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Endangered Tibes

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Lost Tribe of Pre-Colombian America. Emerson Jackson, Dine Tribal Elder, with the Kogi of Northern Colombia, shown above.

Lost Tribe of Pre-Colombian America

The Kogi know secrets about nature that would make our scientists rethink their ideas on the environment and the universe. They have a presence about them that commands respect. The power of their mind is beyond comprehension. Environmental Facts. A Garden of Eden?

Environmental Facts

Rainforests are very rich in natural resources, but they are also very fragile. For this reason, rainforest peoples have become instinctive conservationists. For them, conservation is literally a way of life. If they were to take too much food in one year, the forest would not be able to produce enough new food for them to be able to survive in the next year. Many rainforest tribes gather their food from small garden plots, which are shifted every few years. Uncontacted Tribes.