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Spy. Intelligence Agencies. Spying. Shop Europe | Gadgets Online. Spy employ. Global Intelligence Alliance GIA. Current NSA Spying. Locks (Mainly Picking Them) Sneak. Secrets/Spies/Ninjas/Deception/Evil. Signature / Forge. Drop Spots. Lock Picking School In A Box. Hide Sensitive Messages in Plain Sight with a Caesar Cipher.

Top 10 Secret Agent Security Tips and Tricks. When dealing with computer security, an often overlooked security risk is so-called "deleted files". When files are deleted, nothing is actually done to them aside from marking them as "free-space". The OS may get around to overwriting them sometime when it needs the space, but a deleted file could sit on a drive completely intact for weeks of usage (the bigger it is the bigger the chance it will be at least partially overwrited). Encryption applications that do not involve real-time decoding (a special driver decrypting files on-the-go vs an application decrypting and re-encrypting files), often do not have secure methods of wiping files (or the user is unaware of them), and hence the files are left in an unencrypted state on the drive when deleted.

The only way to assure deleted files remain that way (or at least make their recovery very difficult and time-consuming) is to have an application overwrite the drives free-space with random 0s/1s, ideally multiple times. Database, Map & Submit. Make Cool Stuff: Concealing Your Secret Lair. By Mindy Holahan on March 7, 2011 To the Batcave! Admit it. You’re prepared should a radioactive accident turn you into a superhero. You have your super name picked out, practiced the intimidating stance that will bring villains to their knees, and you’ve even considered how to combat your primary weakness. Where to go next? Keeping It Secret Secrecy is the most important aspect of your lair. If you want your lair to be secret, you’ve got to build it yourself.

Behind the Bookcase This tried and true concealment method was employed by Batman in the 1960s tv series, as well as in The Addams Family movie. While 1960s Batman’s bookcase slid open automatically, we’re going to focus on an easier method, swinging the bookcase open on a hinge. Jump to 1:08 for the action shot! The steel frame will accommodate a large amount of weight (500+ lbs), whereas the Han Solo set of plans utilizes store-bought bookcases and may be easier to execute. Now go make some cool stuff.