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Social Business in general

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Suche. Vernetzen Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter im Intranet mithilfe sozialer Netzwerke. Die Pro­duk­ti­vi­täts­ge­win­ne können beeindruckend sein. Von Michael Leitl HBM Juli 2011 Am 15. Of Mirror Neurons And Social Media. Mirror neurons just might be the most exciting neurological discovery of the last twenty years. First described in 1992 in macaque monkeys by neurophysiologists at the University of Parma, Italy, mirror neurons may help explain everything from language acquisition to self-awareness. What are mirror neurons? The story of their discovery and what they do from Wikipedia: "...neurophysiologists placed electrodes in the cortex of the macaque monkey to study neurons specialized for the control of hand and mouth actions (for example, taking hold of an object and manipulating it). During each experiment, scientists recorded from a single neuron in the monkey's brain while the monkey was allowed to reach for pieces of food, so the researchers could measure the neuron's response to certain movements.

From these observations have come fascinating speculations. This is a huge topic, impossible to cover exhaustively in a blog post. Social, mobile and the cloud are the future of collaboration. Companies are looking for easier and more cost-effective ways to collaborate within their organisations. The death of Google Wave left room for more innovative ways of collaborating. The future of collaboration seems to lie in the convergence of mobile, social and the cloud. “By 2014, all smartphones will transparently synchronise local data with at least one cloud service.

By 2014, most organisations will deliver mobile applications to workers through private application stores”, says vice president of Gartner Research Monica Basso. The Gartner Symposium/ITxpo Africa 2011 kicked off in Cape Town on Tuesday 23 August with a heavy focus on cloud computing. Basso’s presentation focused on collaboration via mobile devices with cloud capabilities and how they will drive innovation in the workplace.

Basso sums up mobility’s move to using the cloud for consumer services including social network communities, microblogs, app stores and cloud synchronisation and file sharing. Be a Better Global Collaborator - Amy Gallo - Best Practices. In today’s globalized world, it is essential to know how to collaborate with people from different cultures. While this used to be the case primarily for country managers and those taking on overseas assignments, it now applies to all managers. But exactly how does one learn to become a better global collaborator? What the Experts Say Learning to navigate widely varying business practices is far from straightforward.

“Global leadership is much more complicated than leading people like you,” says Mansour Javidan, the Director of the Global Mindset Institute at Thunderbird School of Global Management and author of “Making It Overseas.” Fortunately, more people are doing their due diligence these days. “Smart managers at smart companies are usually somewhat prepared for cross-cultural collaboration.

Be prepared to be uncomfortable Working across cultures is likely to push you out of your comfort zone. Be aware of your actions The beauty of the cultural lens is that it works automatically. The Rise of Collaborative Consumption. Bio Rachel Botsman Rachel Botsman is a social innovator who writes, consults, and speaks on the power of collaboration and sharing through current and emerging network technologies network technologies, and on how it will transform business, consumerism and the way we live.

She has presented at high profile events including NESTA, The Clinton Global Initiative, TEDx, GOOGLE, No.10 Downing Street and Microsoft and is a regular contributor to the Australian Financial Review on topics related to technology and innovation. She received her BFA (Honors) from the University of Oxford, and undertook her postgraduate studies at Harvard University. Rachel is currently the founder of CCLab, an innovation incubator that works with start-ups, big businesses and local governments to deliver innovative solutions based on the ideas of Collaborative Consumption.

To download this program become a Front Row member. ZOOM IN: Learn more with related books and additional materials. Social Business: the Current Situation and Future Predictions (infographic) The Three C’s of Social Business. Einstein said “everything must be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler”. That concept, often tied to Occam’s Razor, is very powerful when looking at new theories and models.

I decided to apply this process to social business and in so doing something emerged that I believe is very useful in understanding social in the enterprise. In a document that we published last year called The Social Business Framework,we explored the two key levers that can be applied to socialize business, content and community. A year later and after quite a bit of research on social business, I now believe that there was a missing element beyond content and community that is critical for building a complete enterprise social strategy. This third element is collaboration.

The overall diagram represents the social business, but each of the intersections has some interesting implications on various parts of the business. Collaboration: Content: Community: Collaboration – Community: Community – Content: