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Growth Mindset Education Action Zone. Implementation Research NIRN.


Hattie. Teach Children Well. Thanks to Shira Leibowitz (@shiraleibowitz ) and Kathy Perret (@KathyPerret), co-moderators of the Wednesday night 10 EST #educoach chat, I began reading Visible Learning for Teachers, Maximizing Impact on Learning by John Hattie.

Teach Children Well

I was particularly excited about this book because it perfectly aligns with my current teaching focus which is maximizing my ability to coach students for academic success. Tonight is the first chat and we'll focus on chapters 1-3. I plan to keep track of the book's thought-provoking points, questions and ways that I hope the book's premise will positively affect the work I do. This prep work will help me to stay focused on the chat and garner the wisdom of the many coaches, educators and administrators who will take part in tonight's chat.