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Wikipedia: 2011–12 Chilean student protests. The 2011–2013 Chilean protests — known as the Chilean Winter (in particular reference to the massive protests of August 2011) or the Chilean Education Conflict (as labelled in Chilean media) — are a series of ongoing student-led protests across Chile, demanding a new framework for education in the country, including more direct state participation in secondary education and an end to the existence of profit in higher education. Currently in Chile, only 45% of high school students study in traditional public schools and most universities are also private. No new public universities have been built since the end of the Chilean transition to democracy in 1990, even though the number of university students has swelled.

The first clear government response to the protests was a proposal for a new education fund[3] and a cabinet shuffle which replaced Minister of Education Joaquín Lavín[4] and was seen as not fundamentally addressing student movement concerns. Background[edit] Demands[edit] Camila Vallejo: “Entendemos la lucha de los indignados, pero en Chile pasamos la etapa del descontento” Después de cerca de seis meses de protestas, el movimiento estudiantil, que demanda una educación pública gratuita, sigue marcando la agenda política del país.

Este martes se inicia un nuevo paro de 48 horas. Estudiantes, profesores, ambientalistas y la Central Unitaria de Trabajadores, uno de los principales sindicatos chilenos, secundan la protesta, que tendrá su acto principal en las manifestaciones convocadas para el miércoles por la tarde. En vísperas de estas jornadas de movilización, BBC Mundo habló en París con Camila Vallejo, presidenta de la Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile y una de las caras visibles del movimiento. Vallejo, de 22 años y estudiante de Geografía, se encuentra en Europa junto a otros tres representantes estudiantiles chilenos desde el viernes para exponer sus demandas e intentar “internacionalizar” el movimiento. - Viajaron a Europa para reunirse con instituciones internacionales e intelectuales. Pero se visualizan como un todo.

Chile: Camila Vallejo interviewed | [Translation of an interview by BBC World with Camila Vallejo, a leader of the Chilean student movement, as published in El Mostrador of Santiago on October 18. See original here and related articles here.] After close to six months of protests, the student movement, which is demanding free public education, continues shaping the country’s political agenda.

A new 48-hour strike begins this Tuesday. Students, professors, environmentalists and the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores, one of Chile’s principal unions, support the protest, which will include as its central event a demonstration scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. On the day before these mobilizations, BBC World spoke in Paris with Camila Vallejo, president of the Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile and one of the most visible faces of the movement. You traveled to Europe to meet with international organizations and with intellectuals.

The philosopher Edgard Morin gave us confidence. You are about to graduate. TEK TOK Contact Chris van 't Hof: Details Category: Contact Published on 17 February 2012 Written by Chris Hits: 5596 Hoi, Ik ben Chris van 't Hof: socioloog, techneut en presentator. Tek Tok late night vindt plaats in het Paard van Troje, Prinsegracht 12 in Den Haag. kaart Wil je op de hoogte blijven van de komende afleveringen, schrijf je dan in voor onze nieuwsbrief.

@Confech sur Twitter. #NosVemosEl11. Ana Tijoux - Shock (Video CLip 2011) Ana / anita tijoux (@anatijoux) sur Twitter. Student Protests in Chile - Alan Taylor - In Focus. For the past several months, students, teachers, and their supporters in Chile have been staging chaotic demonstrations against their government. Their goal is to transform the country's education system. In particular, they're seeking a referendum to significantly increase the funding and quality of public schools. Students have engaged in multiple forms of protest, from hunger strikes and sit-ins to marches and pillow fights. Smaller groups of protesters have engaged riot police directly, hurling stones and firebombs. Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: People march during a protest by students demanding access to free quality public education in Santiago, Chile, on August 7, 2011.

Students scuffle with riot police outside the Education Minister in Santiago, Chile, Tuesday, July 5, 2011. Riot policemen use a water cannon on student protesters during a rally to demand changes in the public state education system in Santiago, on August 4, 2011. In Chile Protests, A Teenager Is Dead, 1,400 Arrested : The Two-Way. Hide captionRiot police detain a demonstrator on the second day of a national strike in Santiago, Chile on Thursday. Jose Miguel Rojas/AP Riot police detain a demonstrator on the second day of a national strike in Santiago, Chile on Thursday. A two-day strike culminated in a massive march that left a 16-year-old dead and close to 1,400 arrested in Chile, yesterday.

The AP reports: Deputy Interior Minister Rodrigo Ubilla is promising to quickly clarify who fired the bullet that killed 16-year-old Manuel Gutierrez. His friends said police fired at them without cause, while Ubilla suggested he died fighting the officers.Looting, burning and rock-throwing led to a total of 1,394 arrests nationwide. The protest, reports Bloomberg, was organized by students, teacher and unionized workers and they were pushing for better labor and education conditions. Most employees ignored the call to strike, Labor Minister Evelyn Matthei told reporters at the presidential palace today. ‪Educación en Chile: ¿En qué idioma te lo digo? (English subs)‬‏ VIDEOS: Massive Free Education Movement in Chile 2011 | "International Student Movement"

Video Collection:Massive Movement for Free Education in Chile 2011 Just like pretty much everywhere around the world people in Chile have been resisting the increasing privatisation and commercialisation of education for the past few years. The latest wave of protests errupted at the end of May this year.A fellow activist in Chile sent in a report on June 4th to give some background information on the current movement. The independent communication platform International Student Movement (ISM) can be used by groups and activists to inform about the developments on the local level, network with people worldwide and make coordinations. June 2011 saw dozens of huge demonstrations for free education across Chile.

Schools and universities have been occupied and the whole education system pretty much paralysed. Something missing or not accurate enough? Let's begin with a general clip, that was recorded by activists to inform people worldwide in many different languages on the situation.


‪Cacerolazo #4deagosto Santiago Chile‬‏ Cacerolazo 4 agosto 2011. CNNMéxico: Más de 500 detenidos en una jornada de protestas estudiantiles en Chile. (CNNMéxico) — Los estudiantes chilenos, pese a que la Policía impidió este jueves una marcha y detuvo a más de 500, desafiaron una prohibición gubernamental y decidieron mantener el llamado a una nueva protesta en sectores oficialmente vedados, informaron sus dirigentes. La acción policial para impedir la marcha de los estudiantes diseminó una densa nube de gases lacrimógenos por todo el centro de Santiago y alcanzó lugares como estaciones del Metro y la sección de Radiología de la clínica Santa María, que debió suspender la atención de pacientes. En un balance dado a conocer por el subsecretario del Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, las movilizaciones realizadas durante esta jornada en gran parte del país han dejado 527 detenidos y 14 carabineros lesionados a lo largo de todo Chile, uno de ellos en estado grave.

Estudiantes y profesores están inconformes con las reformas educativas del presidente Sebastián Piñera. NYTimes: Students Pressure Chile to Reform Education System. ‪Las otras manfiestaciones de los estudiantes chilenos - CNN CHILE 2011‬‏ ‪Suicidio Colectivo por la Educación -‬‏ ‪MICHAEL JACKSON, ESTUDIANTES CHILENOS PROTESTAN BAILANDO THRILLER‬‏ ‪Besaton Plaza de Armas (Documetraje)‬‏ Las otras manfiestaciones de los estudiantes chilenos - CNN CHILE 2011. Duros enfrentamientos entre estudiantes y Carabineros | Fotos HD de Federación de Estudiantes Universidad de Chile - Inicio. Com_fech sur Twitter. FECH - Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile. Student protests turn violent in Chile - Americas. Chilean riot police fired tear gas and used water cannons to disperse violent protesters on the fringe of an otherwise peaceful student demonstration in the capital Santiago.

Tens of thousands of teachers, students, parents and sympathetic labour activists marched in central Santiago on Tuesday for the fifth time in two months to demand reforms from the conservative government of President Sebastian Pinera. The peaceful protest came apart when a group of hooded youths hurled sticks and rocks at riot police near the presidential palace of La Moneda. Some of the youths smashed street lights and broke windows, and a car was set ablaze. Police said about 60,000 people marched. Organisers put the number closer to 100,000. "The time has come to fight, not to negotiate," some students said in their banners. Demonstrators walked past the Dario Salas School, where three minors have been on hunger strike for 21 days to support student demands. Giorgio Jackson (GiorgioJackson) sur Twitter. Colegio de Profesores de Chile A.G. - Directorio Nacional. Jaime Gajardo voorzitter van Teachers College. Camila Vallejo. Camila Antonia Amaranta Vallejo Dowling (n.

Santiago, 28 de abril de 1988), es una geógrafa[4] y política chilena. Militante de las Juventudes Comunistas de Chile, se inició en política como dirigente estudiantil, desempeñándose como presidenta de la Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile (FECh) entre 2010 y 2011, siendo la segunda mujer en ocupar este cargo, después de Marisol Prado, quien lo hiciera entre 1997 y 1998.[5] Fue una de las principales líderes de la movilización estudiantil de 2011. Posteriormente fue vicepresidenta de la FECh (2011-2012). En las elecciones parlamentarias de 2013 fue elegida diputada por el distrito 26 (La Florida) y actualmente es la más joven del total de 120 parlamentarios. Biografía[editar] En 2006 ingresó a estudiar Geografía en la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (FAU) de la Universidad de Chile, carrera de la cual se tituló en julio de 2013 con distinción máxima.[4] Carrera política[editar] Inicios[editar] Reconocimientos[editar] ‪Presentación Lista Estudiantes de Izquierda - Fech 2011‬‏

‪El negocio de la Educación en Chile‬‏ Chileense studenten massaal de straat op. Repressie zegeviert! « Kritische Studenten Utrecht. Lessons from Chili: Student movement on the attack « Kritische Studenten Utrecht. Posted by kritischestudentenutrecht under Internationaal, solidariteitGeef een reactie Massive Movement for Free Education in Chile Just like pretty much everywhere around the world people in Chile have been resisting the increasing privatisation and commercialisation of education for the past few years.

The latest wave of protests errupted at the end of May this year. The following article gives an impression of the struggle with a collection of video’s in English, Dutch and Spanish. A fellow activist in Chile sent in a report on June 4th to give some background information on the current movement. By the way, the independent communication platform International Student Movement (ISM) can be used by groups and activists to inform about the developments on the local level, network with people worldwide and make coordinations. June 2011 saw dozens of huge demonstrations for free education across Chile. NederlandsEnglish. Protestwelle in Chile: Mit Kunstblut gegen das Bildungsystem.

Protestwelle in Chile Teure Privatschulen, miserable öffentliche Bildungseinrichtungen: 400.000 demonstrieren gegen Pinochets Erbe. Und Chiles Präsident lenkt ein - ein bisschen. Zombies, Vampire und eimerweise Kunstblut: Chilenische StudentInnen demonstieren in Valparaiso gegen die staatliche Bildungspolitik. Bild: reuters PORTO ALEGRE taz | Rhythmische Sprechchöre hallen durch Santiagos Prachtstraße La Alameda: "Und es wird fallen, und es wird fallen", heißt es in Abwandlung einer Protestparole gegen das Militärregime (1973-90), "das Bildungssystem von Pinochet. " Am Donnerstag zogen wieder Hunderttausende auf die winterlichen Straßen Chiles. 90 Prozent der Eltern können sich keine Privatschule für ihre Kinder leisten.

Aber der Konflikt wird grundsätzlicher: Vereinzelt ist bereits der Ruf nach Neuwahlen zu hören. Minderjährige wurden festgenommen Ungenügendes Angebot der Regierung. ‪Chile students rally in fresh protest‬‏ Sky News: Chile Riots: Santiago Police Battle Students Amid Protests Over Chilean Education System. Riot police have battled students on the streets of Chile's capital, firing water cannon and tear gas at protesters.

The violence broke out in Santiago amid calls for changes to the country's under-funded education system. Hundreds of thousands have protested in Chile's main cities in recent weeks and police detained more than 500 students in the latest skirmishes. Several police officers and young people were injured. Protesters had been warned that Thursday's marches were considered illegal and would be met with force. The students marched anyway, setting up barricades of burning tyres at a dozen points around the city, which sparked traffic gridlock. Many tried to peacefully hold their ground, but others dressed in hoodies threw missiles at police cars and passing buses.

Despite the crackdown, student activists called for protesters to keep up the demonstration. The sounds of students bashing pans together could be heard in various parts of the capital late into the night. StudiKURIER: Küssen für die Bildung. StudiKURIER: schwere ausschreitungen. Grave represión contra estudiantes en Chile. Grave represión contra estudiantes en Chile. Failed Education Reform in Chile Prompts Hunger Strikes, Protests by Thousands of Students. ‪Arabic-Web-Chilean students rally for public education‬‏ Kf2lsfkj Shared by SantiagoTimes.

‪Impiden acceso de jóvenes a Metro de Santiago para que no asistan a marcha por educación‬‏ Politie Chili slaat studentenbetoging neer - Buitenland. © reuters. Mensen dragen een spandoek in de vorm van de Chileense vlag bij een demonstratie gisteren in Valparaiso. De Chileense politie heeft gisteren in de hoofdstad Santiago traangas en waterkanonnen ingezet tegen tienduizenden studenten, leraren en sympathisanten die betoogden voor een beter en betaalbaarder onderwijssysteem. Dat heeft de politie gemeld. Een aantal gemaskerde betogers stak auto's in brand, wierp barricades op, plunderde etalages en belaagde de politie met stenen. Het was het vijfde grote protest in twee maanden. Vorige week werden circa 900 mensen gearresteerd en vielen tientallen gewonden, onder wie agenten. 'Gebukt onder schulden'De betogers willen onder meer dat de centrale overheid het onderwijs organiseert in plaats van de lokale overheden. Vijfde studentenprotest in Chili neergeslagen.

In de Chileense hoofdstad Santiago zijn weer hevige rellen uitgebroken tijdens een protestmars van duizenden scholieren, studenten en leraren. De studenten betogen al maanden voor beter en betaalbaar onderwijs. De mars verliep vreedzaam, totdat een aantal gemaskerde demonstranten auto’s in brand stak, barricades opwierp en de politie met stenen bekogelde. De politie greep in met traangas en gepantserde voertuigen met waterkanonnen en arresteerde 273 mensen. Dat schrijft De Volkskrant. Een aantal dagen geleden liepen betogingen in de stad ook uit de hand en werden 900 mensen opgepakt. De studenten in Chili willen dat de centrale overheid het onderwijs organiseert en financiert. Más de 500 detenidos y vuelta a la cacerolada. Chilenos revivieron esta noche "caceroleo" usado contra Pinochet. Niños afectados por lacrimógenas debieron ser resguardados en subterráneo de jardín infantil. #4deagosto se convierte en Trending Topic global.

Tientallen gewonden en arrestaties bij studentenprotesten Chili. Ondertussen in Chili. University World News - CHILE: New student demands in three-month conflict. Chile: “Anti-Occupation” Law Sparks Controversy. In Chile, Students' Anger at Tuition Debt Fuels Protests and a National Debate - Global. De Chileense strijd voor beter onderwijs | La Chispa: Het Latijns Amerika Magazine. Epic Protest Video from Chile + Analysis. Largest student protest this year in Chile turns violent. Chile Faces Two Days of Student Protests in June | I Love Chile: The World’s Premier Source of Chilean News. Chile rising - Fault Lines. DN! Chilean Student Movement Awarded for Organizing Nation’s Largest Protests Since Pinochet Era.

Scienceguide: Chile’s accreditation crunch. Universidad del Mar. Huge student protests paralyze many Chilean cities. ScienceGuide: Chilean education on the brink. Fault Lines AlJazeeraEnglish. Chile: Students Fight Privatization, Inequality, Segregation Diane Ravitch.

#MINEDUC 25june2013 #CobreXEducación 26june2013