondertussen in Japan. ANS-Online kijkt in het weekend over ’s lands grenzen en brengt je buitenlands studentennieuws. Deze week: Jongeren die van school veranderen naar aanleiding van de kernreactorramp in Fukushima. Al meer dan twee maanden geleden werd Japan geteisterd door een aardbeving en een daaropvolgende allesverwoestende tsunami. De kerncentrale in Fukushima kon deze desastreuze rampen niet weerstaan. Sindsdien is de wereld in spanning over de ontwikkelingen rondom de kerncentrale, omdat er inmiddels al veel radioactief materiaal is vrijgekomen. In Japan houdt men eveneens het hart vast en inmiddels zijn vele scholieren en studenten uit de regio Fukushima van school veranderd. De angst voor straling zou inmiddels al 302 scholieren uit zes steden van de regio Fukushima ertoe hebben gebracht om van school te veranderen. Een 50-jarige man uit het oosten van Fukushima stuurde zijn twee zonen van 9 en 6 jaar oud naar een andere school, vlak bij familieleden in Okayama.

Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec. Naar Den Haag! 23 april 2012 - Studentenprotest is soms verbazingwekkend creatief. En hoe erger het bewind en beleid, hoe meer verbeeldingskracht. Ter inspiratie voor studenten in ons land wellicht, hier het laatste voorbeeld uit Wit Rusland! Jongerenorganisaties in de hoofdstad van dictatuur Belarus, Minsk, hebben ter voorbereiding op het Paasfeest bij de autoriteiten toestemming gevraagd voor een manifestatie. Zoiets wordt natuurlijk altijd afgewezen, tenzij het een evenement is van het regime en zijn lakeien.

Recent verbood dictator Loekasjenko zelfs dat er luidruchtig geapplaudisseerd werd bij toegestane demonstraties, zulks nadat de oppositie had aangekondigd overal waar hij optrad luidruchtig te zullen juichen en klappen. Zelf bedacht middeleeuws gebruik Dit keer was het verzoek echter wel goedgekeurd. En dus kwamen de jongeren met vele honderden naar het grote plein in Minsk, met hun lampionnen.

De volgende woonplaats. 2012-07-07 - ONE NEWS - STUDENT PROTEST STRUGGLE. Students staged sit-ins & rallies across #Morocco to protest commercialisation of education. Government closes all universities after two-month lecturer strike. Sri Lanka’s Higher Education Ministry last week closed down all state universities and several other higher education institutions until further notice. The decision was taken after a two-month strike by university academics reached a critical stage.

Fifteen universities and six other institutions were closed indefinitely. Protests and boycotts involving both lecturers and students have taken place countrywide. The Federation of University Teachers’ Associations (FUTA) strike has paralysed universities. The academic activities, including examinations, of some 20,000 undergraduate students have been affected. Higher Education Minister SB Dissanayake took the shut-down decision after discussing the crisis with vice-chancellors and other officials.

The union has been engaged in the strike since 4 July and held a huge demonstration last Thursday, along with opposition political parties and other unions under the campaign "Protect State Education". Ondertussen in: Taiwan. ANS-Online kijkt in het weekend over ’s lands grenzen en brengt je buitenlands studentennieuws. Deze week: Taiwanese pacificatie. De zelfuitgeroepen onafhankelijkheid van Taiwan is al jarenlang een doorn in het oog van de Volksrepubliek China. Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog ontstond binnen China een interne machtsstrijd tussen nationalisten en communisten.

Die laatste wonnen uiteindelijk de broedertwist en verdreven de nationalisten van het vasteland. Zij namen hun intrek op Taiwan, dat ze omdoopten tot de Republiek China. Vanaf dat moment waren het eens samengevoegde eiland en continent als water en vuur. De laatste jaren lijken de relaties echter warmer te worden, met name door een vrijhandelsverdrag dat in 2008 werd gesloten. Vanaf 2011 kunnen ook studenten van deze verbeterde betrekkingen profiteren. Taiwan heeft de pech dat zij de gemakkelijkste mogelijkheid is om snel studieplaatsen te bieden aan Chinese studenten.

Thousands of Hungarian students rally against government. By Krisztina Than and Marton Dunai BUDAPEST Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:50pm GMT BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Thousands of students rallied on Wednesday against the Hungarian government's planned sharp cuts in state-financed places at universities, blocking peak traffic on one of the main bridges in Budapest and several roads in freezing weather.

The students, staging the second spontaneous protest march through the Hungarian capital this week, are demanding that the government give up its plans to cut funding to higher education and start a public dialogue about the reforms. Hungary's centre-right government is trying to keep the budget deficit below the European Union's 3 percent ceiling amid a recession in central Europe's most indebted economy.

The protest march, which started with a meeting at Budapest's University of Technology and Economics, rapidly grew and headed to the Economy Ministry in sub-zero temperatures. Police did not interfere. (Reporting by Krisztina Than; Editing by Michael Roddy) Hungarian brain-drain imminent. Tüntettek a diákok a szegedi Tömörkény István Gimnázium előtt. Hungarian brain-drain imminent. Students Started Removing Clothes in Class over Short Skirt Ban at Kaposvar University in Hungary.