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Repas halloween

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12249-1350488863-4.jpg (Image JPEG, 530x876 pixels) - Redimensionnée (66. Halloween Stuffed Peppers. Hello again, I’ve been waiting for you! I just got back home and put my broomstick up. Sit down my little pretty Our supper is almost ready. I do hope you like shrunken heads with brain matter. Completed with bone sticks. I mean bread sticks! Bwahahaha The moon is full tonight! And that wind has quite the chill.

Ohhh yes, Halloween will be quite the thrill! Did you see all the goblins and the ghosts tonight? Weren’t they quite a site! Ohhh but beware… of any witches that fly at night! Enjoy your meal my little one. I’ll must go brew up some treats! Do you like poison apples? Or is that just my kind of eats? Bwahahaha Tagged as: Dinner, fun, Halloween, peppers, savory. Black spaghetti. When I was in Denver (see here and here), I got to explore a SuperTarget. We don't have SuperTargets around here...I think the closest one is a day's drive away in California. This makes me really sad, because Target is one of my favorite stores, and SuperTarget was awesome.

The grocery prices were pretty horrid, but I was very impressed with the variety found in the Archer Farms line. Exhibit A: Black Spaghetti. Black spaghetti! The coolest part? Totally. flippin. I was so excited, I spent part of the plane ride dreaming up an exotic topping to match the exotic pasta. Ugh. (Ha! Luckily, we only cooked up half the package, so I still had another chance to redeem myself.

Black spaghetti with asparagus and beef in a sautéed garlic red wine reduction. (Yes, asparagus in June--it was June then--we had a looong spring here in the NW, if you haven't heard.) I don't have a recipe for you, because it was created on the fly. It was so good. Oh, a final note about Target. Worms for Brains Recipe. Résultats de recherche pour recipe halloween.