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Making Waves: Visit EfficienCity: a clean, green climate-friendl. Duurzaam Gebouwd | De nieuwe stappenstrategie. Challenges of Green Residential Development: Resistance to Chang. It all begins with education. Consumer awareness on green building is murky. To put it succinctly it is as clear as mud to most. If you ask anybody what going green means to them, they will likely respond, "environmentally friendly, using clean energy, conserving resources.

" But if you ask somebody how to build a green home you will generally find yourself confronting a blank stare. The relationship between local government and residents is also strained and confused. Groups have been formed in recent years such as the green building council which has introduced building standards for going green and efficient "green building practices. " As it is, I am aware of one community in my local region that understands the pitfalls and challenges confronting green development. Nooit meer energienota in klimaatneutraal huis - Economie - de V. De Energie Bespaarshop.