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Mm - art - Top 10 Mind Maps. My personal favourite Mind Maps There are dozens of wonderful Mind Map examples around the World all helping to combat information overload and provide us with excellent learning opportunities.

mm - art - Top 10 Mind Maps

The visual impact of Mind Maps can be striking in so many different and often unique ways, with diverse styles and formats working equally well. As more Maps get created around the World I may add to the list. The examples below will help you to explore some exciting Mind Maps and see some excellent techniques being used. The order is not of great significance as all of the Mind Maps are wonderful in their own way. 1. The Creative Intelligence Mind Map by Alan & Emily Burton displays a wonderful blend of artistic skill, colour and imagination. Compare reading the above all-be-it very useful list of some of the key elements of the Mind Map with viewing the Mind Map itself and instantly you can see the benefits of mindmapping! 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mm - SpiderScribe - paul klee. Mm - xmind partagé en ligne - Portfolio réflexif d'étudiant. Mm - mindmeister - Faire évoluer son association vers des pratiques collaboratives et participatives du web 2.0 Mon twitter.

Mm - inspiration - cartheu. Conceptogramme - concept et conceptogramme. Un conceptogramme ?

conceptogramme - concept et conceptogramme

Un conceptogramme est une représentation schématique ordonnée (organisée: on dit aussi un organigramme) d'un concept. On peut utiliser ce mot en enseignement des sciences expérimentales dans la mesure où il permet à un enseignant de programmer la progression des notions liées à un concept en étant certain qu'il n'en oublie aucune. Ce n'est pas un outil à destination des enfants mais bien des enseignants.

Il est bien sûr perfectible. Plus le niveau scientifique du concepteur sera élevé, plus le conceptogramme sera "complet". Il est d'usage d'y associer des niveaux de formulation ce qui permet de visualiser la progression des notions sur les trois cycles de l'école. Un conceptogramme ne constitue qu'un type d'approche (centrée sur le concept scientifique). Un exemple: un conceptogramme sur la nutrition. Ce conceptogramme, volontairement anthropomorphique, ne présente bien sûr que quelques formulations. CC- cmaptools - Sur l'identité numérique - devauchelle. Cc - cmaptools - Une carte conceptuelle du travail collaboratif par... - Jadlat's experience.

Mm - Freemind exportable - svg - Brainstorming Blog Emploi. CC - image - ePortfolio Concept Map. An electronic portfolio, also known as an ePortfolio or digital portfolio, is a cohesive, powerful and well-designed collection of electronic documents that demonstrate skills, education, professional development, and the benefits to a selected audience. ePortfolios have an edge over the traditional, paper-based variety because there is a considerable increase in the range and quality of services that can be provided to individuals and the community.

CC - image - ePortfolio Concept Map

Students are able to apply to college or businesses showing these complete examples of their work; something much richer than test scores and grades. The development of the electronic job market has seen a rise in the usage of ePortfolios. Organizations can considerably cut costs by recruiting online and, due to the spread of the internet, are able to find better job matches online than through conventional recruitment mediums. There is also a printable version(PDF) of this poster.