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MyPad Creator Launches iPad App That’s ‘StumbleUpon For Facebook Timelines’ App Center : les médias pourront-ils se passer de Facebook ? A quelques jours de son introduction en Bourse, on aurait pu s'attendre à ce que Facebook se tienne à carreau et respecte scrupuleusement la "quiet period".

App Center : les médias pourront-ils se passer de Facebook ?

Le réseau social semble au contraire prompt à dégainer de l'annonce - comme s'il s'agissait de montrer aux investisseurs qu'il en a sous le talon. Après le lancement d'une fonction "articles tendances" ou l'acquisition de Glancee, Facebook a annoncé mercredi l'ouverture d'un App Center. Wow. Cette nouvelle plateforme de téléchargement d'applications proposera aussi des applications payantes.

Re-wow. Pour Facebook, les bénéfices sont nombreux : plus d'applications installées par les utilisateurs, plus d'applications proposées par les développeurs, donc plus d'usage de Facebook et donc plus de revenus, entre autres sur le mobile, auquel l'avenir de Facebook est intimement lié. Une plateforme centralisée pour accéder aux applications. La découverte d'applications facilitée grâce au critère social. Mais à quel prix ? Facebook announces paid app beta program. Publications Brazil, India, China To Outpace U.S. Mobile Ad Growth 05/14. The U.S.’s place at the forefront of mobile advertising is quickly coming to a close as Brazil, China, and India (the BRIC nations minus Russia) prepare to take center stage.

Publications Brazil, India, China To Outpace U.S. Mobile Ad Growth 05/14

That's the conclusion of a new Yankee Group study projecting that mobile ad spending across the three countries will grow sixfold to more than $6 billion by 2016, while the U.S. total flattens to about half that amount in four years. Europe will see even less expansion, with mobile ad revenue expected to rise little from the estimated $1 billion total this year. Yankee Group analyst Jason Armitage argues that ad dollars will increasingly flow to emerging markets where mobile is the primary digital platform, rather than the PC. He predicts, for example, that mobile will make up more than half (51%) of digital ad revenue in India in four years, compared to just 11% in the U.S. “This is enabling better targeting of ads, frequency capping and contextual promotions,” the report states. Mobile usage pushes Facebook engagement to new heights. Mobile usage pushes Facebook engagement to new heights A greater percentage of Facebook’s monthly active users became daily active users in recent years as consumers switched to smartphones, according to an analysis of the company’s filing for an initial public offering.

Mobile usage pushes Facebook engagement to new heights

DAU as a percentage of MAU is an important metric to judge “stickiness.” If the company were gaining millions of new users but not maintaining a steady DAU over MAU, it would suggest those users were not finding reasons to return as frequently. In Facebook’s case, the ratio of monthly users returning daily has increased from 44 percent to 57 percent since June 2009. This supports the idea that the social network not only grew in volume but became more engaging. DAU over MAU grew at its fastest rate between June 30 and Dec. 31, 2009, as smartphone growth took off in the U.S. and Europe. The DAU/MAU ratio is not increasing as drastically as it had been, but it continues to grow. Sponsored Post.