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Impression 3D. Jackson. General Jackson Tutorial: the best place to start; covers basic processing approaches and covers common usage patterns. Jackson FAQ covers many common questions regarding typical usage. Jackson JavaDocs has extensive and detailed coverage of all the features: what is available, where, how. But you do need to know where to look. Jackson User Group is a site/group/social network dedicated to all things Jackson, for sharing knowledge about how to use Jackson efficiently. Using Jackson with Smile (binary JSON) format: JacksonForSmile Features, general To learn more about how to configure Jackson, check out: Usage Patterns This mini-series from Cowtalk is useful for seeing bigger picture. How to work with: By functionality: By (alternate) data format: Features by Release NOTE (28-Feb-2014): Starting with release 2.3, NEW release notes found from GitHub Jackson.

HOW-TOs, samples Here is some sample code, contributed by Jackson users on mailing lists. How-to Ignore Unknown properties in JSON content? Prevent cross-site scripting when using JSON objects using ESAPI and Jackson framework 1.7.x « Stefan Hendriks' Blog. Recently I have had the oppertunity to fix a cross-site-scripting problem. The problem is: a lot of JSON objects are being sent over the wire and the data is not being html escaped. This means that anyone who would put html data IN would get it out and make any user vulnerable for XSS attacks.

In this case, JSON objects are being created by using the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter. This is deliverd by the Spring framework. Normally it is instantiated when you use spring-mvc (using the mvc-annotation tag). This allowed us to just return an object and the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter would take care of translating it into a JSON object. In order to influence the creation of the JSON object and make it encode HTML for String values we need to do a few things: Create a Custom Object Mapper and wire into SpringCreate a JsonSerializer that encodes HTML (using ESAPI)Register the JsonSerializer in the CustomObjectMapper Create a Custom Object Mapper and wire into Spring Code: Like this: Maven. War plugin. The WAR Plugin is responsible for collecting all artifact dependencies, classes and resources of the web application and packaging them into a web application archive.

Usage General instructions on how to use the WAR Plugin can be found on the usage page. Some more specific use cases are described in the examples given below. To share common resources across multiple web applications, see the documentation about using overlays. In case you still have questions regarding the plugin's usage, please have a look at the FAQ and feel free to contact the user mailing list. If you feel like the plugin is missing a feature or has a defect, you can fill a feature request or bug report in our issue tracker. Hibernate.

XFire. Vaadin. Lazy Query Container. Google Visualization. Team Blog. A bit over a year ago we released Vaadin 7 renewing the framework inside out. Then came push support with 7.1. Now what? Let’s take a look into the future. First off, we do not see C# coming up (who is this Nutella guy anyway?). With Java 8 and lambdas already well supported, we have a solid foundation that welds Java and HTML5 platforms together in the most elegant way in the industry. So let’s start building new exciting features on that hybrid platform. Vaadin 7 series will iteratively add features to the platform while maintaining backwards compatibility with 7.0. Vaadin 7.2 - Responsive tune-up Next up in the pipeline will be a minor release that continues building the infrastructure.

Responsive layouts for components (currently available as add-on) Improved push channel with support for long polling, Tomcat 8, Wildfly 8, Glassfish 4, Jetty 9.1 Font icons that look great on high DPI displays and are lightweight Native support for Internet Explorer 11 and Windows Phone 8.1. Scary? Spring. Team Blog. Spring Web Flow. The sweet spot for Spring Web Flow are stateful web applications with controlled navigation such as checking in for a flight, applying for a loan, shopping cart checkout, or even adding a confirmation step to a form.

What these scenarios have in common is one or more of the following traits: There is a clear start and an end point.The user must go through a set of screens in a specific order.The changes are not finalized until the last step.Once complete it shouldn't be possible to repeat a transaction accidentally Spring Web Flow provides a declarative flow definition language for authoring flows on a higher level of abstraction. It allows it to be integrated into a wide range of applications without any changes (to the flow programming model) including Spring MVC, JSF, and even Portlet web applications.

The following are common issues observed in stateful web applications with navigation requirements: Spring Web Flow provides a solution to the above issues. Spring Security. CXF. Using Jackson with Apache CXF | wolfeidau. Whilst working on my Javascript, ExtJS 4 and Apache CXF skills I came across a solution to a problem I encountered getting ExtJS to talk to Apache CXF using JSON. The basis for this issue revolves around “wrapping” in JSON and two different schools on what is correct way to encode it. As far as I can see there is the more verbose version which Jettison, the default JSON serialiser in Apache CXF produces, then there is the “unwrapped” version which the alternate serialiser Jackson produces.

In my case I chose Jackson the more terse version, this is good for a couple of reasons: It is compatible with ExtJS without any modifications It is smaller and therefore produces less data on the wire. Also I like the annotations that Jackson comes with, and find it a bit easier to work with than Jettison. So to enable Jackson I modify my projects Maven pom file I add the following dependency. In addition to this some changes are required in the spring configuration which houses our RESTful services. Pragmatic Web Services With Apache CXF. Apache CXF [1] is an open-source Java-based framework whose goal is to help users develop standard-based, interoperable and robust web services. The ultimate goal of writing web services is to ensure that a given web service implementation can be consumed by a variety of design- and run-time clients in an interoperable and effective manner.

A lot has been written recently about how web services have to be designed. It appears that arguments are mostly over now with REST and SOAP communities proceeding with implementing web services they way they see fit most. Apache CXF, by implementing various SOAP-based Web Services standards and a JAX-RS 1.0 specification for writing RESTful services in Java, provides a unique environment for users to develop advanced web services endpoints and clients using whichever style they like or need. This article will not focus on contrasting REST and SOAP styles. Backward and Forward Compatible Web Services Developing RESTful services Service implementation 2. CXF : les intercepteurs. Le framework CXF est aujourd’hui probablement le meilleur framework pour implémenter des web services selon la spécification JAX-WS en Java.

Ayant réalisé un projet d’envergure autour de CXF, cet article n’a pas pour but d’être une initiation à ce framework car les tutoriaux de base de la documentation sont très bien faits ( Nous allons plutôt, dans une série d’articles, tenter de vous présenter quelques « tips avancés » sur CXF. Une grande qualité de CXF est d’être un framework très modulaire de par sa conception autour d’un bus et d’une chaîne d’intercepteurs.

Lorsqu’on met en place un ensemble de WebServices, on peut être amené à effectuer un traitement commun à tous ces web services. Par exemple, rattraper les exceptions et maîtriser la soap:foault qui sera renvoyée au client. Ce type de traitement peut être réalisé de diverses façons, mais une bonne pratique est d’utiliser des intercepteurs. Mise en place d’un WebService simple L’intercepteur : Camel. Configuration des timeouts HTTP. EhCache.