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Passive Cooling Techniques. Rebel Wolf Online. Attic based solar heting. If you have ever been in an uninsulated attic on a cold, sunny, winter afternoon, you were probably amazed at how warm it was up there.

Attic based solar heting

Wouldn't it be nice if there was some way to use this available heat? There is-with a black-roof collector. This system pulls the available heat from the attic and blows it into an insulated crawl space. According to builder Roy Moore of Las Cruces, New Mexico, there are over 300 installations in southern New Mexico that operate this way. They use an unglazed, dark-colored roof as the collector and are used for both winter heating and summer cooling. Frugal solar and renewable energy projects.

A simple solar batch water heater design suitable for s ummer use in a cold climate, or year round use in a warm climate.

Frugal solar and renewable energy projects

Courtesy of the Maine Solar Energy Association. Comment: If the pipes running to and from this collector are protected from freezing, this design could be used through the entire winter. You just have to be careful to make sure the lid gets shut on cold nights. A reflective material on the inside of the lid would help winter performance greatly.

. (45 gal/day)(8.2lb/gal)(365days/yr)(120F-50F)(0.7)(1 BTU/lb-F)(1 KWH/3412 BTU)($0.1/KWH) = $190 per year. For natural gas water heaters the saving (assuming gas at $1 per therm) would be about half as much. Super Cool Phase Change Solar Tracker - No Power Needed!! Solar Evacuated Tube Vacuum Tubes DIY Test in the Sun. Solar oven evacuated tube workshop. SunTube Solar Vacuum Cooking Tube - Solar Brother. We offer you the solar cooking tube + its drawer, ideal for your DIY creations and thus create a complete solar oven, at home!

SunTube Solar Vacuum Cooking Tube - Solar Brother

From the Sunbox 250, the SunTube will allow you to reach 250° easily and cook absolutely anything you want. Using concentrated solar technology with a thermo-insulated glass tube, it will be able to cook with the same efficiency as a traditional oven but without smoke, with free and ecological energy. As with a traditional oven, it will take a given preheating time of between 10 and 15 minutes. The gradual increase in temperature also allows for gentle and unattended cooking. Ideal for DIY construction Unattended cooking 250°C Capacity: 4 people Orientation: integrated viewfinder Type of cooking: oven, simmered, steamed or grilled The vacuum tube allows to keep the cooking heat even during cloudy periods The vacuum glass tube is an almost perfect insulator that makes solar cooking possible under the most difficult conditions.

$50 Homemade Solar Heater - Passive Solar Design. $35 4' x 8' Solar Heater: Made of Aluminum Baking Pans [disposable kind] Fabriquez votre Chauffage Solaire DIY - Sunberry. Solar Energy Motor / 12 Sided Mendocino - Motor. Not electrical /// Homemade Science with Bruce Yeany. Solar stirling engine with generator. /watch?v=zoQ1KVoRTD8& Sans titre. Could a graphene aerogel get us a step closer to efficient, solar-powered wastewater treatment?

sans titre

All over the world, solar photovoltaics are being used to transform sunlight into electricity. But, visible light isn’t the only energy source our sun offers. Solar thermal systems, widely used in cities such as Sao Paulo, make use of the sun’s heat. Dark panels capture infrared wavelengths of light, warming water for use in homes and businesses. Using highly-concentrated sunlight, it’s possible to heat liquids beyond their boiling point, producing steam that could then be used in power generation or chillers. A new paper, published in Carbon [DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2017.12.124], reports on a low-cost material that could be used to efficiently harvest solar energy for steam generation. After characterisation by SEM, a 10-mm tall cylinder of MGA was added to a quartz tube filled with 20 ml of potable water. Sans titre. A newly developed aerogel made mostly of air surrounding a silica structure is so transparent you can barely see it.

sans titre

But it could hold the key to unlocking new applications for solar heating. It traps much higher temperatures of solar heat than conventional solar collectors do. In fact, it can trap enough to be heat homes or carry out industrial processes, more than 392°F (200°C). The aerogel, which was developed at MIT, lets sunlight pass through easily but blocks solar heat from escaping. The key to key to efficiently collecting of solar heat is the ability to keep something hot internally while remaining cold on the outside. The new aerogel insulating material is highly transparent, transmitting 95% of light.

Aerogels, a kind of foam-like material made of silica particles, have been developed for years as highly efficient and lightweight insulating materials, but they have generally had limited transparency to visible light, with around a 70% transmission level. This Could Be Big - Yahoo! News - Framasoft Framafox. Researchers at UCLA have created a new transparent polymer based solar cell that may eventually turn buildings, cars and smart phones into energy generating solar cells.

This Could Be Big - Yahoo! News - Framasoft Framafox

Every 15 minutes the Earth is hit with enough sunlight to provide energy for the entire planet - for a whole year! The goal is to harness that energy at the highest efficiency possible. By absorbing infrared light instead of visible light, like current solar cells, the polymer solar cells are nearly 70 percent transparent to the human eye. So they can be applied to clear surfaces that were previously unable to house solar cells. That means they could be applied to portable gadgets like smart phones, tablets and MP3 players. The lead researchers from UCLA, Professors Yang Yang and Paul Weiss, joined us from their office at UCLA to discuss the breakthrough. Research Publications.