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EcoLabs. Oxford University should stop investing in arms companies. Research: Oxford students condemn arms investments. By Elizabeth Gibney University of Oxford investments in arms companies haves been criticised by a group of students, graduates and lecturers in this week’s Lancet. Freedom of Information requests made by the Oxford Anti-War Action group show that between 2008 and 2010 the university invested £4.5 million of its assets, through third-party funds, in BAE Systems, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and other UK and US arms manufacturers. In the comment, published in the journal’s 4 June issue, the group says the university is not unique in investing large amounts of its endowment capital in shares in major global arms companies.

The group has not said which other UK universities it believes invest their endowments in arms firms. “It will surprise nobody to learn that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq… have reaped enormous profits for arms companies,” reads the statement. At the time Research Fortnight Today went to press, Oxford University had not responded to requests for a response on the issue.

Harvard Signs Agreement To Officially Recognize Naval ROTC. Navy Secretary Ray E. Mabus (seated, left) and Harvard University President Drew G. Faust (seated, right) sign an agreement Friday afternoon to re-establish the Naval ROTC at Harvard after nearly 40 years of absence due to Harvard's non-discrimination policy. Ending a 40-year standoff between Harvard and the military that began with the Vietnam War and culminated in the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” University President Drew G. Faust signed an agreement Friday with Navy Secretary Ray E. Mabus formally recognizing the Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps on Harvard’s campus. “Our renewed relationship affirms the vital role that the members of the armed forces play in serving the nation and securing our freedoms,” Faust said at the signing ceremony Friday. Speaking before a bank of television cameras and around two dozen Navy sailors and Marines in dress uniform, Faust said that she had “looked forward to this day with anticipation and pride.”

“It is wonderful news. The Fall of Lehman Brothers P1‬‏ The Fall of Lehman Brothers P2‬‏ Inside Job - Over de lessen van de kredietcrisis. De controversiële Oscarwinnende documentaire Inside Job (2010, Charles Ferguson) gaat over de oorzaken van de kredietcrisis. Ferguson sprak met alle direct betrokkenen. Het blijkt dat iedereen vuile handen heeft, bankiers, toezichthouders, maar ook wetenschappers die zich lieten betalen voor adviezen over de heilzame werking van ‘deregulering'.

Maar als iedereen vuile handen heeft, wie is er dan verantwoordelijk? Na vertoning van de film een debat over de lessen van de kredietcrisis en over de vraag of die lessen ook daadwerkelijk geleerd zijn. Kan de kredietcrisis morgen weer gebeuren? Met Kees de Kort (macro-analist bij AFS Vermogensbeheer en columnist voor BNR Nieuwsradio) en Eelke de Jong (hoogleraar Internationale Economie aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen), onder leiding van Piet-Hein Peeters.

>meer. Kees de Kort. Pietheinpeeters (pietheinpeeters) sur Twitter. Fall of Lehman Brothers P3‬‏ The Last days of the Banks P6‬‏ DEBTOCRACY (FULL - ENG Subs)‬‏ Facebook in new privacy row over facial recognition feature | Technology. Facebook has come under fire for quietly expanding the availability of technology to automatically identify people in photos, renewing concerns about its privacy practices. The feature, which the giant social network automatically enabled for its more than 500 million users, has been expanded from the US to "most countries", Facebook said on its official blog on Tuesday. Marc Rotenberg, president of the non-profit privacy advocacy group Electronic Privacy Information Center, said the system raised questions about which personally identifiable information, such as email addresses, would become associated with the photos in Facebook's database. He also criticised Facebook's decision to automatically enable the facial-recognition technology for its users.

"I'm not sure that's the setting that people would want to choose. A better option would be to let people opt-in," he said. "We do have the relevant facial recognition technology at our disposal. 22 juni: Debatteer met Evgeny Morozov in Amsterdam | Free Press Unlimited | People deserve to know. Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam Piet Heinkade 179. Gebruikers van schermlezers: klik hier voor eenvoudige HTML +Jij Zoeken Afbeeldingen Maps Play YouTube Nieuws Gmail Drive Agenda Meer Vertalen Boeken Shopping Blogger Reader Foto's Video's Nog meer Account Options Inloggen Routebeschrijving Mijn plaatsen De meer informatie ‎ Piet Heinkade 179 1019 HC Amsterdam ‎ 8 recensies Routebeschrijving In de buurt zoeken Opslaan... meer Satelliet Verkeer Weer Terrein Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam Piet Heinkade 179 Afsluiten Bewerken in Google Map Maker Een probleem melden Kaartgegevens ©2013 Google - 500 m 2000 ft De Piet Heinkade 179, 1019 HC Amsterdam ‎ · "Goede sfeer, heerlijk eten (de tiramisu is favoriet), altijd dagmaaltijden, " Nu beschikbaar.

Google Maps voor iPhone ® Downloaden Een probleem melden - Labs-functies voor Maps - Help Google Maps - ©2013 Google - gebruiksvoorwaarden - Privacy Klik op de link Afdrukken naast de kaart om alle details op het scherm weer te geven. Steve Nelson: Education Is Not a Consumer Product. Harmony Schools: sounds lovely enough, evoking thoughts of children singing or institutions seeking to bring peace to the world. As reported in the New York Times on Monday, June 6, this iteration of "harmony" may be an entirely different story. Harmony Schools are the marketing moniker for a charter chain in Texas backed by the Cosmos Foundation.

The group now runs 33 charter schools, gobbling up $100 million in tax dollars per year. The Times report revealed an alarming connection to a Turkish preacher named Fethullah Gulen, who is the acknowledged spiritual leader of a worldwide, supposedly moderate, Islamic network. Among the concerns reported by The Times is the disproportionate employment of Turkish expats on the faculty, and the questionable awarding of millions in construction contracts to Turkish-owned or controlled companies. This, my friends, is what we asked for. There is, of course, more than a tad of xenophobia involved in this multi-page Times article. But, I digress. Hyper-Public: A Symposium on Designing Privacy and Public Space in the Connected World | A SYMPOSIUM ON DESIGNING PRIVACY AND PUBLIC SPACE IN THE CONNECTED WORLD JUNE 9–10, 2011. US Uncut, Yes Men to Bust Corporate Tax Dodgers in Cayman Islands. Share The activism groups behind a widely circulated (and false) AP report stating GE would return its entire 2010 tax refund of $3.2 billion to the US Treasury appear to be getting the band back together.

US Uncut and The Yes Men are planning another event to draw attention to the massive problem of corporate tax dodging, but this time they’re taking their activism directly to the source of America’s lost revenue: the Cayman Islands. The groups have posted a Kickstarter account to help raise $10,000 by June 30 in order to fund the fact-finding mission.

US Uncut expresses the purpose for the quest: In order to understand why thousands of teachers are losing their jobs across the country, we set out to discover where the leak was in Uncle Sam's revenue bucket. Nearly exhausted, we were about to throw in the beach towel when a sign came—in the form of a palm tree. US Uncut plans to use the 10 large on a film crew and flights, and the group has certainly targeted the right place. Kevin Slavin – Reality Is Plenty, Thanks. Raimo van der Klein – Space And What We Do With It. International-Student Recruitment Debate: 6 Views on Agents - Commentary. As American colleges look to increase international enrollments, in part to bolster their bottom lines, many are turning to independent contractors, known as agents, to represent them overseas.

This practice has proved controversial, however. Critics argue that recruiters are often more interested in making money than serving students or institutions. They also say that the way many of them are paid, on a per-student commission basis, encourages unethical behavior. Proponents say agents are cost-effective and can best assist foreign students because they speak the same language and understand the local culture. While there have been examples of abuses, due diligence by institutions and a broader reliance on standards and certification procedures can curb bad behavior, the proponents say. This debate took on a new urgency last month when the National Association for College Admission Counseling, or NACAC, proposed forbidding members from using commission-based agents abroad. By Jim L. The Nation's Report Card - National Assessment of Educational Progress - NAEP.

‘Niet ronselen onder journalisten’ Nieuws donderdag 28 juli 2011 Inlichtingendiensten als de AIVD en MIVD zouden niet langer informanten mogen ronselen onder journalisten, politici en ontwikkelingswerkers. Het pleidooi voor een verbod op werven van informanten onder deze groepen komt van de SP. Aanleiding is de onthulling in juni van dit jaar dat een linkse activist 25 jaar lang voor de AIVD werkte, in een periode dat hij ook als journalist actief was.

Werkgevers verbraken na de onthulling hun banden met de man, die werkte voor diverse Surinaamse media. Onderwerp: journalistiek, onafhankelijkheid 2 reacties. Close Up portal - Close Up: Strips gaan de strijd aan (5 juli) Adam Greenfield – Public space. Robert Moses. Moses's projects were considered by many to be necessary for the region's development after being hit hard by the Great Depression. During the height of his powers, New York City participated in the construction of two World's Fairs: one in 1939 and the other in 1964. Moses was also in large part responsible for the United Nations' decision to headquarters in Manhattan, as opposed to Philadelphia, by helping the state secure the money and land needed for the project.[4] Early life and rise to power[edit] Moses was born to assimilated German Jewish parents in New Haven, Connecticut. He spent the first nine years of his life living at 83 Dwight Street in New Haven, two blocks from Yale University.

After graduating from Yale and Wadham College, Oxford, and earning a Ph.D. in political science from Columbia University, Moses became attracted to New York City reform politics. Influence[edit] During the 1920s, Moses sparred with Franklin D. Triborough Bridge[edit] Brooklyn Battery Bridge[edit] Wilders verzuimde om eigen BV te melden - Geert Wilders. StudyPortals: The European Study Choice Platform. Het Nederlands Hoger Onderwijsrecht - Nieuws - Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. De 'Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek' bepaalt in belangrijke mate de verhouding van overheid en instellingen. Zo geeft hij voorschriften over de organisatie van het bestuur en de medezeggenschap van personeelsleden en studenten. Maar is deze verdeling van bevoegdheden nog adequaat? Op 9 juni 2011 promoveert dhr. R.G. Louw op dit onderwerp. Het proefschrift gaat over het Nederlands hoger onderwijsrecht.

Dit is het recht dat betrekking heeft op het hoger onderwijs, waartoe zowel het wetenschappelijk onderwijs als het hoger beroepsonderwijs behoort. Gedetailleerde voorschriften Het hoger onderwijsrecht is voor het overgrote deel neergelegd in regelgeving, zowel van de overheid als van de instellingen. Adequeate verdeling? Volledige samenvattingStellingen Summary Paul van der Heijden. Levensloop[bewerken] Van der Heijden studeerde rechten aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Hij promoveerde in 1984 aan de Universiteit Leiden op het proefschrift getiteld Een eerlijk proces in het sociaal recht? (Kluwer, 1984). Van der Heijden was en is actief als wetenschapper, bestuurder en rechter. Na zijn promotie werd hij rechter bij de Amsterdamse rechtbank. Publicaties[bewerken] Van der Heijdens wetenschappelijke publicaties richtten zich op arbeidsverhoudingen, grondslagen van het arbeidsrecht, grondrechten, corporate governance en openbaar bestuur.

Bestuurs- en adviesfuncties[bewerken] Van der Heijden vervult en vervulde buiten de universiteit enige bestuurs- en adviesfuncties bij nationale en internationale organisaties en bedrijven. Overschrijding balkenendenorm[bewerken] Staatssecretaris Zijlstra kondigde eind januari 2011 nieuw beleid aan tegen overschrijding van het wettelijk maximaal vastgelegde salaris voor topbestuurders in het onderwijs.[2] Externe link[bewerken] Campus in Beeld - Seizoen 2 - Afl27: Oddstream Festival‬‏ Campus in Beeld - Seizoen 2 - Afl27: Nacht der Professoren‬‏ Hackers maken VU (on)veilig. What Does it Cost to Change the World? Europe’s wakeup call. The economic, and democratic, crisis in Europe raises questions. Why were policies that were bound to fail adopted and applied with exceptional ferocity in Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Greece? Are those responsible for pursuing these policies mad, doubling the dose every time their medicine predictably fails to work? How is it that in a democratic system, the people forced to accept cuts and austerity simply replace one failed government with another just as dedicated to the same shock treatment?

Is there any alternative? The answer to the first two questions is clear, once we forget the propaganda about the “public interest”, Europe’s “shared values” and being “all in this together”. The policies are rational and on the whole are achieving their objective. The Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC)’s directors went to Brussels on 15 June to ask the European Commission to pressure Dublin to dismantle some of Ireland’s labour legislation, fast. Catering only to rentiers. iStudent TiU for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store. UvT brengt applicatie iPhone uit. Studenten van de UvT kunnen hun cijfers voortaan ook checken op de I-Phone.

De universiteit heeft gisteren een applicatie voor de iPhone uitgebracht onder de naam iStudent TiU, verkrijgbaar via de iTunes-store. De applicatie is ontwikkeld door de ICT-office van de economische faculteit, in samenwerking met LIS. Die werkt ook aan een variant voor Android-telefoons en een variant voor Blackberry’s. Binnen de applicatie zijn verschillende diensten beschikbaar, waaronder roosterwijzigingen, informatie over het openbaar vervoer, nieuws van de verschillende faculteiten, cijfers en een campus map, waarmee vrij nauwkeurig de locatie van de student kan worden aangegeven.

Medewerkers kunnen de applicatie ook kunnen gebruiken voor het faculteitsnieuws en de ov-informatie. Poll: should HEIs be responsible for training students in workplace skills? | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional. Should universities be responsible for producing 'oven baked' graduates, ready and equipped for the workplace? Photograph: MBI / Alamy/Alamy An article on the Guardian Education website this week asked whether an education should be for life, or for work? It's a question that was also raised by the higher education white paper and one, if the comments on the story are anything to go by, that has divided the sector.

Recent figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency, which revealed that among the graduates of 2010, 64% were in work six months after leaving university, have added fuel to the employability fire. It's a figure that reflects the government's call on HEIs to join up with industry to equip students with workplace skills - but should that responsibility fall to HEIs?

On the one hand, university tutors are saying that workplace skills are already settled in the curriculum. Some academics have also voiced concerns about allowing industry to dictate university teaching. List of student newspapers. "Poor" in America - The Colbert Report - 2011-26-07. Murdoch: This scandal has exposed the scale of elite corruption | Seumas Milne. OpineRegress: Matthew Yglesias' reactionary education policy pandering. 06-03 The Militarization of Canada's Universities. Save Our Schools March builds momentum and spreads nationwide. - Topeka K-12. For-profit colleges: Too much profit, too little education? Waiting for a School Miracle. Don’t Believe Critics, Education Reform Works: Jonathan Alter. With due respect, your argument is moronic… | Reflections on Teaching. Not Insulted « InterACT. Prof. dr. Bert van der Zwaan nieuwe rector Universiteit Utrecht. Het Laatste Oordeel – Prof. Dr. G.J. van der Zwaan. Bert van der Zwaan volgt Hans Stoof op als rector.

Beste Halbe, Bitcoin: nieuwe munteenheid en revolutionair betalingssysteem. Bitcoin P2P Virtual Currency. Bitcoin. Bitcoin: Is the cryptocurrency Bitcoin a good idea. Newspaper map | all online newspapers in the world, translate with one click. Senaat zet druk op Zijlstra over langstuderen |

British universities overseas: it's about more than just a piece of paper | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional. David Cameron holds higher education summit. Compliance nekt oud-voorzitter Leiden. The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters - Glenn Greenwald. Bankpresident naar Leiden. Meest surrealistische Prinsjesdag ooit. Red de deeltijdstudent. Universiteit van Leiden geeft obligaties uit. Pulitzer Prize Winner Chris Hedge Speaks at Occupy Harvard Nov 28th 2011.

Chris Hedges addresses Occupy Harvard November 28 2011 (part 1) Home | Onderwijserfgoed. Fringe EXTRA masterclass: DADARA | Amsterdam Fringe Festival 2011. This is not a commercial - 11 kunstenaars vertellen hun verhaal | Amsterdam Fringe Festival 2011. The Tara, Rokin 85-89, Amsterdam.