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A MUST READ If You Have Rh-Negative Blood. BLOOD GROUPS – General Overview Posted by Nella Adriana Čorak-Šebetić Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood.

A MUST READ If You Have Rh-Negative Blood

Which merely indicates that their red blood cells contain a substance called the RHesus (rhesus) blood factor. Simply put, their positive blood contains a protein that can be linked to the Rhesus monkey. Poisoning of Mankind - Blood Types, Copper Deficiency, Evolution Theory & Illuminati. By C.A.

Poisoning of Mankind - Blood Types, Copper Deficiency, Evolution Theory & Illuminati

Bouthillier 2006 from CBouthillier Website recovered through WayBackMachine Website. Rh- Negative Blood and Antediluvian Civilizations - ROBERT SEPEHR. People With RH Negative Blood May Be Descendents of Extraterrestrials or Atlanteans. Do you know your blood-type?

People With RH Negative Blood May Be Descendents of Extraterrestrials or Atlanteans

Every human on this planet has either blood type O, A, B, or AB, and within these types, you either have RH positive or RH negative blood. The Rhesus (Rh) factor refers to a specific antigen in the blood. If your blood lacks the Rh antigen, you are Rh-negative. If your blood has the antigen, you are Rh positive. About 85% of the population has the antigen. 15% does not, and are considered ‘Rh- Negatives’ Cro Magnon Man And Atlantis - Reed CarsonBNet NewsletterMarch, 2007 Since Cro Magnon Man was first discovered in 1868, he has presented fundamental puzzles for traditional scientists.

Cro Magnon Man And Atlantis -

Today there is still no solution in sight for the traditional anthropologists. A mere 20 years after his discovery, the Secret Doctrine by Blavatsky, published in 1888, asserted the answer to the mysterious origin of Cro Magnon Man. Since then, facts have been accumulating to further support Blavatsky's view. And more recently, starting in the 1980's and particularly in 1997, very scientific, and unexpected, evidence from DNA analysis has confirmed the accuracy of her claims and helped us to better understand the early prehistory of man. Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation? Most people who have the Rh blood type are Rh-positive.

Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation?

There are also instances, however, where people are Rh-Negative. Health problems may occur for the unborn child of a mother with Rh-Negative blood when the baby is Rh-Positive. This has led some to suggest that Rh-Negative blood must be of a non-human origin. Theories range from supernatural ones such as being of divine descent or membership in a divinely chosen people-group, to more scientific or pseudoscientific explanations such as interbreeding with extraterrestrials.

The majority of scientists who have studied the blood type have concluded that it is most likely just a random mutation. (1) BloodTypes/ Celestial&Galactic Lineage Part2. Bases 37 Part 5 A Max Spiers on blood groups. The Rhesus Factor DECEPTION ( Rh- ) RH Negative Blood Type (FULL VERSION) Is Rh Negative Blood Type Of Extraterrestrial Origin? Ellen Lloyd – – Over the last 100 years, scientists have discovered that the ABO blood group is just one of more than 20 human blood groups.

Is Rh Negative Blood Type Of Extraterrestrial Origin?

The most common of these blood types is O. The origin of our blood types still remains a great scientific riddle. One of the most unexplained blood types is Rh negative and there is reason to think this blood type is of extraterrestrial origin. Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. Rh Negative Blood - Ascension Glossary. Rh Negative Bloodlines in History - ROBERT SEPEHR. Bases 37 Part 5 A B C Max Spiers Ver 002. MORE THAN SHOCK!! The Mystery of Rh Negative Blood Belong to Alien lineage. Code Carriers Bloodlines Invaders V. Blood of the Gods chapter in the "Modern Esoteric" book (Part 4) 074 Rh Factors & the Rhesus Monkey – What’s in a Bloodline? EMP End of the world and only O negatives blood types are saved Frederick Wust.

O- AND RH- BLOOD + YOU. Humans with blood type Rh Negative belong to an Extraterrestrial lineage according to research. New Theory Suggests that Humans with blood type Rh Negative Belong to an Extraterrestrial lineage Humans have possible four general blood types: A, B, AB and O; this classification is derived, according to scientists from proteins which are found on the surface of cells which are designed to fight off bacteria and viruses in the human body.

Humans with blood type Rh Negative belong to an Extraterrestrial lineage according to research

The vast majority of humans beings on this planet have these proteins which means they are Rh positive. But a minor group, the Rh Negative lacks these proteins. So how is this crucial difference explained scientifically? And why does it even exist? Now, scientists believe they have found out a fascinating thing in regards of Rh Positive and negative.

Contactee Blood types. Contactee Blood types Study by ICAR Here are the findings of the blood type study done by the International Community for Alien Research (I.C.A.R) the finding come from 4 different questionnaire from 8 different facebook pages, from myspace page, from 2 different contactee reports for icar abductees, and from people writing to answer the blood type question on the ICAR site and as well as the contactees taken the study on this site also the contactees taken the grey reptilian or human aliens study .This is by far the largest and most in depth study of this kind done, to date, by any organization.

Contactee Blood types

Our conclusions come from a total of 20 different sources and more then 53.095 contactees who took part in this study .Here are the number of contactees per each blood type. In the near future we will talk more about what the finding mean : O positive: 37 percent A positive: 36 percent. The Message of His Kingdom. Copper Functions as the Primary Antioxidant: Copper maintains mineral balance, thus a balanced pH with normal blood viscosity, by functioning as the primary antioxidant in the body.

The Message of His Kingdom

Copper mobilizes the oxidant IRON out of the body. It has been documented that a "decrease in antioxidant protection caused by copper deficiency goes beyond a decrease in the activity of copper-dependent enzymes by inducing a wide range of disturbances in the other enzyme systems. (4)" These other enzyme systems are involved in the formation of bone and connective tissue, immune system, cardiovascular and heart, brain, liver, blood vessels, pigmentation, collagen and elastin, blood clotting factors, all the glandular systems, and many others. (4) Thus, it can be stated with certainty that copper is the single most important nutrient in the body.

This is why copper is the target for deprivation and depletion. Who Created the RH Negative Bloodline? Rh Negative Blood Type Secrets: Copper Based Blood. It never fails to amuse me just how many misinformed people stomp about the place saying they did "research" into rhesus negative blood and then say we have copper based blood!

Rh Negative Blood Type Secrets: Copper Based Blood

How naive must someone be to believe that? All humans and vast majority of creatures have iron based blood only, only the horseshoe crab, mollusks, crustaceans and arachnids have copper based and literally blue blood. We are called blue bloods, not because of the actual colour of our blood, which is of course red, but because of the blue veins that shows through our pale white skin (those of O neg original lines). Yes you can have Rh neg blood and be black, but the origin of O neg blood is in very white pale people. Poisoning of Mankind - Blood Types, Copper Deficiency, Evolution Theory & Illuminati. Rh Negative Blood Type Secrets: The Danger of Cats for Rh negatives. Rh negatives are more deeply affected by the disease Toxoplasma gondii, an older post on this blog show how some scientists were even trying to make out that Rh negative blood is the result of the disease. That is absolute rubbish of course. There are many diseases, like AIDs, Black Death, Ebola, Small Pox and many more than only affect Rh positives and not us, but of course they will use anything against us, to make out our rare blood is some how a mutation, rather than just a purer and more ancient version of their own blood.

Because we are more affected by Toxoplasma gondii it is important that we take measures to not get or spread the disease. Infection in humans and other warm-blooded animals can occur: by consuming raw or undercooked meat containing T. gondii tissue cysts. especially from eating raw or undercooked ingesting water, soil, vegetables, or anything contaminated with oocysts shed in the feces of an infected animal. Sexual reproduction in the feline definitive host.

RH-Negative Blood and the Reptilian Connection. By Dee Finney UFO'S ANCIENT ASTRONAUT MAGAZINE - Page 46 October, 1976 from GreatDreams Website Blood of The Gods Are you an. Bloodline of the Gods - Page 2 of 2. If we today – and particularly so the Rh negatives – are the product of extraterrestrial manipulation, then who, exactly, were the beings that decided to play god with the Human Race’s earliest forms?

Why were they so intent on creating new and radically different kinds of people? Where did they come from? Are they still amongst us? They are questions that lead us to a legendary, powerful body of entities that have become known as the Anunnaki. They are also questions that take us to the heart of ancient Sumerian cultures, which can be found in what, today, is southern Iraq, and which, historians and archaeologists believe, was first settled at some point between 5,500 and 4,000 BC.

According to Sumerian lore, more than 400,000 years before a huge deluge devastated the Earth and killed untold millions, this mighty race of legendary people came to our planet from the heavens above. Hatybov’s Genotypes : The Progression of the Arachnid Brain, Reincarnation, and the Formation of the Social Structure – Sagesigma Unbound. Author’s note : I’ve copied this over to the new site in advance of an upcoming mosquito/insect as biosensors article. This was originally published last year, so it may be a repeat for some.

Thanks! And here we are at last: a discussion of the Genotype progression. This one is going to be a bit difficult, so as always, please feel free to contact me with any feedback, questions, or concerns regarding the translation of the material. This gets to be somewhat complicated and I don’t pretend to know all of the material (after all, most of it is allegedly missing); I will try to do my best to simplify the material as best as possible. What is a Genotype? A quick “academic” definition on the word Genotype (per : The genetic makeup of an organism or a group of organisms with reference to a single trait , set of traits, or an entire complex of traits. Monkey Blood, RH Negative Blood Types, Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1b Blood Grouping Shared By Royalty And Dictators Alike.

There is a connection between Rh-negative blood and (Y-DNA) haplogroup E1b1b, a grouping shared by both Hitler and Napoleon. (scroll down to charts in the above link) The Naked Ape Haplogroupspecific studies (Y-DNA) Phylogeography of Y-Chromosome Haplogroup I Reveals Distinct Domains of Prehistoric Gene Flow in Europe It is the very common and highly dispersed over Europe and seems to be a remnant from the late glacial expansion from refuge areas. This I haplogroup has come in contact with the (Y-DNA) haplogroup E1b1b and blood samples of 6 to 8 % of Europeans seem to have a trace of it. (Y-DNA) haplogroup E1b1b, is the genetic grouping of both Adolph Hitler and Napoleon. Cyprus, Greece and Italy andTurkey also far and away lead the as carriers of this blood grouping, with Cyprus 20 percent and Greece with an amazing 27 percent.

RH Negative Blood Documentary Illuminati Exposed - AENT. RH Negative Testimony Breeders Big Pharma. The Mystery of Rh Negative Blood. 10 Reasons Eye of Providence is a secret bloodline #RHnegative. RH Negative Blood O- Blood Astigmatism Annunaki Love Bite Walkin Soul. 5 Reasons People with RH Negative Blood are Different #MKultra #nephilim. The Rh-Negative Registry - Theory: The Basque History of the World. PLEASE NOTE: These are not OUR stories! We do not endorse any particular theory as true or correct, these stories are the intellectual property of the actual authors.

We have simply and only, made them available to you in a central location on this website, so that you may review and compare them with easy. As new theories, ideas or proof becomes available, that information will be added here as well. If you have any questions about these theories, we will try to answer them based only on the related information and research we have available.

These stories are included only because they are widely available online and we did not want to leave anything out that someone may want to read; or to appear we are ignoring its' existence. People With Rhesus Negative Blood May Be Aliens - Your News Wire. The Reptilian Replication Process as Described by Former “Illumined One"

The RH Negative Blood Type: Differences. The RH Negative Blood Type: Electricity. The Origins of Rh Negative Blood. Do You Have Rh Negative Blood Your DNA Doesn’t Come From Earth. Rh Negative Blood Type Secrets: Ancient Bloodline. Bases 37 Part 5 A Max Spiers on blood groups. DESCENDENTS OF JESUS YASHUA'S SCANDINAVIAN NAZARINE BLOODLINE. Thursday, January 28, 2010 We wonder today if there are people alive today who have the same bloodline factor that Jesus (Yashua) was born with and I SAY YES. They represent about 10% of the global populations and can be found primarily in the United State but on all continents as well.

These descendents have a rare blood factor and have prehistoric ancestors that can be found when we track back to an area in the world known as the “Garden.” These original people groups on earth were what we refer to today as the original Scandinavian race. Believe it or not, the oldest mummies all over the world had blonde hair, which also tells us that our original ancestors were Scandinavians. Blood Types & Evolution. © Geraldo Fuentes for viewzone. Rh Negative Blood Type Secrets: Pure Bloodline. We are often asked why is bloodline so important, what is it about keeping a bloodline pure that makes the Great Work so easy for those families who have? It is nothing to do with us thinking someone is better if they have a pure bloodline, as many of you know, those of you who are mixed are just as welcome within or sites and groups. Most have no idea what Gnosis is, or how it is passed. Most will never know what it is to experience the truth first hand, they just have to listen to what others tells them to believe, without ever knowing.

The Rh Neg Blood Type Mystery, Aliens, & The Elite. ANCIENT BLOOD CONSPIRACY. The RH Negative Blood Type: The Cherokee. The RH Negative Blood Type: Part 3 (RH Incompatibility & Health Issues) What Makes Rhesus Negative People Unique. Are there two origins for the RH negative blood type? The RH Negative Blood Type: Geneticist Letter to Lloyd Pye. Strange Facts About Rh Negative People. HOLY BLOODLINE OF JESUS WAS SCANDINAVIAN NOT MEROVINGIAN.: DESCENDENTS OF JESUS YASHUA'S SCANDINAVIAN NAZARINE BLOODLINE. The Royal"Human/Anunnaki Hybrid Bloodline with Michael Lee Hill. Rh Negative Blood - The Holy Grail Bloodline - Grail Children.

Blood type is a bloodline - RH Negative - RH Positive Blood. EXPLANATION OF RH NEGATIVE BLOOD (RESEARCH NEEDED) Earthcode: Bloodline of the Holy Grail ~ Forbidden truth revealed through Historical Evidence & Ancient Texts. Introduction by Paula Peterson We live in an era of disclosure ... where secrets kept for decades by governments and for centuries by religions and spiritual dogma are finally being revealed.

Only an awakening human race could initiate such revelations. Only an awakening human race is ready to know these truths - although some truths we learn may be difficult ... even painful ... to acknowledge. Even though many important beliefs taught since childhood seem to be disintegrating one by one ... truth is liberating! Some folks have literally built their entire lives around false beliefs: the ones learned from families they grew up with or the ones they learned from established institutions - like our school systems, military, governments, certain spiritual teachings and religions.

We learn to live by certain principles based upon those beliefs and we often hold on to them long after they are useful. "They are, in fact, questing for the Holy Grail. The RH Negative Blood Type: Part 1 (Origin Theories) The Rh-Negative Registry - Theory: Blood of the Gods by Mabel Royce. PLEASE NOTE: These are not OUR stories! We do not endorse any particular theory as true or correct, these stories are the intellectual property of the actual authors. We have simply and only, made them available to you in a central location on this website, so that you may review and compare them with easy. As new theories, ideas or proof becomes available, that information will be added here as well.

If you have any questions about these theories, we will try to answer them based only on the related information and research we have available. Are the Cherokee People from Atlantis? In my quest for answers on the question. ATLANTEAN GARDENS: Modern Humans are a Hybrid Species. If not given drugs to prevent infant death, the pregnant body of a rhesus negative mother will attack, try to reject, and even kill her own offspring if it is by a rhesus positive man.