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Mythology. Lycos Search. Gigablast. Closerlooksearch. CompletePlanet - Discover over 70,000+ databases and specially search engines. Welcome to INFOMINE: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections. Search Engines. Sacred Geometry. Ordo Novi Templi (ONT) Wehrmann, astrologue nazi. Schwartz-Bostunicht. Société du Vril. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La société du Vril est une société secrète mythique. The Coming Race[modifier | modifier le code] Dans une lettre de 1870 à John Forster, Bulwer-Lytton explique : « Je n'ai pas utilisé le mot Vril pour le mesmérisme, mais pour l'électricité, étendue à des usages qui ne sont encore aujourd'hui vaguement entrevus, et incluant quoi qu'il puisse y avoir de vrai dans le mesmérisme, que je tiens pour un embranchement du grand fluide qui pénêtre toute la nature. [...]

Et de même certains êtres, comme la torpille, peuvent être chargés d'électricité, sans jamais pouvoir communiquer cette puissance à d'autres, j'ai supposé l'existence d'une race chargée de cette électricité et ayant acquis l'art de la concentrer et de la diriger - en un mot d'être les conducteurs de ses éclairs. Occultisme[modifier | modifier le code] Willy Ley[modifier | modifier le code] La Société du Vril[modifier | modifier le code] Articles connexes[modifier | modifier le code]

Zen. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La calligraphie de l'Enso (jap., Cercle) symbolise dans le bouddhisme zen la vacuité, ou la pratique et l'éveil qui sans cesse se renouvellent (dokan, anneau de la Voie). Le zen est une branche de bouddhisme mahāyāna qui insiste sur la méditation (dhyāna) à partir de la posture assise dite de zazen. Origines[modifier | modifier le code] La légende de l'origine de la tradition zen et de la lignée de ses maîtres remonte à un sermon du Bouddha Shākyamuni à ses disciples alors qu'ils étaient réunis sur le pic des vautours, relaté dans le Sūtra Lankavatara. Liste des patriarches du zen[modifier | modifier le code] Liste rapportée par la tradition des vingt-huit patriarches de l’école avant son arrivée en Chine et liste des sept premiers patriarches du chan chinois : De l'Inde à la Chine[modifier | modifier le code] Une représentation de Bodhidharma Le chan en Chine[modifier | modifier le code] De la Chine à la Corée[modifier | modifier le code]

Bouddhisme tibétain. Albrecht Haushofer. Georges Gurdjieff. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Georges Gurdjieff Georges Gurdjieff[1] (1877-1949) est une célèbre figure de l'ésotérisme de la première moitié du XXe siècle. Éléments biographiques[modifier | modifier le code] Sa vie jusqu'en 1914 n'est connue que par les témoignages que lui-même ou ses disciples ont transmis. Selon le livre de Gurdjieff Rencontres avec des hommes remarquables, une sorte d’autobiographie, sa famille voulait le voir étudier en vue de la prêtrise orthodoxe, tandis que ses propres intérêts résidaient dans l’étude de la science et de la technologie. D'après Gurdjieff, il se prit lui-même en charge tout au long de cette aventure spirituelle avec des affaires légitimes (par exemple : la vente de tapis) et des entreprises frauduleuses (par exemple : la coloration de moineaux avec de l’aniline, les qualifiant de « canaris américains », et les vendant avec un grand profit).

L'existence de Gurdjieff jusqu’à sa quarantième année relève du mythe invérifiable. Rudolf Hess. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Hess. Rudolf Walter Richard Hess (en allemand Heß, API : [hɛs]), né le à Alexandrie (Égypte) et mort le à la prison de Spandau à Berlin (République fédérale d'Allemagne) est une personnalité majeure du Troisième Reich. Après avoir été le compagnon influent d'Adolf Hitler dès ses débuts politiques, il en devient le représentant officiel auprès du parti nazi (chef de la chancellerie du NSDAP) et participe activement en 1935 à la rédaction des lois de Nuremberg. Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il prend l'initiative, à la veille de l'invasion de l'URSS, de s'envoler pour l'Écosse afin de négocier un accord de paix avec le Royaume-Uni. À son arrivée, il est arrêté par les autorités britanniques. Lors du procès de Nuremberg, il est condamné à l'emprisonnement à perpétuité, peine qu'il purge dans la prison de Spandau à Berlin-Ouest.

Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Fritz Hess, le père de Rudolf Hess. Karl Haushofer. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Karl Haushofer. Karl Haushofer, né le à Munich, décédé le à Pähl (Haute-Bavière), est l'un des plus importants théoriciens de la géopolitique allemande, qui sera récupéré par le nazisme, bien qu'il n'ait jamais été membre du parti nazi. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Karl Haushofer est issu d'une famille d'artistes et d'universitaires. En 1887, il débute une carrière militaire. Une grave affection des poumons, qui le retient une année à Davos ou à Arosa, favorise par son éloignement de l'armée son passage aux sciences[1]. Zeitschrift für Geopolitik[modifier | modifier le code] Influencé par les travaux de Friedrich Ratzel, Rudolf Kjellén et Halford John Mackinder, Haushofer développe ses théories géopolitiques et fonde en 1924 la revue Zeitschrift für Geopolitik (La Revue de Géopolitique).

Parmi les étudiants de Haushofer, se trouve notamment le jeune officier Rudolf Hess, futur dignitaire du régime nazi, avec qui il se lie d'amitié. Société du Vril. Illuminati - Order of The Illumined Wise Men. People Search - How To. Intelligence Forms. Positive psychology. Character & structures. Hollow Earth and Area 51. Edu : Occult. Diana's Den. Soul Guidance. Haunted houses. Science Fairs WWW Virtual Library. Astrological Birth Chart. Caladhielcat. Witchy_Stuff. Paranormal. Houses. Davolas. Wheel of the Year. Spells & Rituals Book. Led Zeppelin Official Website - Roger Waters - The Wall Live. Musician pearls. VHX. Webcomics: Adult Theme/Humor.

Paranormal. Mindfuckery'n shit. Snellexperts. Marginal Revolution: How to disappear. Tips from a teacher (markets in everything): There are three key steps to disappearing. First, destroy old information about yourself. Call your video store or electricity company and replace your old, correct phone number with a new, invented one. Introduce spelling mistakes into your utility bills. Create a PO Box for your mail. Don’t use your credit cards and the like.

Then, create bogus information to fool private investigators who might be looking for you. The next, final step is the most important one. Is that last sentence so reassuring? Usually, I don’t hear back from my clients. I occasionally wonder that if I had a) a new identity, b) enough money to live on, and c) a willingness to live abroad and no family for them to threaten, how long would it take a team of ten professional hit men to find me. For the pointer I thank Henry Farrell. Addendum: Bruce Bartlett refers me to How to Disappear. There are many reasons you might want to disappear, some honorable some not so honorable. Maybe you have a stalker or you would like more privacy, maybe you are avoiding domestic violence or identity theft... whatever the reason is here are a few tips that will help you do just that. The very first thing you should do if you would like to make your earthly presence a little less conspicuous is to stop getting your mail at the place you live.

A post office box really wont do either because you need two forms of identification linking you to the place you live. However, you can get a post office box with an old address if you have recently moved and still have a utility bill and one other item with your old address on it. Or if you are going to move get the PO box first, then move. A PO box is a lot cheaper than renting a mail box.

Another alternative is to rent a mail box using an old address. You may find that you really don't need mail at all and just cease getting mail. Vanishing Point: How to disappear in America without a trace. Where there's water, life is possible. True, it may be very difficult and very hard to live, depending, but anyone who's driven, hiked, or camped in the American South West will have noticed that cities and ranches crop up where there's surface water or where there's been a well dug.

Within the state of California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado, there are deserts, mesas, mountains, and forests where normally people never or rarely visit; not-so-secret places where there's water, access to a road within a day's hike, and where a fairly rugged individual may hide while remaining basically healthy, marginally well fed, and reasonably sane. In this section I'll look at two such environments, neither of which I would recommend, but one of which I'd suggest is a reasonable way to live in basic health while either on the run, hiding out from the law, old girl friends, the draft for an illegal war, putative wives and such. Where exactly? How I Would Do It Some Other Areas. Frank M. Ahearn - How To Disappear. How to Ditch Big Brother and Disappear Forever. World's biggest earthquakes since 1900. Welcome to the USGS - U.S. Geological Survey.

Seismic Monitor. Tv. Paranormal. Paranormal. Paranormal. WikiLeaks. Science Interactives. Test your engineering skills - Discover Engineering. EPE "Basic Soldering Guide" Types of Iron? The Art of Soldering "Cold Soldering" - better than a traditional iron? Read our full review.

Gas Soldering Iron review (legacy product) How to De-solder Desoldering Photo Gallery & Black Museum of Bad Soldering Electronics Soldering Guide Photo Gallery Gas Soldering Iron Review: Read how typical gas soldering irons work and see our full online view with photographs. (Legacy product.) More details..... "Cold Soldering" - a review of the Coldheat Classic Iron (legacy product), tested on a commercial electronic kit. This written guide will help beginners and novices to obtain effective results when soldering electronic components. Everyday Practical Electronics magazine contains the widest variety of interesting projects and information for beginners, trainees, hobbyists and professionals in electronics. Please refer to the Copyright Notice appearing at the end.

Soldering irons Topics in this section include: Voltage Wattage Temperature Control Soldering Stations Bits (Tips) Time. GCE ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS. PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations. Nuclear reactor and power plant simulation. Introduction This is not a lesson like the others in Radioactivity and Atomic Physics Explained but it fits in well with the lesson on nuclear power. It is a very sophisticated simulation of a pressurised water reactor (PWR), which is the most common type of nuclear power reactor in the US but not in Europe, though the principles are very similar. Using the tour There is a comprehensive tour which goes through the workings of the reactor, starting from a consumer of electrical energy and working backwards to the reactor core itself.

You can restart the tour at any time using the button at the top left of the screen. Hint numbers Each part of the simulation has a hint number that you can click to see a description of its function. The skill test Once you're familiar with how to use the reactor you can see whether you can control the reactor so that the power output matches the demand from the city. Back to Summary of Radioactivity and Atomic Physics Explained. Cutting Edge Research. Discover Engineering. Engineering. Nuclear Power Plant Simulator Game. Soldering. Connecte²d Teaching | An Interactive Earthquake Engineering Resource for Middle Grade Students. Student at computer This Web site was developed to provide middle school teachers with a comprehensive, single source education tool.

Connecte²d Teaching presents a unique real-life scenario in earthquake engineering design, offering students the opportunity to increase their understanding while motivating them to learn more, and to explore the fascinating world of STEM – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The site is divided into several interrelated sections covering a wide range of materials, with each area providing distinctive learning objectives. The Lesson Plans section contains materials that will engage students in authentic, disaster-related projects.

The Shake & Quake section is an interactive simulation tool, which allows the student to assume the role of structural engineer and to design a building. Electricity Explained. Conductive Polymers. Lists of Nobel Prizes and Laureates Conductive Polymers Play the Conductive Valley Game About the game Find out what you can use conductive polymers for in the future by furnishing a house! Read More » The Nobel Prize The 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the discovery that plastic can, after certain modifications, be made electrically conductive. Share this: Share on facebook Share on google_plusone_share Share on twitter More Sharing Services9 Share on email To cite this pageMLA style: "Conductive Polymers". Recommended: The Legacy of Alfred Nobel On 27 November 1895 Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris. Play the Blood Typing Game Try to save some patients and learn about human blood types! Unlocking the Secrets of Our Cells Discover the 2012 awarded research on stem cells and cell signalling.

Contact E-mail us Press Sitemap A-Z Index Frequently Asked Questions Terms Follow Contact | Press | Sitemap | FAQ | Terms Copyright © Nobel Media AB 2014 Follow us: Follow us: Facebook Google+ Twitter. IH Outline. Intentional Homemaking site. Water and Sewer Off Grid" U.S. Fault Lines GRAPHIC: Earthquake Hazard MAP. How to become Water Self Sufficient for Survival Preparedness | The following article has been contributed by Lucas Patriotus, a special services veteran with years of survival training. It has been published with permission of the author.

It does not necessarily represent the views of Water Is Life I don’t need to tell you why your family needs safe potable water as well as long term food storage, first aid kits, and other survival gear to survive the aftermath of an emergency or disaster. People can live for days or even weeks without food but no one survives past 4 or 5 days without water. “…Drinking, sanitation and hygiene constitute the basic human survival needs for water. Including drinking, sanitation and hygiene that same family of four would require 1560 gallons of potable water to survive for 30 days.

Water Availability is not Guaranteed What if one day after an emergency or disaster you turn on the tap and either nothing comes out, or what comes out is unsafe to drink? Rain Water Harvesting Purifying Stored Rainwater. Eating Off the Grid. Directory of Representatives. Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district. The number of voting representatives in the House is fixed by law at no more than 435, proportionally representing the population of the 50 states. Currently, there are five delegates representing the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

A resident commissioner represents Puerto Rico. Learn more about representatives at The House Explained. Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina Texas. The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal. People Finders :: Justia Virtual Chase. ISI Highly Cited Researchers Thomson ISI offers this free database of bibliographic references to frequently cited authors. Search by author or institution name to find a profile, which might include contact and personal information, education, honors/awards, affiliations, memberships, research interests, research grants, and citations to published works. This is a good starting point when searching for experts, particularly in the sciences. JurisPro Expert Witness Directory JurisPro, an expert witness marketing company, offers a free directory of expert witness profiles. NLJExperts American Lawyer Media offers this searchable directory of expert witnesses. Pipl People Search Web search company, Poogee Software Ltd., offers a search engine for finding information about people.

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