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Voxometre. Democrazy. La Criée Nationale. Hello Mapsters, Last weekend, the TalkMap Team attended the Hackathon organized by So first, shout out to the Voxe Crew for this great event! If you don’t know, I recommend you go right now on their website. To make it short, the goal of this association is to give the citizens clear and direct access to the propositions of the candidates for presidential elections. They made an awesome job and developed an API to let people make the access to this information even better, and only 14 days after its launch, about 200 000 comparisons have been requested on the website ! Hack The Elections! The goal of this Hackathon was to co-develop apps extracting data out of their API which could help citizens to vote for the presidential election and thus be more aware of the candidates’ propositions. And as you probably guessed, out of these 11 teams, stood the TalkMap Team! We mapped the event, so you can have a look at the other apps developed during the Hackathon : Have a look:

TalkMap. À Voter 2012. Wevoxe. Je prends, je m'en fous.