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Gifted children with Asperger's Syndrome. How Do Gifted Children’s Brains Function To Learn - How Do Gifted Childrens Brains Function When Learning by Dr Lowenstein.pdf. Career Planning for Gifted and Talented Youth. Kerr, B.

Career Planning for Gifted and Talented Youth

ERIC Digest #E492 1990 This article by Barbara Kerr offers guidelines in planning career paths for gifted and talented youth. Possible intervention strategies are presented for elementary, junior high, senior high, and college/young adult ages. The article is divided into three sections -- multiple possibilities, focused interests, and planning with special populations -- for career planning strategies. Although parents and teachers may be concerned about academic planning for gifted and talented young people, they often assume that career planning will take care of itself. Unfortunately, evidence is mounting that youthful brilliance in one or more areas does not always translate into adult satisfaction and accomplishment in working life. Recognition of these problems has produced counseling models that address student needs (e.g., Berger, 1989; Buescher, 1987; Silverman, 1989; VanTassel-Baska, 1990). College: Multipotential students often have multiple academic majors.

EPGY - Education Program for Gifted Youth. Why Some Gifted Individuals Don't Love a Party - SPACE @ The Academy. It has taken years for me to start to understand the kind of social stress that comes with a "gifted" brain.

Why Some Gifted Individuals Don't Love a Party - SPACE @ The Academy

Aside from having a possible biological difficulty with anxiety, gifted individuals can have a social stress that comes from a combination of being hyper-observant and having a developed forecasting talent. These are in addition to an amazing memory-- a detailed mental file on past social failures along with a catalog of general information. It makes what could or should be an enjoyable chat with a group of acquaintances a potential metaphorical landmine. If the social interaction does end up successful, then it probably required a lot of energy. For the introvert, this one interaction may be enough to send her home for the day. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Above all, respect your child's energy limits in social situations and help her to understand that feelings of isolation do not mean that she is, indeed, alone in the world. The Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland - Why should we Identify Gifted Children? “All children have a right of access to the highest-quality education appropriate to their needs.

The Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland - Why should we Identify Gifted Children?

This includes children whose disabilities or circumstances inhibit their effective participation in the education that is normally provided for children of their age group…It is important that a range of educational provision is available that is flexible enough to cater for the special needs of individual children at the various stages of their development.” (Primary School Curriculum, 1999, p.29) Identification is no easy feat, but nevertheless its necessity outweighs the complexity. Better a student be thought gifted and proven not, than never to be considered gifted at all. (Indeed, if approached correctly, the child need never know the reason for the assessment). The principal reason why gifted children ought to be identified is so they may obtain a better, more suitable education (Hanson, 1992). Firstly, gifted children need appropriate academic challenge. 9. References. Publications - Gifted and Talented International. A Comparison of Gifted Underachievers and Gifted High Achievers.