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Changing the Educational Paradigm

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Teachers as Makers. Recently, I participated in a workshop in Orlando, Fla. organized by the National Writing Project to introduce about 50 teachers to making.

Teachers as Makers

It was part of a new initiative in partnership with MAKE Magazine to use making to teach writing, connecting two subjects that mean a lot to me. Teaching informative writing is a requirement in schools. Unfortunately, the choice of topics is often uninspired. Welcome to Renegade Campus - Home. NZ school ditches Microsoft and goes totally open source - schools, New Zealand, Microsoft,, Linux, open source, education. At 2010 in Wellington, deputy principal Mark Osborne and staff from Open Systems Specialists demonstrate Albany Senior High School's firewall system, using pupil Shane to represent a packet.

NZ school ditches Microsoft and goes totally open source - schools, New Zealand, Microsoft,, Linux, open source, education

A New Zealand high school running entirely on open source software has slashed its server requirements by a factor of almost 50, despite a government deal mandating the use of Microsoft software in all schools. Albany Senior High School in the northern suburbs of Auckland has been running an entirely open source infrastructure since it opened in 2009. The 230-pupil school was set up to follow open learning principles, offering large "learning commons" areas where multiple classes interact rather than conventional classrooms and setting aside one day each week for pupils to work on self-driven research projects. Albany SHS' unorthodox approach is also reflected in its IT infrastructure.
