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This gamble on carbon and the climate could trigger a new financial crisis. If you want to see market irrationality in action, look no further than current stock market valuations for the world's major oil, gas and coal companies.

This gamble on carbon and the climate could trigger a new financial crisis

At a time when governments are supposedly preparing for a global climate change deal that will cut carbon emissions, energy multinationals are investing in carbon assets like there's no tomorrow. Advarer mot oljeboring i Arktis. Det er første gang et av de store internasjonale oljeselskapene tar til orde mot leting i sårbare arktiske strøk.

Advarer mot oljeboring i Arktis

Total-sjef Christophe de Margerie frykter konsekvensene for selskapets rykte dersom det skulle bli ansvarlig for oljeutslipp i Arktis. - Oljeutslipp ved Grønland ville vært en katastrofe. En lekkasje ville ha gjort for mye skade på selskapets omdømme, sier han i et intervju med avisen Financial Times. Lederen for Greenpeace’s Arktis-kampanje ønsker uttalelsen velkommen, og sier at andre oljeselskaper bør merke seg hans advarsel. - Risikoen betyr at oljeselskapene ikke burde røre Arktis, sier Ben Ayliffe til avisen. Margerie er imidlertid ikke prinsipiell motstander av all letevirksomhet i Arktis. Offshore oljeboring i stor skala i sårbare arktiske strøk er fortsatt i sin spede begynnelse. Sist uke måtte Shell utsette et forsøk på oljeboring utenfor kysten av Alaska fordi deler av sikkerhetsutstyret ble ødelagt under testing. Publisert: Neste stopp Dogger Bank? Statoil og Statkraft åpner nå vindkraftanlegget Sheringham Shoal utenfor Norfolk i England.

Neste stopp Dogger Bank?

Men hva er neste steg? RHS Plant Selector. Milan's Vertical Forest. Wednesday, 12 October 2011 GreenMuze Staff Milan’s Vertical Forest from Stefan Boeri Architects.

Milan's Vertical Forest

The Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) will be the greenest building in Milan when completed, which is one of Europe’s most polluted cities. Designed by Stefan Boeri Architects, as part of their BioMilano vision to incorporate 60 abandoned farms into a greenbelt surrounding the city. The Bosco Verticale building has a green façade planted with dense forest systems to provide a building microclimate and to filter out polluting dust particles.

The living bio-canopy also absorbs CO2, oxygenates the air, moderates extreme temperatures and lowers noise pollution, providing aesthetic beauty and lowering living costs. » Intet nytt fra klimaskeptikerne. – Mange tenker bare: So what? Det kan bli katastrofalt for blant annet isbjørnen når isen er borte i Arktis.

– Mange tenker bare: So what?

(Foto: Alan D. Wilson/Wikimedia Creative Commons) – Arktis er nært, men likevel langt vekk. Det er symptomatisk for hvordan vi reponderer, sier Helge Drange som er forsker ved Bjerknessenteret for miljøforskning. Selv om smeltesesongen i Arktis enda ikke er over for i år, er det allerede mindre is på Nordpolen enn i rekordåret 2007. – Mange tenker bare, So what? Statsråder i klinsj om oljeboring ved Nordpolen. Along with the Arctic ice, the rich world's smugness will melt.

Greenpeace activists in the Barents Sea who attached themselves to the anchor of a Russian ship taking workers to the country's first Arctic oil production base.

Along with the Arctic ice, the rich world's smugness will melt

Photograph: Denis Sinyakov/AFP/Getty Images There are no comparisons to be made. This is not like war or plague or a stockmarket crash. Gir miljøpris til ”Bærekraftige liv på Landås” - 40 prosent av all amerikansk mat kastes. Mat for rundt 1000 milliarder kroner - nesten et norsk statsbudsjett - blir kastet i søpla hvert år i USA.

40 prosent av all amerikansk mat kastes

Av all mat som produseres, blir opptil 40 prosent aldri spist, ifølge en ny rapport fra den amerikanske miljøvernorganisasjonen Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC). <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="640" height="360" id="MMPlayerStandard"><param name="movie" value="MMPlayerStandard.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><!

--[if ! IE]>--><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="MMPlayerStandard.swf" width="640" height="360"><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><! --<! If we are to cope with climate change we need a new moral order.

The Greenland ice cap … 'Both believers in and deniers of climate change find their positions vary with the weather.' Photograph: Uriel Sinai/Getty Images There's a first class article in Nature this week on the reasons Americans reject the science of climate change.

If we are to cope with climate change we need a new moral order

It has wider implications for a lot of the ways in which we think and talk about rationality. The author, Dan Kahan, is not a scientist but a professor of both law and psychology. Drømmen om den gode diktator. Ifølge et overveldende flertall av verdens astrofysikere vil jorden bli ubeboelig for mennesker om noen milliarder år fordi solen vil slukne.

Drømmen om den gode diktator

Når endetiden nærmer seg, kan vi derfor forvente et høylytt krav om at politikerne må sørge for at det blir bygd raske stjerneskip, med stor nok kapasitet til å evakuere oss alle til et annet solsystem. German renewables output hits record high in H1. What evidence will it take to convince climate sceptics? Earth surface temperatures graph So, that's it then.

What evidence will it take to convince climate sceptics?

The climate wars are over. Climate sceptics have accepted the main tenets of climate science – that the world is warming and that humans are largely to blame – and we can all now get on to debating the real issue at hand: what, if anything, do we do about it? If only. Yesterday's announcement by Prof Richard Muller that, as a result of his Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (Best) project's research, he had undergone a "total turnaround" in his views on climate science and now accepted that the Earth's land has warmed by 1.5C over the past 250 years and that "humans are almost entirely the cause", might be seen by many as a watershed moment in this long, often bitter debate. Climate change study forces sceptical scientists to change minds. Are climate sceptics more likely to be conspiracy theorists? It's time to come clean: climate change is a hoax. And the moon landings were faked, 9/11 was an inside job, and the CIA is hiding the identity of the gunman on the grassy knoll.

It might seem odd to lump climate change – a scientific theory supported by thousands of peer-reviewed papers and hundreds of independent lines of evidence – with conspiracy theories like these. Miljøet trenger mer demokrati. Klima Å legge skylden på «folk flest» for at klimagassutslippene fortsetter å øke, er å «lefle med antidemokratiske strømninger», advarer Erik Martiniussen i Morgenbladet 13. juli. Han utfordrer norsk miljøbevegelse til å melde seg på i debatten om hvorvidt det er mulig å løse miljøproblemene innenfor et demokratisk samfunnssystem.

- Depositum i neste klimaavtale. People power: why we believe in championing community energy. Let's face it, in the UK, we're largely passive consumers of energy, subject to the vagaries of wholesale gas prices and large profit-making providers. But this state of affairs doesn't necessarily have to endure or be endured.

Is it not possible to conceive of a model where the relationship between people and energy is reconstituted, so that communities own, control and benefit from their own renewable energy projects? We at the Co-operative think it is, and the bar set by other European countries, such as Germany and Denmark, should be the goal for a revolution in energy ownership in this country. The Co-operative conservatively estimates the UK potential for community-owned renewable energy to be a significant 3.5 gigawatts, the equivalent of three or four conventional power stations. The Co-operative is putting significant resources into championing community energy.

The Co-operative has also made available support worth £1m for community energy via The Co-operative Enterprise Hub. Etter 2017 blir klimatiltakene for dyre. Det er teknologisk mulig å nå togradersmålet. Norway's dirty little secrets. Can the European left look to Norway to push the world's powerful nations to act morally abroad? A Labour/socialist left coalition government is celebrating electoral victory there, the first time an incumbent government has won re-election in 40 years.

Four years ago, it promised to act as a "peace nation" to support a "more democratic world order" and human rights. Yet socialist-led Norway – still living on its benign image abroad – has instead become the home of four dirty little secrets. The first concerns the government's pension fund, which invests its huge oil income in more than 7,500 companies in 46 countries and is worth about £250bn.

Regarded by many as a model of ethical investment, its portfolio is more like a dirty list of the world's worst corporations, including numerous oil, mining and agribusiness corporations criticised for their human rights record and environmental impacts. Even worse is policy on oil. Norway has lost its ethical niche. Mener folket står i veien. Sweden's carbon-tax solution to climate change puts it top of the green list. If there's a paradise for environmentalists, this Nordic nation of 9.2 million people must be it. Miljøpsykologi og jakten på det gode liv. Hovedoverskriften for den europeiske psykologikongressen (ECP2009) 7.–10. juli var «Psykologi i en verden i rask endring», og søkelyset ble satt på psykologi i anvendelse, profesjonsutøvelse og forskning.

Endrede vindforhold. What is a carbon price and why do we need one? A carbon price is a cost applied to carbon pollution to encourage polluters to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas they emit into the atmosphere. Economists widely agree that introducing a carbon price is the single most effective way for countries to reduce their emissions. Climate change is considered a market failure by economists, because it imposes huge costs and risks on future generations who will suffer the consequences of climate change, without these costs and risks normally being reflected in market prices.

The climate change deniers: influence out of all proportion to science. It's been a tough few weeks for the forces of climate change denial. First came the giant billboard with Unabomber Ted Kacynzki's face plastered across it: "I Still Believe in Global Warming. Do You? " Scientists attribute extreme weather to man-made climate change. «Folk vil beskytte seg selv litt» Leap of Faith Needed on Green Economy  Recyclebank. Klarsignal til Norges største vindmølleutbygging. Saudi Arabia Unveils $100 Billion Plan To Make Solar 'A Driver For Domestic Energy For Years To Come'

Why our biggest moral challenge doesn’t act like one « getting a GRIP on climate solutions. David Fenton: Exxon's CEO and Me. Colorado Springs Wildfire Proves Climate Change Can No Longer Be Ignored. After Rio, we know. Governments have given up on the planet. It's Happening, but Not in Rio. Climate change: A catastrophe if global warming falls off the international agenda. Rio summit ends with warning on corporate power. God, Money, and Planet Earth - B-Fair Project. Rio+20: after dialogues, citizens to make recommendations on Rio+20 issues. Lame it on Rio: Youth stage Earth Summit walkout. App depicts impact of climate change on planet.

Safe nuclear does exist, and China is leading the way with thorium. The death of environmentalism: Global warming politics in a post-environmental world. Klimadebatt på krykker.