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Allis-Chalmers Model G. Front view of an Allis Chalmers G Rear view of an Allis Chalmers G Allis-Chalmers Model GRV, an orchard/vineyard variant of the Model G built in France, 1958.

Allis-Chalmers Model G

Details[edit] Electric conversions[edit] The unique design of the Model G lends itself extremely well to electric vehicle conversion; a small DC electric motor replaces the original engine and bolts directly to the transmission housing through a commercially available adapter plate. References[edit] External links[edit] Pedal powered farms and factories: the forgotten future of the stationary bicycl. If we boost the research on pedal powered technology - trying to make up for seven decades of lost opportunities - and steer it in the right direction, pedals and cranks could make an important contribution to running a post-carbon society that maintains many of the comforts of a modern life.

Pedal powered farms and factories: the forgotten future of the stationary bicycl

The possibilities of pedal power largely exceed the use of the bicycle. One way to solve the large energy losses of pedal power generators is not to produce electricity at all but power devices mechanically, whenever possible. Multi-purpose cultivation implement. This multi-purpose implement is based on a French design, and has been reengineered for use with a single draft animal or smaller team.

Multi-purpose cultivation implement

It is known as "Anny's All-in-One". One of the key features is for the tool work off-center of draft; meaning your animal can walk between the crop rows while the tool works in the crop row. This would be useful in hilling or harvesting potatoes or even setting up planting beds. Ann of Siri and Holmberg, office: (707) 895-2582 cell: (707) 489-8580, PO Box 369 Philo, CA 95466 To create a tool that accommodates the needs of those small farmers who do not want to own a tractor or feed a team of full size draft horses. The tool is designed to work off-center of draft, allowing the animal to walk the furrow while the tool works the bed or row.

For Use: Driving single horse or small draft team, hitching and unhitching tools from teamFor Manufacture: Welding,machining,hardening skills. Bicycle technology. Main > Energy Trying out the bike blender at Maya Pedal Washing day - Sophie tests the pedal powered washing machine at Guatemala´s pedal powered technology organisation Maya Pedal bicimaquinas at Maya Pedal, lining up for work Bicycle Hacksaw - Bernard Kiwia of Tanzania, a bicycle mechanic, creates many tools from bicycle parts.

Bicycle technology

This is his hacksaw creation. Stringbike, bicicletas sin cadena. El húngaro Robert Kohlheb inventó la stringbike, una bicicleta que en vez de cadena usa un ingenioso sistema de cables en vez de la tradicional cadena.

Stringbike, bicicletas sin cadena

Kohlheb ideó esta bicicleta arreglando un cortacésped, pensando en un sistema más eficiente que la tradicional cadena. La principal ventaja de la stringbike es que el sistema de cables no necesita estar lubricado, pero el cambio es mucho más profundo de lo que parece ya que afecta al cambio de velocidades, e incluso a la manera de pedalear. Tras presentarse con éxito en algunas ferias, la Stringbike va a comenzar a fabricarse en serie, por lo que quizás las veamos pronto por las calles de Europa. Puedes ver un esquema más claro del funcionamiento en este vídeo Vía Menéame. Chasse neige à pédales - tow behind attachments.

I had a career spanning 25 years in the agricultural engineering industry, with 9 of those years as a Research & Development engineer; and some of the things that I did or worked on where outstanding marvels, or completely off the beaten track assement projects.Regarding pedal powered machinery applications my mind keeps gravitating towards a well over 50 year old concept of mid mounted impliments.

Chasse neige à pédales - tow behind attachments

Lightfoot Recumbent Cycles. TrikeTor wears a tool bar. Lightfoot Recumbent Cycles. Jeep Wrangler Pedal Go-kart BERG. Pars à l'aventure sur ce super kart à pédales Jeep®!

Jeep Wrangler Pedal Go-kart BERG

Ce kart à pédales est ultra solide et te permet d'aller absolument partout, rien ne lui résiste! L'arceau lui donne un look robuste mais garantit également une solidité supplémentaire! Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, ce Jeep® Wrangler n'a pas moins de trois vitesses. Gravir la colline devient un jeu d'enfant! Produit expedié directement du fabricant. Reasons to ride a recumbent bicycle, tricycle, or quadracycle. On a Lightfoot recumbent bicycle you’re in a more natural sitting position.

Reasons to ride a recumbent bicycle, tricycle, or quadracycle

Your weight isn’t borne on your crotch and wrists. You don’t have to crane your neck to see where you’re going. It doesn’t take too long down the road to figure out that on a Lightfoot recumbent bike or trike you are simply in a better position to enjoy the ride. No need to suffer through “breaking in” your crotch at the start of a riding season. No compression of the perineal nerve and local arteries by a hard little seat, and no danger of damage to certain sensitive and important body parts. The ability to brake faster because weight is distributed to both front and rear (very little skidding of the rear tire and no flying over the handlebars in a panic stop). Better eye contact with car drivers. Hase Tricycle Kettwiesel - Roulcouché. Le Kettwiesel est un tricycle couché particulièrement maniable, c'est surement le tricycle le plus à laise en ville.

Hase Tricycle Kettwiesel - Roulcouché

Pour un usage urbain, une seul roue motrice peut suffir, mais si vous êtes un sportif ou que vous voulez sortir des sentiers battus, le différentiel sera appréciable. Kettwiesel TOUR Hase Bikes Ici en version TOUR équipé de la sacoche Ortlieb de série et dun moyeu Rohloff. C'est le modèle que vous pouvez essayer au magasin. Kettwiesel acier modèle 2006 Ces deux roues motrices et son différentiel lui permettent de passer partout.

Kettwiesel Hase Equipé pour la randonnée avec trois sacoches Ortlib. KettWiesel Hase modèle 2006 Tous les KettWiesel ainsi que les Lepus peuvent se ranger debout, ils y sont très stables et cela permet un gain de place appréciable. Karting à pédales - Plein air - Jouets - MiniTP, le spécialiste du jouet miniature agricole.