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Flipping the Class

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Flipping en quizzing. Flipping This Class: A Journey from Professor to Popularizer. Prof. Ainissa Ramirez on the set of Material Marvels Prof. Ainissa Ramirez I was an unusual little girl. Since I was four, I wanted to be a scientist. I got the idea from a television show called 3-2-1 Contact. From my experience, I learned that exposure to fun science is the best pathway to encourage children to learn. For this reason, I created a fun science show for kids at Yale called Science Saturdays. Since 2004, hundreds of children from as far away as New Jersey and Boston have visited; the only cost is an inquisitive mind.

If you aren't near New Haven, fear not. Capturing a New Audience After eight years of directing Science Saturdays, I made the leap to become a science evangelist and follow in the footsteps of Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, Bill Nye and Neil Tyson to get the general public excited about science. Credit: Prof. I learned a lot in creating these videos during my transformation from professor to popularizer. In a science video, you have to hook an audience first.


Pearls in Dutch. 16 Flipped Classrooms From Around The World. Flipped classrooms require educators to reconstruct traditional classrooms by sending lectures home and providing more face-to-face time at school, but elementary- through university-level instructors are finding good reasons to try them out. Frequently traced back to Colorado teachers Aaron Sams and JonathanBergmann, who were quick to experiment with posting videos online in 2008, the flipped classroom concept is small, simple and has shown positive results. The general idea is that students work at their own pace, receiving lectures at home via online video or podcasts and then devoting class time to more in-depth discussion and traditional “homework.” Where: Clear Brook High School, Harris County, Texas At the beginning of the school year, geometry teacher Leticia Allred told her Pre-AP Geometry class at Texas’ Clear Brook High School that their only homework would be watching 15-minute YouTube videos and taking notes.

Where: Wausau West High School, Wasau, Wis. Web 2.0 Flipping the classroom. Op middelbare school UniC in Utrecht wordt enthousiast gewerkt met online gereedschappen om lesstof en opdrachten, die normaal in de klas behandeld worden, buiten de les beschikbaar te maken. Voortrekker hierin is Jelmer Evers, die al jaren ervaring heeft met Web 2.0 toepassingen. Als geschiedenisdocent weet hij deze nu in zijn onderwijs te integreren onder het mom van ‘flipping the classroom’, dit houdt in dat leerlingen thuis luisteren en kijken naar de uitleg van de lesstof. Hij gebruikt hiervoor het gratis online toegankelijke Screenr, waarmee in een handomdraai zgn. screencasts zijn op te nemen. Door deze ‘thuiscolleges’ komt er in de les tijd vrij voor dingen die normaal als huiswerk worden opgegeven: opdrachten maken, met digitaal lesmateriaal werken, onderzoek doen, in groepjes werken, etc.

Vandaar de term ‘flipping the classroom’. Flipping en quizzing. #SOCIALINDEKLAS. Flipping en quizzing. Flipped classroom: wat ervaringen ons leren. Pros and Cons of the Flipped Classroom bevat bruikbare geleerde lessen ten aanzien van de toepassing van het concept van de flipped classroom. Don Goble heeft een aantal docenten in zijn schooldistrict bevraagd naar hun ervaringen met dit concept. Dit leidt tot de volgende conclusies: Er gebeurt vaak meer dan je denkt. Diverse docenten zijn bezig hun onderwijs met behulp van technologie te vernieuwen, zonder dat dit breed bekend is.De flipped classroom heeft potentie voor het onderwijs. Maar dan moet wel geïnvesteerd worden in professionele ontwikkeling, en dan moeten voldoende docenten bereid zijn om controle over het leren aan lerenden over te dragen.Zonder voldoende professionalisering, en zonder passende technologieën en manieren om video’s te distribueren, zal dit model niet slagen.

Docenten moeten zich op hun gemak voelen met de aanpak, er vertrouwen in hebben. Leren Ontrafeld » Flipping the Classroom bij #edu12 door @AaronMullally. De laatste sessie van vandaag gaat over Flipping the Classroom. Een zeer populair onderwerp op het internet de laatste maanden, maar ook duidelijk doordat de zaal bomvol zit. In de introductie schetst de spreker (@AaronMullally) een beeld van het traditionele klaslokaal: de docent zendt en de studenten luisteren.

Vervolgens gaan de studenten naar huis en maken huiswerk. Het nadeel van deze aanpak is dat de toepassing van het geleerde niet of nauwelijks gebeurd. Flipping the Classroom is focus on the application of knowledge Bij Flipped Teaching gebruik je technologie, zoals Skype, smart boards, video, etc. om het leren van kennis thuis te laten doen. Het klaslokaal van de spreker bestaat uit Facebook. De spreker deelt vervolgens een aantal ervaringen: Na een jaar ervaring opdoen met Flipping the Classroom is de spreker gaan evalueren. Het idee achter Flipping the Classroom is: moving from a teacher centered approach to a student centered approach.


Other pearltrees on Flipping. Answers To The Biggest Questions About Flipped Classrooms. Flipped classrooms are truly changing education (see ‘ How To Flip An Entire School ‘ and a report on how the flipped classroom can improve test scores .) As a school psychologist intern highly interested in ‘flipping classrooms’, I have consulted with many teachers and school staff that have adopted (or have expressed interest in) the flipped classroom model, and those that have implemented the model, have nothing but great things to say. Below are some frequent questions I get about flipped classrooms from teachers; and my answers, based on personal interactions and professional consultations with teachers. Has it “solved” the homework problem? It is a giant leap in the right direction. What she found was that a majority of students were watching the videos, with only 1 or 2 out of 19 students that would ‘forget’ to watch the video.

How did she ensure students were watching the videos? Does the advanced technology motivate the students? Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Videos. Last week, I read an interesting blog post by Shelley Blake-Plock titled “The Problem with TED ed.” It got me thinking about the flipped classroom model and how it is being defined. As a blended learning enthusiast, I have played with the flipped classroom model, seen presentations by inspiring educators who flip their classrooms, and even have a chapter dedicated to this topic in my book.

However, I am disheartened to hear so many people describe the flipped classroom as a model where teachers must record videos or podcasts for students to view at home. There are many teachers who do not want to record videos either because they don’t have the necessary skills or equipment, their classes don’t include a lot of lecture that can be captured in recordings, or they are camera shy. Too often the conversation surrounding the flipped classroom focuses on the videos- creating them, hosting them, and assessing student understanding of the content via simple questions or summary assignments. 1. 2. 1 Flipping the Classroom - geschiedenis. 2. Flipping the classroom _ theorie.