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In this tree we aim to put together various informative pearls capturing interesting aspects of opening a startup, poised to be successful.

How To Treat Your Employees. Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and entrepreneur. He has started and sold several companies, run a VC fund, and is an active investor in many private companies. His latest books are I Was Blind But Now I See and 40 Alternatives to College. You can follow him on Twitter @jaltucher. Wade had sex with Karen and now I had to fire him. She was our top designer. And he was also starting to make fun of one of my partners behind his back. Wade had caught the disease. The disease spreads in stairwells. When I was a kid one of my friends told me he got a blowjob every weekend in the stairwell at Quakerbridge Mall near the movie theater.

Fucking stairwells. L. was crying when she called me and asked me to meet her at the cafe across the street from work. She was a project manager working at my first company. L. was still crying. One word can destroy people. We want to be loved and when it’s not returned by those in authority we just feel horrible. Abracadabra. 10 YouTube Videos Every Entrepreneur Should Watch. Open enterprise manifesto | Small Business Website Design: Ditch the Templates. A report this week from Forrester Research confirmed what just about everybody in business already knew: Americans are buying online and they are buying a lot. The study reported that Americans spent more than $200 billion online in 2011 and projected that total would rise to $327 billion in 2016.

The 2016 figure represents 9 percent of all retail sales (up from 7 percent in 2011). Among the report’s interesting findings: 53 percent of Americans made an online purchase in 2011.58 percent are expected to make an online purchase in 2016.People believe they get the best deals when shopping online.Tablet devices like the iPad have spurred online impulse buying. If these stats don’t make you want to reevaluate your e-commerce efforts—and perhaps plan a redesign! An attractive, well-organized website, with a back-end that functions seamlessly and a shopping cart that makes the purchasing process as easy and intuitive as possible will do wonders for your bottom line.

I say no. 4 Characteristics of a Winning Social Enterprise Strategy. Bill Kalma is VP of technical services at Model Metrics, an enterprise cloud computing services company. He focuses on the effective scoping, management and delivery of CRM projects from a technical perspective. What is the social enterprise? Traditionally, the term has referred to an organization's social mission of philanthropy, charity or furthering a noble cause. However, in the past few years, Marc Benioff, CEO of, has used the phrase to define organizations that are pioneering a new level of connectivity within the corporate world.

Made possible through cloud computing, the social enterprise mirrors personal social networks like Facebook that leverage the social grid to share information and ideas. Businesses are extending this familiar model to establish a similar synergy between their employees, customers and business partners — thus, employing a new social enterprise. The value of the social enterprise is simple. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Become Your Own Boss in 24 to 36 Months. Have you ever wished that you could become your own boss, and just be able to pay yourself for the work that you do? I started to have this vision for myself after a decade or two of working for other people. I had a day job, and it was slowly starting to grind on me. What I noticed was that the day job really seemed to sap my mental and emotional energy.

In my mind, I was trying to clearly separate my life into 2 separate compartments: 1) When I was at work. 2) The rest of my life. This did not work very well, though, and it was the “emotional overlap” that was killing me. For example, I would spend a lot of time outside of work worrying about work related stuff. And even when I took a vacation, I was sort of dreading the return to work the entire time, so I could never really enjoy myself.

So one day while I was playing video games, I made a decision. “This is stupid” I thought to myself. I wanted more out of life. I wanted my freedom. So, I decided that I would build a business.


Fantasies vs. Realities of a Startup [Comic] | Grasshopper Group. CTO. CMO. CEO. How Entrepreneurs Can Create Their Own Luck. Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and entrepreneur. He is Managing Director of Formula Capital and has written 6 books on investing. His latest book is I Was Blind But Now I See. You can follow him @jaltucher. I’m in even worse trouble now. A few weeks ago I had to speak at Barry Ritholz’s conference but that turned out to be “only” a panel. It was a great panel but I knew I would only have ten minutes of time so wouldn’t need to prepare much although even then I was worried. Now I’m speaking for one hour at Defrag in Boulder, Colorado next week on November 9 and I’m terrified. I could open up with the same line I used on Barry’s panel, “When I was walking over here I had an erection. Technically, the title of my talk is “Success is a Sexually Contagious Disease” but I only gave them that title because it sounded neat and it was the title of a blog post I then published.

The conference itself is about entrepreneurship. So here’s how you “Create your luck”: Research Data Services » Where are the data? Why is data management hard? Why You Should Embrace Opposing Views at Your Startup. What could you learn from looking at your competitors or other tech startups in a different way? Are you cynical about their chances in the market just because they seem to be hot in the press and that bugs you? Or you think their startup is a passing fad and yours is the real deal? I hear views like this all the time. Even if you’re right – there’s something you may be missing.

Albert Wenger from Union Square Ventures wrote a great post the other day that reminded me I’ve been meaning to write about this topic. “My desire for this “Opposing Views Reader” is related to my concern about information cascades. I feel the exact same way. I’m a news junkie and love to watch the Sunday morning talk shows like Meet the Press, This Week with Christiane Amanpour or Shields & Brooks on The News Hour on Fridays. And that has had me thinking about the tech sector and how dismissive both startup teams & VCs can be about both their competition and the “hot” companies in any sector. My response Wow. I said: Subroto Bagchi Blogs.