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CabWise.JPG (299×483) We Mixed Our Drinks: A tale of two rape prevention campaigns. Here is the poster for Rape Crisis Scotland's new campaign, "Stop Rape!

We Mixed Our Drinks: A tale of two rape prevention campaigns

" As the organisation's website says: "Rape Crisis Scotland has adapted an apt and popular revision of the traditional approach to rape prevention in a new poster and postcard campaign. We hope this will help to reverse the popular trend of focusing rape prevention messages on women and instead transfer these towards more appropriate recipients - potential perpetrators. " You can click here to read the list of "top 10 tips to end rape", which include "Don't put drugs in women's drinks" and "Don't forget: it's not sex with someone who's asleep or unconscious - it's RAPE! " Here is a poster produced by South Wales Police, spotted in Swansea today by the eagle-eyed and subsequently enraged @welshfeminist. Rape Crisis Scotland. New rape prevention campaign launched A new campaign designed to highlight vital changes in sexual offences legislation was launched in Edinburgh today.

Rape Crisis Scotland

The “We can stop it” campaign is being led by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) and highlights a recent shift in the law. The Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 reformed previous legislation for sexual offences, broadening the definition of rape and creating a range of new offences.