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Ariyala's Final Fantasy XIV Toolkit. Go Greased Lightning-An FFXIV MNK Class Guide – The Moogle Post. I’m Marina Amrita, of Team Lastation, ex-Cactuar Scholar. I came to Adamantoise around 9 months ago, and with the change in server came the decision to change my main Job to my favourite in the game: Monk! I’ve been pestered asked nicely to share some of the more advanced Monk play tips, whilst also easing some newer players into the basics of the Job. Let’s get to the punch! We are the greed Job, the Black Mage’s brother in arms. Nobody else‘s DPS matters; you’re carrying your team on your broad, well toned shoulders, and they need to be reminded of this at every opportunity!

In essence, Monk is a very simple Job to play at a “good” level. Your bread and butter tools to punch, kick and scare your main tank into hitting Power Slash more often. DRAGON KICK Delivers an attack with a potency of 100; 150 when executed from a target’s flank. Delivers an attack with a potency of 100; 140 when executed from a target’s flank. Delivers an attack with a potency of 150. Prepull Rockbreaker? Yes. Yes!


Tank. DPS.