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Curriculum design and delivery

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Let’s get real… Following on from my post about the final synthesis report of the Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology programme I thought it may be useful to focus of a few of the key themes to emerge from the programme in more detail.

let’s get real…

One of the aspects that I found most interesting was the number of projects who were using technologies to support authentic, situated learning experiences. In the past I worked at the University of Strathclyde on a JISC funded Digital Libraries in the Classroom programme on the , which used a wiki and a variety of technologies to support design engineering students during the design process. What we aimed to do was provide the technologies to replicate a global product design experience (with our partner Stanford University in the US) where students created, managed and shared design artifacts.

I was particularly interested then that two of the Transforming Curriculum Delivery projects were focussed on design students. Synthesis and sensemaking. For the past two years I have been working on the JISC funded Transforming Curriculum Delivery through Technology programme as a synthesis consultant.

synthesis and sensemaking

The programme ran alongside the ongoing four year programme focusing on curriculum design processes – Institutional approaches to Curriculum Design. The fifteen Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology projects focussed on the processes that take place when learners engage with the curriculum. Their activities were very diverse and they used technologies to support a range of activities including: Curriculumdeliveryfinalreport.pdf (application/pdf Object) Course Redesign Planning Resources. Course Redesign Planning Resources NCAT has developed a number of resources to support the redesign process based on the experience gained from more than 120 large-scale course redesigns.

Course Redesign Planning Resources

From those 120 course redesign experiences, NCAT has learned a lot about what works well and what does not. NCAT has continued to refine its redesign methodology so that new institutions working with NCAT will benefit from the experience of institutions that have previously implemented large-scale course redesigns. Recommended Reading.