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Vehicles transportations

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Transports Exoskeletons. MOVE. What Happened to the Future? © R.Cruger -- Icon amphibious sport aircraft at Opportunity Green conference, rivals automotive fuel-efficiency and features foldable wings for transporting.

What Happened to the Future?

A decade ago, I wrote a story titled, “Where’s My Gyrocopter?” It looked back at what futurists predicted for the 2000s – what panned out and what didn’t – like the famous Gyrocopter that premiered at the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair. Much has changed since then and what matters most may be changing. The story began: “Did you fly to work today using your personal jet pack after swallowing your breakfast pellets? Style Roller Coaster in Japan: It's Pedal Powered. Here is the future of the green amusement park: The Skycycle at Washuzan Highland Park in Okayama, a pedal-powered roller coaster.

Style Roller Coaster in Japan: It's Pedal Powered

They clearly have some dramatic topography to take advantage of here, and it looks truly frightening. Most North American amusement parks are on pretty flat terrain but they often build artificial mountains- Demand a green ride like this on the Magic Mountain.