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Orseu Concours. Practice Tests for Diagrammatic and Abstract Reasoning Succeed a. Aptitude Test Examples | Practice Aptitude Tests | Free Psychome. How to pass aptitude tests with example tests. Aptitude tests are structured systematic ways of evaluating how people perform on tasks or react to different situations. They have standardised methods of administration and scoring with the results quantified and compared with how others have done at the same tests.

They are increasingly administered on a computer. There are the following timed, free practice aptitude tests on this web site including answers and working out: Many people have a fear of tests, but these are usually only part of the overall assessment procedure. Last fully updated 2012 Administered under timed examination conditions. Tips and comments from Kent students Bring a calculator for the numerical test in case one isn't provided or has an unfamiliar layout. Diagrammatic and spatial reasoning are different but frequently confused. Diagrammatic reasoning (also called abstract reasoning) tests provide good measures of general intelligence. Spatial reasoning tests predict the ability to work with complex plans. Customer Reviews: Practice Tests for Diagrammatic.