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@renaun posts: Developing for both retina and non-retina iOS screens using AIR 2.6. AIR 2.6 provides updates to the old Packager for iPhone (PFI). The packager binary is now part of the normal AIR packaged called adt. The new adt options are just like the old pfi packager options, see below: adt -package -target ( ipa-test | ipa-debug | ipa-app-store | ipa-ad-hoc ) CONNECT_OPTIONS? SIGNING_OPTIONS <output-package> ( FILE_OPTIONS | <input-package> ) Screen Resolution and Pixels Per Inch (ppi) When developing you applications for retina and non-retina iOS screens, for example a iPhone 3GS and a iPhone 4G, you need to take in account the large differences in resolutions. Abstractly lets just talk about what this means in terms of pixels. What about in the AIR based applications? In Flash we still play with pixels, so turning on the option for retina display will make your SWF either 960×640 or 480×320 in size depending on retina support.

How to design for this? Scaling Approach #1 – PickQuick Example <? <iPhone> <InfoAdditions> <! Scaling Approach #2 – Stage’s ScaleMode. AIR4AIR | MAX 2009: Optimizing Flash Content for iPhone Applications. Optimizing content for Apple iOS devices. CacheAsBitmap dont work for me Help. Forum: Packager for iPhone. CacheAsBitmap and CacheAsBitmapMatrix. By Blue_Chi | Flash CS5 | ActionScript 3.0 | Beginner Using Flash on mobile devices requires special considerations for optimizing content in a way that does not exhausted the limited resources of mobile devices. Such optimization could involve the use of properties such as cacheAsBitmap and cacheAsBitmapMatrix ActionScript properties to help reduce the processing load necessary to display vector graphics.

This tutorial will teach you the benefits and risks associated with these two properties that alter the way vectors are treated at runtime. You should note that while the cacheAsBitmap property is generally available in the Flash Player since Flash Player 8, but currently the cacheAsBitmapMatrix property is only available for the AIR mobile runtime and projects made using the iPhone Packager. Why Do We Need to Optimize Vectors? CacheAsBitmap to the Rescue? In order to avoid redrawing the object every single time the object is moved, you can use the cacheAsBitmap property. . - End of Tutorial. Bustardcelly/as3flobile-android - GitHub. AS3 Scrolling List for Android and iOS devices. I created a very simple AS3 list that works with the both Android and iOS devices.

The project files include a Flash Professional project created with Flash Builder 4. You will need Adobe AIR for Android or the packager for iPhone to create naive create native iOS (iPhone, iPad) or Android. If you only want to build for Android, then I recommend you check out Adobe Flash Builder Burrito and the Flex Hero SDK (or SDK 4.5). There is already a list control in the Flex Hero SDK (or SDK 4.5) for Android devices. The list I created is an AS3 list that works for multiple devices, touch scrolls, and uses custom item renderers that detect user interaction. AS Scrolling List (click to view) The list is suited best for smaller sets of data because the list does not recycle list items.

TouchList The TouchList class creates the list, adds items and handles touch events dispatched by the item renderers. TouchListItemRenderer ITouchListItemRenderer ListItemEvent Installation Work Cited -Mister Like this: Building High Performance iPhone Applications With Flash. Packager for iPhone - Adobe Labs. Packager for iPhone:Developer FAQ - Adobe Labs.