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Personal MBA

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COMMENT prendre une décision DIFFICILE (et comment GÉRER son EGO :) ) My Personal MBA (PMBA) en français - Edition 2012. Clément Delangue présente Open the 25 best classes of the world. The project Update 22-11-12 One and a half days ago, we were about to give up in this operation.

Clément Delangue présente Open the 25 best classes of the world

And one of our mentors challenged us to try it anyway. So this is what we did. Fantastic people from all over the world started to support, some of them incredibly! Today, we've reached our goal and heading to new ones. So please continue to contribute and share to get to follow the best classes of the world. Description: Learning is our passion. So with this operation, we want to make you follow online 1, 5, or 25 classes from these dream schools. How is this possible? You can see how it works in this video: For this project, these clases will be shared on UniShared by the five fantastic learning freaks, rigorously selected accordind to their writing skills and the quality of the classes they already shared.

Those 25 classes will only be open to those who took part in the adventure. Why fund it? Thank a million for your support The UniShared team. PKM. PKM is a set of processes, individually constructed, to help each of us make sense of our world and work more effectively.


PKM means taking control of your professional development, and staying connected in the network era, whether you an employee, self-employed, or between jobs. PKM Workshops are available for groups of 10 or more. PKM in 40 Days – new format for online workshops as of 31 March 2014 Personal – according to one’s abilities, interests & motivation. (not directed by external forces)Knowledge – understanding information and experience in order to act upon it.

PKM, and my Seek > Sense > Share framework, are discussed in Dan Pink’s book, To Sell is Human: To make sense of the world, for ourselves and those we hope to move, we must wade through a mass of material flowing at us every day – selecting what’s relevant and discarding what’s not. PKM gives you a framework to develop a network of people and sources of information that you can draw from on a daily basis. Auto-formation. Le Manifeste du Personal MBA. Le personal MBA : un MBA sans bouger de chez soi pour quelques centaines d'euros. Vous souhaitez augmenter vos connaissances dans les domaines du commerce et du management ?

Le personal MBA : un MBA sans bouger de chez soi pour quelques centaines d'euros

Que votre objectif soit d’obtenir un meilleur poste au sein de votre entreprise ou, au contraire de lancer votre propre business, la possibilité la plus évidente s’offrant à vous est obtenir un MBA. Le MBA (Master of Business Administration), c’est un diplôme ayant initialement été créé aux Etats-Unis. Il est considéré de par le monde comme le diplôme offrant le plus haut niveau d’études supérieures dans le domaine de la gestion des affaires : stratégie, marketing, finances, ressources humaines et management.

Il s’agit d’un diplôme payant au niveau salaire si l’on en croit cet article. Cependant, cette solution n’est pas adaptée à tout le monde. En effet, le MBA est sans aucun doute la formation la plus chère qui existe puisque son coût varie entre 10000 et 30000 € en France et peut même atteindre plus de 100000 $ en ce qui concerne les plus prestigieuses universités américaines. 1. De Leo Babauta. The Personal MBA - Master the Art of Business. MBA gratuit - Personal MBA - PMBA 52 livres.