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Network sciences

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Graphical visualization of text similarities in essays in a book. Cartographier les connaissances scientifiques.

Statistiques économiques

Cartographie politique. Graphe social. Controverses scientifiques. Théorie Des Graphes. Gephi: eye-popping, free graph analysis. May 16th, 2010 | By Vic | Category: Mindmapping software, Network visualization The latest addition to Mind-Mapping.Org is a mapping application with a formidable collection of exciting and engaging ways of presenting and visually analysing networks – or as maths buffs call them, graphs.

Gephi: eye-popping, free graph analysis

Gephi Gephi is an interactive tool for visualizing and exploring networks and complex graphs. ”This is a software for Exploratory Data Analysis, a paradigm that appeared in the Visual Analytics field of research”, they say. It is free open source software.