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Google Docs: Refreshed Documents list now rolling out. A refreshed documents list is currently being rolled out making it more useful to find, explore and share items. Here are some of the changes: - New filters in ‘More options’ making it easier to narrow your search by type, visibility state and other criteria. - A new preview panel on the right side of the document list showing a preview thumbnail, sharing settings and more. If the file is a video, you can start playing it directly from the preview panel or from the recently announced video player. - To make it easier to view photos, you can now click on the magnifying glass on a photo to open a full screen slide-show viewer. - A new view called ‘Home’.

The contents of the ‘Home’ view are controlled by you so that the content you access the most often is easier to get to. . - ‘Folders’ have been replaced by ‘Collections’ in the navigation bar. . - Instead of checkboxes to select multiple files, you can now use your ‘Shift’ or ‘Control’ (Cmd on Macs) keys. Top 10 Most Popular Apps in the Google Apps Marketplace in 2010 via @rww #edtech20 #googleapps #edchat #eltchat. Why you want Google Apps - Web Tools for Teachers. Apps K-12 Lesson.