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Orange - Dailymotion deal

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Did the French government just sell Dailymotion back to itself? So let’s just get this straight.

Did the French government just sell Dailymotion back to itself?

Dailymotion, a French-born competitor to YouTube, has been bought by Orange which will acquire about 49% of the company for €58.8 million or about 160 million dollars. Orange can gradually increase its stake to 100% by 2013, however, it appears the deal is not formally signed yet. Reportedly Orange has an has option to buy the rest later, just as soon as the last half of the company has collapsed in value because no-one else will be competing for other 51%.

We spoke to an investor inside who told us that Dailymotion has done well against the YoTube giant and it’s P&L had started to turn a corner towards “exciting growth.” This is “not a basket case business” he said and while it wasn’t setting the world alight it wasn’t a case of investors searching around for someone stupid enough to buy it. Dailymotion's $160 Million "Shotgun Wedding" Here's The Real Story Of The Dailymotion Orange Deal. Orange va entrer au capital de Dailymotion. Après le site de musique en ligne Deezer, c’est bientôt au tour de Dailymotion d’accueillir Orange dans son capital.

Orange va entrer au capital de Dailymotion

L’opérateur de télécommunications négocie une prise de participation dans le site de partage vidéo. L’opération se fait sous l’œil attentif du Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement (FSI) actionnaire commun des deux entreprises. Le FSI détient 13,67% de France Télécom et a investi 7,5 millions d’euros dans Dailymotion lors d’une levée de fonds de 17 millions d’euros survenue en octobre 2009 au côté de Advent Venture Partners, AFG Private Equity, Atlas Venture et Partech International. Entretien avec PDG de Dailymotion.