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Endowed chair - professorship

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Financial endowment. Among the institutions that commonly manage endowments are academic institutions (e.g., colleges, universities, and private schools), cultural institutions (e.g., museums, libraries, theaters, and hospitals), and religious establishments.

Financial endowment

An endowment may come with stipulations regarding its usage. In some circumstances, an endowment may be required to be spent in a certain way or alternatively to be invested, with the principal to remain intact in perpetuity or for a defined period, which allows for the donation to have an impact over a longer period than if it were spent all at once. College and university endowments[edit] Academic institutions, such as colleges and universities, will frequently control an endowment fund that finances a portion of the operating or capital requirements of the institution. Endowed chair. Endowed Chairs < Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Policy examples

Stipulations - donors conditions on how to use the funds. Financial endowment - Wiki Article. The Darker Side of University Endowments. This is part of an ongoing series of printable pamphlets designed to explain how money flows through public research universities in general and the University of Michigan in particular.

The Darker Side of University Endowments

The pamphlets are intended to clarify arguments and push back against pervasive and seemingly “common sense” narratives about the crisis of public higher education that impede, rather than advance, meaningful political action. We hope tactics and strategies will emerge from these counter-narratives—after all, we can’t fight what we don’t understand.