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Elements of horror genre. Weird Films list. Watch Movies Online, Free Movie Downloads | Watch Free Horror Movies Online. Anime Movies | GoGoAnime. My Gambit Costume Tutorial v1.0. A while back, my girlfriend wanted to dress up as Rogue for her first Dragon*Con and I figure I might as well be Gambit to accompany her. While her costume was a wonderfully commissioned piece, I wanted to gather my own pieces and put it together.

It all starts with a reference picture, and this guy's version was my inspiration: I liked the color scheme and it seemed easier to do compared to a full blown comic/cartoon version. In case anyone else likes his rendition or mine, I wanted to give some pointers on making one for yourself. Trench Coat - Probably THE most key piece. You have a good coat, a stick, and some playing cards and people will know you're Gambit. I think this is one of the few areas where a good used real coat trumps anything a costume maker can whip up. Go for real leather: gives it a cool feel nothing else can match. Tights - A pair of black compression pants is what I originally used.

Chest Armor - Another key piece here. I think I will re-make my mask one day. Make Your Own Gambit Costume. We know there are a lot of Gambit fans out there, and a lot of them would love to see a really good Gambit costume that they can wear. Unfortunately, Marvel has not licensed any costume producers (that we know of) to make a quality Gambit costume. In light of this, we decided to search out the best components of Gambit’s costume available and piece one together ourselves. You can actually buy each of these items to make a real Gambit costume yourself. We are going to base this costume off what Gambit’s costume looks like in the X-Men animated TV series.

Starting from the top, we have the black hood and neck piece that Gambit wears. . Next we have the shirt that Gambit wears underneath his trench coat. We thought a red shirt would look better in real life. The Gambit costume is a red Under Armour shirt Possibly the coolest clothing part of the Gambit costume is the brown trench coat. . , with its high collars, fits perfectly with the Gambit costume, and its price is tough to beat. .

BLACK MASK. {full movie}